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Ultra-Hard Materials

New ultra-hard materials with superior properties to diamond are continuously being investigated and potentially new superhard materials are presently being designed and examined not only for scientific interest, but also for commercial usage. Different techniques, both theoretical and experimental, are employed in an attempt to replace diamond for applications where abrasive wear resistance and enhanced thermal stability are of great importance. This collection on Ultra-hard Materials provides a valuable forum where scientists, engineers, and practitioners in the field shared their most recent, novel findings, and understanding of fundamentals of ultra-hard materials.

Guest Editors: Yann Le Godec and Vladimir Solozhenko

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Vladimir L. Solozhenko; Yann Le Godec
Xin Gao; Hao Yin; Pengwan Chen; Jianjun Liu
Yann Le Godec; Alexandre Courac; Vladimir L. Solozhenko
Efim Mazhnik; Artem R. Oganov
Vladimir L. Solozhenko; Volodymyr Bushlya; Jinming Zhou
A. G. Lyapin; Y. Katayama; V. V. Brazhkin
Alexander G. Kvashnin; Zahed Allahyari; Artem R. Oganov
Congwei Xie; Qi Zhang; Hayk A. Zakaryan; Hao Wan; Ning Liu; Alexander G. Kvashnin; Artem R. Oganov
Antoine Jay; Olivier Hardouin Duparc; Jelena Sjakste; Nathalie Vast
Yufei Gao; Pan Ying; Yingju Wu; Shuai Chen; Mengdong Ma; Linyan Wang; Zhisheng Zhao; Dongli Yu
S. Limandri; G. Garbarino; D. Sifre; M. Mezouar; V. Galván Josa
Vadim V. Brazhkin; Vladimir L. Solozhenko
V. I. Ivashchenko; P. E. A. Turchi; Leonid Gorb; Jerzy Leszczynski; N. R. Medukh; R. V. Shevchenko
Haiyang Niu; Shiwei Niu; Artem R. Oganov
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