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Proceedings Papers
ICALEO 2012: 31st International Congress on Laser Materials Processing, Laser Microprocessing and Nanomanufacturing
September 23–27, 2012
Anaheim, California, USA
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ICALEO 2012: 31st International Congress on Laser Materials Processing, Laser Microprocessing and Nanomanufacturing
Green Photonics and Recent Progress in Laser - Based Light Sources and Their Applications in Materials Processing
Ways of Knowledge Transfer
LMP 1: Pulsating Topics in Laser Materials Processing
LMP 2: Laser Drilling
LMP 3: Laser Metal Deposition I
LMP 4: Laser Processing of CFRP
LMP 5: Laser Metal Deposition II
LMP 6: Process Monitoring & Control
LMP 7: Welding I
LMP 8: Laser Cutting
LMP 9: High Brightness Lasers & Systems
LMP 10: Welding II
LMP 11: Processing of Dissimilar Materials
LMP 12: Laser Surface Modification I
LMP 13: Hybrid & Combination Processes I
LMP 14: Welding III
LMP 15: Hybrid & Combination Processes II
LMP 16: Laser Metal Deposition III
LMP 17: Welding IV
LMP 18: Laser Surface Modification II
LMP 19: Modelling & Simulation
LMF 2: Medical Devices and Biomedical Applications
Variation of biocompatibility of titanium dioxide film by femtosecond laser irradiation
Togo Shinonaga; Masahiro Tsukamoto; Naoto Horigutchi; Yuichiro Ito; Akiko Nagai; Kimihiro Yamashita; Takao Hanawa; Nobuhiro Matsushita; Xie Guoqiang; Masanari Takahashi; Nobuyuki Abe
ICALEO 2012; 705-709
LMF 3: Innovative Laser Optics
LMF 4: Microwelding
LMF 5: Processing of Transparent and Brittle Materials
LMF 6: Thin Film Processing
LMF 7: Surface Modification I
LMF 8: Lasers in Energy Generation and Storage
Laser scribing of ITO/ZnO thin films on flexible PET-foil for roll-to-roll production of polymer solar cells
Susana Abreu Fernandes; Benjamin Schöps; Kerstin Kowalick; Shizhou Xiao; Ralf Nett; Evgeny Gurevich; Matthias Schindler; Ostendorf Andreas
ICALEO 2012; 896-902
LMF 9: Surface Modification II
LMF 10: Modeling and Physical Interactions
LMF 11: Monitoring and Detection
LMF 12: Microprocessing and Drilling
High precision and high throughput surface structuring by synchronizing mechanical axes with an ultra short pulsed laser system in MOPA arrangement
Beat Jaeggi; Beat Neuenschwander; Urs Hunziker; Joseph Zuercher; Thomas Meier; Markus Zimmermann; G Hennig
ICALEO 2012; 1046-1053
LMF 13: Advances in Laser Sources
Nano 1: Laser Micro/Nano Processing
Nano 2: Laser-Material Interactions at Nanoscales
Nano 3: Thermal Characterization and Processing at Micro/Nanoscales
Evaluation of thermal resistance at the silicon/diamond interface through infrared photothermal radiometry
Thomas Guillemet; Jean-Luc Battaglia; Andrzej Kusiak; Andrea Cappella; Jean-Marc Heintz; Namas Chandra; Jean-François Silvain; Yongfeng Lu
ICALEO 2012; 1138-1142