The relationships between focal position and diameter or taper of holes drilled by CO2 laser in ceramics were investigated by a new method named “equivalent stack plate method”(ESPM). The diameter of holes in different depth can be accurately measured by the new method. The present study reported a statistical analysis to study the effects of the focal position on the quality of the drilled holes and optimization of the processing parameter. The study was conducted based on the statistical experiments with the variable focal position from +1mm to −3mm. Then the relationship between focal position and diameter in different depth and corresponding mathematical model were ascertained by polynomial fitting analysis. The unique characteristics of ceramic during laser drilling were also discussed. The results indicate that the ideal focal position to achieve minimum taper in laser drilling holes should be set above the surface of workpiece.
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3rd Pacific International Conference on Laser Materials Processing, Micro, Nano and Ultrafast Fabrication
April 16–18, 2008
Beijing, People's Republic of China
A statistical model for research on the focal position effect on the taper of laser drilling
Yinzhou Yan;
Yinzhou Yan
Institute of Laser Engineering, Beijing University of Technology
Beijing, 100022, P. R. China
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Lingfei Ji;
Lingfei Ji
Institute of Laser Engineering, Beijing University of Technology
Beijing, 100022, P. R. China
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Yong Bao;
Yong Bao
Institute of Laser Engineering, Beijing University of Technology
Beijing, 100022, P. R. China
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Yijian Jiang
Yijian Jiang
Institute of Laser Engineering, Beijing University of Technology
Beijing, 100022, P. R. China
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Published Online:
April 01 2008
Yinzhou Yan, Lingfei Ji, Yong Bao, Yijian Jiang; April 16–18, 2008. "A statistical model for research on the focal position effect on the taper of laser drilling." Proceedings of the 3rd Pacific International Conference on Laser Materials Processing, Micro, Nano and Ultrafast Fabrication. PICALO 2008: 3rd Pacific International Conference on Laser Materials Processing, Micro, Nano and Ultrafast Fabrication. Beijing, People's Republic of China. (pp. pp. 420-425). ASME.
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