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Proceedings Papers

Proceedings Volume Cover
ICALEO 2012: 31st International Congress on Laser Materials Processing, Laser Microprocessing and Nanomanufacturing
September 23–27, 2012
Anaheim, California, USA
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ICALEO 2012: 31st International Congress on Laser Materials Processing, Laser Microprocessing and Nanomanufacturing


Green Photonics and Recent Progress in Laser - Based Light Sources and Their Applications in Materials Processing


Ways of Knowledge Transfer


LMP 1: Pulsating Topics in Laser Materials Processing

LMP 2: Laser Drilling

LMP 3: Laser Metal Deposition I

LMP 4: Laser Processing of CFRP

ICALEO 2012; 104-112
ICALEO 2012; 113-118
ICALEO 2012; 119-125
ICALEO 2012; 126-135
ICALEO 2012; 136-145
ICALEO 2012; 146-150
ICALEO 2012; 151-155

LMP 5: Laser Metal Deposition II

ICALEO 2012; 156-165
ICALEO 2012; 166-175
ICALEO 2012; 176-182
ICALEO 2012; 183-191
ICALEO 2012; 192-196
ICALEO 2012; 197-204

LMP 6: Process Monitoring & Control

ICALEO 2012; 205-211
ICALEO 2012; 212-219
ICALEO 2012; 220-227
ICALEO 2012; 228-234
ICALEO 2012; 235-240
ICALEO 2012; 241-245
ICALEO 2012; 246-249

LMP 7: Welding I

ICALEO 2012; 250-256
ICALEO 2012; 257-261
ICALEO 2012; 262-269
ICALEO 2012; 270-276

LMP 8: Laser Cutting

ICALEO 2012; 277-281
ICALEO 2012; 282-291
ICALEO 2012; 292-301
ICALEO 2012; 302-308
ICALEO 2012; 309-313
ICALEO 2012; 314-316

LMP 9: High Brightness Lasers & Systems

ICALEO 2012; 317-319
ICALEO 2012; 320-328
ICALEO 2012; 329-333
ICALEO 2012; 334-340
ICALEO 2012; 341-344
ICALEO 2012; 345-349

LMP 10: Welding II

ICALEO 2012; 350-356
ICALEO 2012; 357-366
ICALEO 2012; 367-371

LMP 11: Processing of Dissimilar Materials

ICALEO 2012; 372-378
ICALEO 2012; 379-385

LMP 12: Laser Surface Modification I

ICALEO 2012; 386-390
ICALEO 2012; 391-397
ICALEO 2012; 398-407
ICALEO 2012; 408-410
ICALEO 2012; 411-414

LMP 13: Hybrid & Combination Processes I

ICALEO 2012; 415-419
ICALEO 2012; 420-429
ICALEO 2012; 430-434
ICALEO 2012; 435-444

LMP 14: Welding III

ICALEO 2012; 445-450
ICALEO 2012; 451-457
ICALEO 2012; 458-463
ICALEO 2012; 464-473

LMP 15: Hybrid & Combination Processes II

ICALEO 2012; 474-479
ICALEO 2012; 480-485
ICALEO 2012; 486-493
ICALEO 2012; 494-501

LMP 16: Laser Metal Deposition III

ICALEO 2012; 502-508
ICALEO 2012; 509-514
ICALEO 2012; 515-523

LMP 17: Welding IV

ICALEO 2012; 524-531
ICALEO 2012; 532-538
ICALEO 2012; 539-548
ICALEO 2012; 549-557
ICALEO 2012; 558-564
ICALEO 2012; 565-573

LMP 18: Laser Surface Modification II

ICALEO 2012; 574-580
ICALEO 2012; 581-588
ICALEO 2012; 589-595
ICALEO 2012; 596-601
ICALEO 2012; 602-607
ICALEO 2012; 608-617
ICALEO 2012; 618-623
ICALEO 2012; 624-632
ICALEO 2012; 633-639

LMP 19: Modelling & Simulation

ICALEO 2012; 640-649
ICALEO 2012; 650-653
ICALEO 2012; 654-660
ICALEO 2012; 661-669
ICALEO 2012; 670-677
ICALEO 2012; 678-684
ICALEO 2012; 685-694
ICALEO 2012; 695-704


LMF 2: Medical Devices and Biomedical Applications

ICALEO 2012; 705-709
ICALEO 2012; 710-719
ICALEO 2012; 720-729

LMF 3: Innovative Laser Optics

ICALEO 2012; 730-734
ICALEO 2012; 735-738
ICALEO 2012; 739-748
ICALEO 2012; 749-753
ICALEO 2012; 754-758
ICALEO 2012; 759-767
ICALEO 2012; 768-774

LMF 4: Microwelding

ICALEO 2012; 775-783
ICALEO 2012; 784-793
ICALEO 2012; 794-803
ICALEO 2012; 804-812

LMF 5: Processing of Transparent and Brittle Materials

ICALEO 2012; 813-819
ICALEO 2012; 820-825
ICALEO 2012; 826-834
ICALEO 2012; 835-844
ICALEO 2012; 845-847

LMF 6: Thin Film Processing

ICALEO 2012; 848-851
ICALEO 2012; 852-859
ICALEO 2012; 860-865
ICALEO 2012; 866-870
ICALEO 2012; 871-876

LMF 7: Surface Modification I

ICALEO 2012; 877-881
ICALEO 2012; 882-888
ICALEO 2012; 889-895

LMF 8: Lasers in Energy Generation and Storage

ICALEO 2012; 896-902
ICALEO 2012; 903-907
ICALEO 2012; 908-914
ICALEO 2012; 915-923

LMF 9: Surface Modification II

ICALEO 2012; 924-928
ICALEO 2012; 929-934
ICALEO 2012; 935-942
ICALEO 2012; 943-946

LMF 10: Modeling and Physical Interactions

ICALEO 2012; 947-948
ICALEO 2012; 949-958
ICALEO 2012; 959-968
ICALEO 2012; 969-974
ICALEO 2012; 975-982

LMF 11: Monitoring and Detection

ICALEO 2012; 983-990
ICALEO 2012; 991-998
ICALEO 2012; 999-1008
ICALEO 2012; 1009-1016

LMF 12: Microprocessing and Drilling

ICALEO 2012; 1017-1020
ICALEO 2012; 1021-1025
ICALEO 2012; 1026-1034
ICALEO 2012; 1035-1039
ICALEO 2012; 1040-1045
ICALEO 2012; 1046-1053
ICALEO 2012; 1054-1058

LMF 13: Advances in Laser Sources

ICALEO 2012; 1059-1062
ICALEO 2012; 1063-1066
ICALEO 2012; 1067-1073
ICALEO 2012; 1074-1080
ICALEO 2012; 1081-1084
ICALEO 2012; 1085-1087


Nano 1: Laser Micro/Nano Processing

ICALEO 2012; 1088-1092
ICALEO 2012; 1093-1101
ICALEO 2012; 1102-1107

Nano 2: Laser-Material Interactions at Nanoscales

ICALEO 2012; 1108-1117
ICALEO 2012; 1118-1122

Nano 3: Thermal Characterization and Processing at Micro/Nanoscales

ICALEO 2012; 1123-1129
ICALEO 2012; 1130-1137
ICALEO 2012; 1138-1142
ICALEO 2012; 1143-1149

Nano 4: Laser Nanolithogrpahy and Nanostructuring

ICALEO 2012; 1150-1159
ICALEO 2012; 1160-1164
ICALEO 2012; 1165-1170

Nano 5: Laser Applications in Flexible Electronics

ICALEO 2012; 1171-1177
ICALEO 2012; 1178-1180


ICALEO 2012; 1181-1186
ICALEO 2012; 1187-1191
ICALEO 2012; 1192-1195
ICALEO 2012; 1196-1201
ICALEO 2012; 1202-1210
ICALEO 2012; 1211-1215
ICALEO 2012; 1216-1222
ICALEO 2012; 1223-1232
ICALEO 2012; 1233-1238
ICALEO 2012; 1239-1246
ICALEO 2012; 1247-1251
ICALEO 2012; 1252-1260
ICALEO 2012; 1261-1268
ICALEO 2012; 1269-1276
ICALEO 2012; 1277-1280
ICALEO 2012; 1281-1288
ICALEO 2012; 1289-1293
ICALEO 2012; 1294-1296
ICALEO 2012; 1297-1303
ICALEO 2012; 1304-1310
ICALEO 2012; 1311-1314
ICALEO 2012; 1315-1319
ICALEO 2012; 1320-1324
ICALEO 2012; 1325-1327
ICALEO 2012; 1328-1333
ICALEO 2012; 1334-1342
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