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Helium rain on Jupiter

30 March 2010
Physics Today: In a paper published in Physical Review Letters , University of California Berkeley scientists Hugh F. Wilson and Burkhard Militzer have come up with an explanation for why the top layers of Jupiter's atmosphere are severely depleted in helium and neon compared to other protosolar values. The conclusions are from the Galileo space probe that plunged into Jupiter's atmosphere in 1995 and computer simulations of the data sent back before the probe was crushed. A failed starThe Galileo data confirmed that Jupiter could be considered a "failed star," —it didn't have enough size to ignite like the Sun but contains similar elements from around the time the solar system formed 4.56 billion years ago. The one crucial and unexpected difference was for the amount of helium and neon. Neon stood out because it was one-tenth as abundant as it is in the Sun. Caltech's David Stevenson had predicted neon depletion on Jupiter prior to the Galileo measurements, but he never published a reason for his guess. heluim_rain_on_jupiter.jpg Simulations by Wilson and Militzer, however, suggest that helium condenses and drops into the deep interior like rain, because at that level in Jupiter's atmosphere, hydrogen has turned into a metal around 5000 °C and 1 million-2 million times Earth's atmospheric pressure. Helium is not yet a metal under those conditions and does not mix with metallic hydrogen, so it forms drops, like those of oil in water.According to the simulations, neon easily dissolves in the helium drops as they fall, pulling both elements deeper into the planet. Eventually the two elements separate out where helium and neon again mix with metallic hydrogen (see image at right; credit: Burkhard Militzer). That would explain why the upper layers of the atmosphere are depleted."Helium condenses initially as a mist in the upper layer, like a cloud, and as the droplets get larger, they fall toward the deeper interior," said Wilson. "Neon dissolves in the helium and falls with it. So our study links the observed missing neon in the atmosphere to another proposed process, helium rain."Militzer notes that "rain" is an imperfect analogy to what happens in Jupiter's atmosphere. The helium droplets form about 10 000 to 13 000 kilometers below the tops of Jupiter's hydrogen clouds, under pressures and temperatures so high that "you can't tell if hydrogen and helium are a gas or a liquid," he said. A better way to visualize it, he said, is to consider the rain as droplets of fluid helium mixed with neon falling through a fluid of metallic hydrogen."Our research will help refine models of Jupiter's interior and the interiors of other planets," said Wilson. Modeling planetary interiors has become a hot research area since the discovery of hundreds of extrasolar planets living in extreme environments around other stars. The study will also be relevant for NASA's Juno mission to Jupiter, which is scheduled to be launched next year.Paul GuinnessyRelated link Sequestration of noble gases in giant planet interiors
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