Lasers are widely used for macro- and micromachining applications in numerous industries such as automotive, electronics, and medical manufacturing. However, there are many challenges encountered in the utilization of lasers for nanomachining. The most critical requirement is that the diffraction limit of laser light must be overcome. With recent developments in laser technology in terms of short-wavelength and ultrashort pulse width, there is a wealth of opportunities to beat the diffraction limit for nanomachining of structures, devices, and materials. In this review paper, first the state-of-the-art lasers are examined from the perspective of the requirements of nanomachining. Second, a set of both serial and parallel types of laser-based, “top-down” nanomachining methods is described. Third, preliminary results obtained in our laboratory of the most recent, novel approach involving surface plasmon polaritons for the potential of massively parallel nanomachining are presented. Finally, the potential of lasers for cost-effective nanomanufacturing is assessed.
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August 2008
Research Article|
July 28 2008
Review of laser nanomachining
Special Collection:
JLA Celebrates the 60th Anniversary of the Laser
M. Ali;
M. Ali
Laboratory for Lasers, MEMS and Nanotechnology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011
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T. Wagner;
T. Wagner
Laboratory for Lasers, MEMS and Nanotechnology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011
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M. Shakoor;
M. Shakoor
Laboratory for Lasers, MEMS and Nanotechnology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011
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P. A. Molian
P. A. Molian
Laboratory for Lasers, MEMS and Nanotechnology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011
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J. Laser Appl. 20, 169–184 (2008)
Article history
January 03 2007
June 04 2007
M. Ali, T. Wagner, M. Shakoor, P. A. Molian; Review of laser nanomachining. J. Laser Appl. 1 August 2008; 20 (3): 169–184.
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