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Celebrating 25 Years of Two-dimensional Infrared (2D IR) Spectroscopy

Coherent two-dimensional infrared (2D IR) spectroscopy was first demonstrated by Hamm, Lim, and Hochstrasser in 1998 as a frequency resolved "pump probe" technique to probe molecular structure and dynamics on the picosecond timescale. Over the past 25 years 2D IR has since become a powerful spectroscopic technique, to solve key problems in chemistry, molecular biology, and materials science. Implementations of 2D IR spectroscopy have continued to evolve. For example, pulse-shapers and new-generation ultrafast lasers have lowered the barriers to new researchers entering the field and shifted the focus towards more challenging applications. There has been a continued push to expand the frontiers of optical spectroscopy based on initial 2D IR developments, including Transient 2D IR, 2D Visible-IR, 2D IR-Visible, spatially resolved IR or visible, SFG 2D IR and surface-enhanced multidimensional methods among others. This JCP Special Issue features recent advancements in coherent multidimensional spectroscopy inspired by 2D IR and explores the future of this thriving field.

Guest Editors: Carlos Baiz, Minhaeng Cho, Jens Bredenbeck, Thomas Jansen, Amber Krummel, Sean Roberts, with JCP Editor Jennifer Ogilvie.

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Carlos Baiz; Jens Bredenbeck; Minhaeng Cho; Thomas Jansen; Amber Krummel; Sean Roberts
Julian Lüttig; Peter A. Rose; Pavel Malý; Arthur Turkin; Michael Bühler; Christoph Lambert; Jacob J. Krich; Tobias Brixner
Hyejin Kwon; Koji Osawa; Jin Gyu Seol; Siheon Sung; Doseok Kim; Yung Sam Kim
Tarun Gera; Lipeng Chen; Alexander Eisfeld; Jeffrey R. Reimers; Elliot J. Taffet; Doran I. G. B. Raccah
Jeramie C. Rushing; Anit Gurung; Daniel G. Kuroda
P. Gasse; T. Stensitzki; Y. Mai-Linde; T. Linker; H. M. Müller-Werkmeister
Kai Töpfer; Debasish Koner; Shyamsunder Erramilli; Lawrence D. Ziegler; Markus Meuwly
Pankaj Seliya; Mischa Bonn; Maksim Grechko
Yuki Fujii; Kyoko Aikawa; Jumpei Tayama; Motohiro Banno; Kaoru Ohta; Keisuke Tominaga
Jeffrey A. Cina
Giulia Giubertoni; Federico Caporaletti; Rianne van Diest; Sander Woutersen
Hideaki Takahashi; Yoshitaka Tanimura
Srijan Chatterjee; Tubai Chowdhury; Sayan Bagchi
Mike Reppert; Deborah Reppert
Paul M. Donaldson; Russell F. Howe; Alexander P. Hawkins; Mike Towrie; Gregory M. Greetham
Ashley M. Stingel; Jari Leemans; Zeger Hens; Pieter Geiregat; Poul B. Petersen
Kayla A. Hess; Nathan J. Spear; Sophia A. Vogelsang; Janet E. Macdonald; Lauren E. Buchanan
Patrick Brosseau; Hélène Seiler; Samuel Palato; Colin Sonnichsen; Harry Baker; Etienne Socie; Dallas Strandell; Patanjali Kambhampati
Manoop Chenchiliyan; Joachim Kübel; Saik Ann Ooi; Giacomo Salvadori; Benedetta Mennucci; Sebastian Westenhoff; Michał Maj
Xinmao Li; Jianxin Guan; Chengzhen Shen; Zhihao Yu; Junrong Zheng
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