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Highly Mismatched Semiconductors Alloys: from Atoms to Devices

Highly mismatched alloys (HMAs) are a class of semiconductor materials composed of elements with distinctly different size and/or electronegativity. The alloys exhibit exceptionally strong composition dependence of the electronic band structure parameters, offering a unique opportunity for engineering of the band gaps and band offsets for specific device applications. Emerging applications include lasers and detectors in valuable wavelength ranges, solar cell technologies, terahertz detector technologies, spintronics, and thermoelectrics. This collection provides a forum for scientists and engineers to share their results (ranging from basic science to applications) in this emerging field of study.

Guest Editors: Wladek Walukiewicz and Joshua Zide

Special Collection Image
Istvan A. Gulyas; Chad A. Stephenson; Qian Meng; Seth R. Bank; Mark A. Wistey
Wladyslaw Walukiewicz; Joshua M. O. Zide
Christopher A. Broderick; Michael D. Dunne; Daniel S. P. Tanner; Eoin P. O’Reilly
M. P. Polak; R. Kudrawiec; O. Rubel
O. Delorme; L. Cerutti; E. Luna; A. Trampert; E. Tournié; J.-B. Rodriguez
Naoya Miyashita; Yilun He; Nazmul Ahsan; Yoshitaka Okada
Robert Kudrawiec; Wladek Walukiewicz
Julian Veletas; Thilo Hepp; Kerstin Volz; Sangam Chatterjee
H. Fujita; M. Nakayama; O. Morohara; H. Geka; Y. Sakurai; T. Nakao; T. Yamauchi; M. Suzuki; Y. Shibata; N. Kuze
Chihyu Chen; Vladimir A. Stoica; Richard D. Schaller; Roy Clarke; Jamie D. Phillips
M. K. Sharpe; I. P. Marko; D. A. Duffy; J. England; E. Schneider; M. Kesaria; V. Fedorov; E. Clarke; C. H. Tan; S. J. Sweeney
Răzvan Baba; Kristof J. P. Jacobs; Brett A. Harrison; Ben J. Stevens; Toshikazu Mukai; Richard A. Hogg
Maribel Jaquez; Petra Specht; Kin Man Yu; Wladek Walukiewicz; Oscar D. Dubon
M. B. Shoker; O. Pagès; H. Dicko; V. J. B. Torres; A. V. Postnikov; A. Polian; F. Firszt; K. Strzałkowski; A. En Naciri; L. Broch; M. N. Rao; R. Rao; A. Maillard; J.-P. Itié
K. Ben Saddik; A. F. Braña; N. López; W. Walukiewicz; B. J. García
Phillip Dang; Sergei Rouvimov; Huili Grace Xing; Debdeep Jena
C. Cornille; A. Arnoult; Q. Gravelier; C. Fontaine
R. R. Kosireddy; S. T. Schaefer; A. J. Shalindar; S. R. Johnson
Mark E. Turiansky; Jimmy-Xuan Shen; Darshana Wickramaratne; Chris G. Van de Walle
Istvan Gulyas; Robert Kudrawiec; Mark A. Wistey
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