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Proceedings Papers

Proceedings Volume Cover
ICALEO 2013: 32nd International Congress on Laser Materials Processing, Laser Microprocessing and Nanomanufacturing
October 6–10, 2013
Miami, Florida, USA
ICALEO 2013: 32nd International Congress on Laser Materials Processing, Laser Microprocessing and Nanomanufacturing


Digital Photonic Production Across all Scales


LMP 1: A New Look at Welding

LMP 3: Lam Biomedical Applications

LMP 4: Modeling and Simulation

ICALEO 2013; 104-109

LMP 5: Cutting

ICALEO 2013; 110-118
ICALEO 2013; 119-124
ICALEO 2013; 125-128
ICALEO 2013; 129-134
ICALEO 2013; 135-139

LMP 6: Plastic Welding

ICALEO 2013; 140-146
ICALEO 2013; 147-159
ICALEO 2013; 160-165
ICALEO 2013; 166-174
ICALEO 2013; 175-180

LMP 7: Drilling

ICALEO 2013; 181-189
ICALEO 2013; 190-194
ICALEO 2013; 195-201

LMP 8: Beam and Material Charaterization

ICALEO 2013; 202-210
ICALEO 2013; 211-218

LMP 9: Hybrid Welding

ICALEO 2013; 219-227
ICALEO 2013; 228-236
ICALEO 2013; 237-243
ICALEO 2013; 244-251
ICALEO 2013; 252-261

LMP 10: Laser Assisted Machining I

ICALEO 2013; 262-267
ICALEO 2013; 268-275
ICALEO 2013; 276-282

LMP 11: Welding I

ICALEO 2013; 283-288
ICALEO 2013; 289-293
ICALEO 2013; 294-301
ICALEO 2013; 302-306

LMP 12: Laser Assisted Machining II

ICALEO 2013; 307-311
ICALEO 2013; 312-317
ICALEO 2013; 318-325
ICALEO 2013; 326-333

LMP 13: Welding II

ICALEO 2013; 334-340
ICALEO 2013; 341-350
ICALEO 2013; 351-355
ICALEO 2013; 356-364

LMP 14: Laser Assisted Machining III

ICALEO 2013; 365-369
ICALEO 2013; 370-375
ICALEO 2013; 376-380
ICALEO 2013; 381-385
ICALEO 2013; 386-391
ICALEO 2013; 392-399

LMP 15: Welding of Non-Ferrous Materials I

ICALEO 2013; 400-404
ICALEO 2013; 405-414
ICALEO 2013; 415-421
ICALEO 2013; 422-430

LMP 16: Surface Modification

ICALEO 2013; 431-435
ICALEO 2013; 436-442
ICALEO 2013; 443-447

LMP 17: Cladding I

ICALEO 2013; 448-452
ICALEO 2013; 453-462
ICALEO 2013; 463-469
ICALEO 2013; 470-479
ICALEO 2013; 480-486
ICALEO 2013; 487-492

LMP 18: Welding of Non-Ferrous Materials II

ICALEO 2013; 493-502
ICALEO 2013; 503-508
ICALEO 2013; 509-519
ICALEO 2013; 520-528
ICALEO 2013; 529-537

LMP 19: Processing OF CFRP

ICALEO 2013; 538-542
ICALEO 2013; 543-545
ICALEO 2013; 546-553
ICALEO 2013; 554-559
ICALEO 2013; 560-565
ICALEO 2013; 566-570
ICALEO 2013; 571-575
ICALEO 2013; 576-581
ICALEO 2013; 582-589

LMP 20: Cladding II

ICALEO 2013; 590-599
ICALEO 2013; 600-605
ICALEO 2013; 606-614
ICALEO 2013; 615-623
ICALEO 2013; 624-627

LMP 21: Welding High Strength Steel (HSS)

ICALEO 2013; 628-637
ICALEO 2013; 638-646
ICALEO 2013; 647-654
ICALEO 2013; 655-660


LMF 1: Additive Manufacturing on the Micro and Nano Scale

ICALEO 2013; 661-666

LMF 2: Optics and Beam Delivery

ICALEO 2013; 667-671
ICALEO 2013; 672-676
ICALEO 2013; 677-685

LMF 3: Laser Surface Engineering

ICALEO 2013; 686-694
ICALEO 2013; 695-699
ICALEO 2013; 700-705

LMF 4: Industrial Processes and Devices

ICALEO 2013; 706-711
ICALEO 2013; 712-719
ICALEO 2013; 720-724
ICALEO 2013; 725-731
ICALEO 2013; 732-736
ICALEO 2013; 737-743
ICALEO 2013; 744-750

LMF 10: Micromachining I

ICALEO 2013; 751-757
ICALEO 2013; 758-762
ICALEO 2013; 763-770
ICALEO 2013; 771-775

LMF 5: Additive Micro Processes

ICALEO 2013; 776-782
ICALEO 2013; 783-786
ICALEO 2013; 787-790

LMF 6: Microjoining

ICALEO 2013; 791-804
ICALEO 2013; 805-815
ICALEO 2013; 816-824
ICALEO 2013; 825-828

LMF 7: Novel and Emerging Applications

ICALEO 2013; 829-835
ICALEO 2013; 836-839
ICALEO 2013; 840-845
ICALEO 2013; 846-851

LMF 8: Micromachining II

ICALEO 2013; 852-857
ICALEO 2013; 858-863

LMF 9: Laser Micro Processing Analysis and Modeling

ICALEO 2013; 864-870
ICALEO 2013; 871-876
ICALEO 2013; 877-881


Nano 1: Materials Growth and Synthesis

ICALEO 2013; 882-887
ICALEO 2013; 888-892

Nano 2: Nanopatterning and Nanostructuring

ICALEO 2013; 893-897

Nano 3: Fabrication of Nanodevices

ICALEO 2013; 898-902
ICALEO 2013; 903-909
ICALEO 2013; 910-918

Nano 5: Advanced 3D Nanomanufacturing

ICALEO 2013; 919-925


ICALEO 2013; 926-931
ICALEO 2013; 932-943
ICALEO 2013; 944-949
ICALEO 2013; 950-954
ICALEO 2013; 955-959
ICALEO 2013; 960-962
ICALEO 2013; 963-971
ICALEO 2013; 972-974
ICALEO 2013; 975-977
ICALEO 2013; 978-984
ICALEO 2013; 985-988
ICALEO 2013; 989-997
ICALEO 2013; 998-1007
ICALEO 2013; 1008-1015
ICALEO 2013; 1016-1023
ICALEO 2013; 1024-1027
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