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Selected Papers from IEEE-NANOMED 2023

The 16th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (IEEE NANOMED 2018) will be held at Okinawa, Japan from Dec 5-8, 2023. IEEE NANOMED is one of the premier annual events organized by the IEEE Nanotechnology Council to bring together physicians, scientists, and engineers in Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering. The conference provides a unique forum for highlighting the latest research results in molecular engineering, microfluidics, nanotechnology, system integration, fundamental biology, and translational medicine. Excellent speakers from around the globe will present their work at the conference. Details of the speakers and the conference are available at

All participants of the conference are cordially invited to contribute original research papers or reviews to this Special Topic in Biomicrofluidics.

Guest Editors: Kin Fong Lei, Amy Shen, and Hsieh-Fu Tsai

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