Launched in 1988, the Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics (CJCP) is an international journal and is devoted to reporting new and original experimental and theoretical research on interdisciplinary areas, with chemistry and physics groundwork of interest to researchers, faculty, and students domestic and abroad in the fields of chemistry, physics, material and biological sciences and their interdisciplinary areas.

Publication Standard

To be acceptable for publication in CJCP, a manuscript must:

  1. Report a theoretical method or advanced experimental technique for research in chemical physics which makes an advance in improving scientific understanding in a modern area of chemical physics of broad interest.
  2. Draw appropriate conclusions from rigorous data, methods, and analysis.
  3. Be concisely and well written, with an appropriate description of the current understanding of the topic and appropriate references to the existing literature.

Format and Content

CJCP currently publishes the following types of papers: Letters, Articles, Reviews, Perspectives and Comments.

Letters are brief and quick publications of short articles that report novel experimental results and original ideas or proposals for theories and experiments. Letters usually do not exceed 2000 words with less than 3 figures or tables, with an abstract not more than 150 words and less than 15 references. A more complete and detailed version can be submitted to CJCP or other peer-reviewed journal at a later time. Detailed materials, specifics of experimental conditions and brief derivations can be published as supplementary material along with the paper in an electronic version in the web edition.

Articles are thorough, complete, clear, and concise reports on novel experimental and theoretical results with significance. Articles can be of normal length or extended length. Each article is required to give clear, concise, complete, and objective description of the research background including brief development and current status of the related field of research, the problems intended to be solved, and the significance of the reported results. Detailed materials, specifics of experimental conditions and brief derivations can be published as supplementary material along with the paper in an electronic version in the web edition.

Reviews are generally on progress in rapidly developing fields. Reviews are generally invited by the editor. Submission without invitation is welcome with the consent of the editor, which can be granted on the basis of a pre-submission with a table of contents and

a summary, as well as a list of major references. A review is required to present clear, complete, and objective review and depiction of the historical background, problems and current status, recent progress and future perspectives in a research field. A review is not expected to be a reference report. Personal accounts with unique and critical assessments and perspectives are generally encouraged.

Perspectives (invitation only) are overviews on topics currently generating a great deal of interest in the chemical physics community. Perspectives aim to provide an objective and balanced overview of recent advances in the field and the author’s unique perspective on where the field is headed.

Comments are on experimental and theoretical results with significant or general interest published within the previous 12 months in CJCP. Comments can only be published with critical peer-review, and only a limited number of comments with significance can be published.

Errata can be made by the authors of papers published in CJCP within the previous 12 months. The content of the erratum is brief and short, limited to the experimental conditions and facts. Any reinterpretation of the results can be considered in the form of comments or regular papers.

Comments and Errata on papers exceeding the above time limit can be considered with the consent of the editor on topics with ultimate significance. Editor-requested retractions,

Comments, and errata on papers with major flaws, academic misconduct and falsification shall be sent to the authors' employers and the funding agency that supported the work. 

Submission of Manuscript

Manuscripts should be submitted via Scholarone submission System. After you log into submission System, you can check the status of your submitted manuscript. Multiple submissions are prohibited.

Manuscripts must be submitted by a single corresponding author. By submitting a manuscript, all authors imply that the manuscript is an original work by all of the authors, that no authors have been omitted. Any single author may request that the review or publication process to be stopped.

Along with the manuscript, an accompanying cover letter is required with following information: Title of the manuscript, name, address, telephone and fax number as well as email address of the corresponding author; Names of recommended reviewers, including their institution and email addresses; Names of reviewers to be avoided; Short comments of the content, significance, novelty and related information; Other suggestions and demands to the editor.

Authors must sign the License to Publish Agreement electronically when they submit the manuscript.

Peer Review Procedure

All manuscripts are subject to anonymous review. All contributions will be initially assessed by the editor for suitability for the journal. Papers deemed suitable are then typically sent to a minimum of two independent expert referees to assess the scientific quality of the paper. The editors decide whether to accept or reject manuscripts. The editors also maintain the right to reject a manuscript without review. The Editor’s decision is final.

The Editor makes decisions regarding the acceptability of manuscripts based on the comments and conclusions of referees when they have received sufficient comments to make a decision. When two referees give opposite conclusions about the manuscript, it is recommended that the editor invites additional referees.

Authors of manuscripts subject to revisions should address the comments of the referees and the editor in the response letter. If they agree with the comment, they revise the manuscript accordingly and explain the revision; if they disagree with the comment, they justify in detail their reasons for the disagreement. In cases of disagreement, the editor will decide whether the advice of an additional referee is necessary.

The additional referees will usually receive anonymous copies of the previous referees’ comments, along with the authors’ rebuttal. The Editor monitors the review procedure and makes the final decision.

Authors may appeal a decision to reject a manuscript. If the editor feels that an author has made a plausible argument for reconsideration, he/she may seek further advice from additional referees acting in the usual or in an adjudicating way. In some cases, the editor may ask another editor to review the entire manuscript history.

Retraction and Correction Policies

AIP Publishing’s policy is based on best practices in academic publishing. We take seriously our responsibility to maintain the integrity and completeness of the scholarly record of our content. We place great importance on the authority of articles after we publish them. Authors may make changes to articles after they have been published online only under the circumstances outlined in AIP Publishing’s Retraction and Correction Policies.