The conference, organized by High Voltage Engineering Corporation (HVEC), had two aspects. One was that described by the subtitle above, and the other, perhaps the more immediately exciting one, was the discussion of the capabilities of a new physics tool of extreme importance, the tandem generator. The conference was held at the Commander Hotel in Cambridge at a time when the air is crisp and the leaves beautifully colored and Cambridge appears as entrancing and exotic as any of the locales of any of the conferences reported in Physics Today. About two hundred and fifty people attended the meeting. The interests of the participants were about evenly divided between basic and applied physics.
The use of negative ions and the tandem principle were first suggested by W. H. Bennett in 1937. Further work was done by L. Alvarez in 1951 and by R. G. Herb's group over the last few years.
For a more comprehensive discussion of tandems, see, e.g., J. L. Danforth, Canadian Electronics Engineering, July 1958.
, Kuehner
, Litherland
, Almqvist
, Bromley
, Ferguson
, Rose
, Bastide
, Brooks
and Connor
, Phys. Rev. Letters
, 251
, (1958
, Almqvist
, Gove
, Litherland
, Paul
and Ferguson
, Phys. Rev.
, 957
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