DURING the past two years the total number of individual members of Student Sections of the American Institute of Physics has risen from 1000 to approximately 2000, and Sections now exist on the campuses of some 80 colleges and universities. In the same period, AIP activities in connection with the Student Section program have also been intensified, especially those aimed at improving and extending the Institute's lines of communication with the various Sections. Last year it was recommended by the AIP Committee on Student Sections that the Institute engage the services of a physicist to make personal contact with student groups as part of a renewed effort to enlarge and strengthen the program. Donald Cunningham, on leave of absence from Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, Inc., has accordingly been working with the Institute staff during the current academic year as an adviser on Student Section activities. Dr. Cunningham, who received his PhD in physics from the Case Institute of Technology in 1959, has been visiting existing and potential Sections in various parts of the country to discuss the program with both students and faculty members. He is also associated with the Institute's Education Department where he is helping in the administration of the Visiting Scientists Program in Physics.

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