Two years ago at this International Laser Safety Conference I reported on the status of the ANSI Z136 Standards. Today, at the conclusion of major changes to the ANSI Z136.1 Standard, I will review those highlights, and clarify our current efforts in other standards.
The last ANSI Z136.1 Standard was published in 1986. After more than two years of review of old and new data and resolution of diverse opinions, the new draft standard Z136.1-1992 “For the Safe Use of Lasers” represents the latest consensus and harmonization efforts with both the IEC and FDA laser standards. Substantial revisions have been made to various sections such as Control Measures, Non-beam Hazards, Criteria for Exposure of Eye and Skin, with new associated figures, tables and appendixes.
Many of the changes have been made for clarification, and to add new material from the bioeffects community. The Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) levels have only minimally been changed. Correction factors have been added for specific wavelengths, and Limiting Apertures have been revised with the primary impact being to lower the Class of laser diodes operating at wavelengths beyond 1.4 μm. The overall effect of the changes is to produce a document that again provides major leadership in the laser safety area.
Other Z136 standards activity will be briefly mentioned. The ongoing work on revising Z136.3-1988 “For the Safe Use of Lasers in Health Care Facilities,” under the leadership of Dr. R. Lobraico, is generating widespread interest and activity. The proposed Z136.4 “Laser Safety Measurement Requirements” is expected to include a new protocol for eyewear testing - with NIST blessing. And, a major thrust under the leadership of Fred Seeber, is expected to yield a document which may provide guidance for the Educational Community.