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Mid-IR Photonics

The mid-infrared (mid-IR) range, spanning from 2 to 20 µm, has a wide range of applications that impact our society. It is pivotal for many fields, such as highly sensitive biological and chemical sensors, free-space communication, spectroscopy, and the quest for life beyond our planet. The rapid pace of advancements in mid-IR photonics has positioned it as one of the most dynamic and promising areas of scientific exploration. This special issue aims to bring together the various communities that are leading this transformation, offering a comprehensive overview of the progress made so far and highlighting the remaining challenges.

Guest Editors: Konstantin Vodopyanov, Alex Fuerbach, and Christian Grillet, and APL Photonics Editors Clara Saraceno and Christelle Monat

Special Collection Image
Frédéric Grillot; Thomas Poletti; Salvatore Pes
Guojiang Yang; Hengtai Xiang; Zhicheng Li; Laiwen Yu; Yuanrong Li; Yuqi Zhao; Guowu Zhang; Jingshu Guo; Yaocheng Shi; Daoxin Dai
Kirill Grebnev; Boris Perminov; Toney T. Fernandez; Alex Fuerbach; Maria Chernysheva
Rémi Bizot; Idris Tiliouine; Frédéric Désévédavy; Grégory Gadret; Clément Strutynski; Esteban Serrano; Pierre Mathey; Bertrand Kibler; Sébastien Février; Frédéric Smektala
Jean-Jacques Greffet; Benjamin Vest; Patrick Bouchon; Bo Zhao
T. Bonazzi; H. Dely; P. Didier; D. Gacemi; B. Fix; M. Beck; J. Faist; A. Harouri; I. Sagnes; F. Grillot; A. Vasanelli; C. Sirtori
T. Toney Fernandez; Luyi Xu; Simon Gross; Gayathri Bharathan; Martin Ams; Karen Privat; Michael J. Withford; Alex Fuerbach
Georg Marschick; Stefania Isceri; Rolf Szedlak; Harald Moser; Johannes P. Waclawek; Elena Arigliani; Robert Weih; Werner Schrenk; Gottfried Strasser; Borislav Hinkov; Aaron Maxwell Andrews; Bernhard Lendl; Benedikt Schwarz
Peter Chang; Ragib Ishrak; Nazanin Hoghooghi; Scott Egbert; Daniel Lesko; Stephanie Swartz; Jens Biegert; Gregory B. Rieker; Rohith Reddy; Scott A. Diddams
Myriam Bonduelle; Guillermo Martin; Alain Morand; Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana; Víctor Arroyo Heras; Carolina Romero
O. Henderson-Sapir; D. J. Ottaway
H. Kim; P. Didier; S. Zaminga; D. A. Díaz-Thomas; A. N. Baranov; J. B. Rodriguez; E. Tournié; H. Knötig; B. Schwarz; L. Cerutti; O. Spitz; F. Grillot
Marcel Poulain
Craig B. Prater; Mustafa Kansiz; Ji-Xin Cheng
Hippolyte Dupont; Matthieu Glasset; Pavel Loiko; Patrick Georges; Frédéric Druon
Simon Neves; Adimulya Kartiyasa; Shayantani Ghosh; Geoffrey Gaulier; Luca La Volpe; Jean-Pierre Wolf
P. Tidemand-Lichtenberg; C. Pedersen
Seong Cheol Lee; Soobong Park; Daewon Suk; Joonhyuk Hwang; Kiyoung Ko; Won Bae Cho; Duk-Yong Choi; Kwang-Hoon Ko; Fabian Rotermund; Hansuek Lee
Colin J. Mitchell; Tianhui Hu; Shiyu Sun; Callum J. Stirling; Milos Nedeljkovic; Anna C. Peacock; Graham T. Reed; Goran Z. Mashanovich; David J. Rowe
Christian Hensel; Lenard Vamos; Igor Tyulnev; Ugaitz Elu; Jens Biegert
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