THE Optical Society's Frederic Ives Medal for 1960 was presented to Richard Tousey, head of the Rocket Spectroscopy Branch of the Atmospheric and Astrophysics Division of the US Naval Laboratory in Washington, D.C., during the Society's 45th meeting at the Hotel Somerset in Boston. The prize, which is given every two years for distinguished work in optics, was awarded to Dr. Tousey for his research contributions, particularly those resulting from his studies of the ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet spectrum of the sun. The citation for the award was presented by Robert E. Hopkins, director of the Institute of Optics at the University of Rochester, who described Dr. Tousey's work in the fields of vision and atmospheric optics. A fellow of the Optical Society, and of the American Physical Society as well, Dr. Tousey has been with the NRL Optics Division since 1941 and has been in charge of a program of spectroscopic studies based on rocket research since 1946.

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