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Random Noise in Dielectric Materials
J. Appl. Phys. 21, 469–477 (1950)
This article has been cited by the following articles in journals that are participating in CrossRef Cited-by Linking.
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- J. W. S. Hearle
Journal of the Textile Institute Proceedings 48, P40 (1957)
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Journal of Applied Physics 27, 728 (1956)
- Zohrab A. Kaprielian
Journal of Applied Physics 27, 1491 (1956)
- J.W.S. Hearle
Textile Research Journal 24, 307 (1954)
- N. P. Baumann
- G. G. Wiseman
Journal of Applied Physics 25, 1391 (1954)
- J. W. S. Hearle
Journal of the Textile Institute Transactions 44, T177 (1953)
- George W. Stuart
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Journal of Applied Physics 22, 236 (1951)