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Coherent Vortical Structures in Fluids and Plasmas

Coherent vortical structures appear in planetary atmospheres, oceans, laboratory experiments with rotating fluids, magnetized plasmas, pure electron plasma confined by a magnetic field, and dusty plasmas. Understanding the dynamics of coherent vortical structures in two-dimensional flows is of fundamental and practical interest in fluid dynamics, plasma physics, and Bose-Einstein condensate. The applications extend from transporting a trapped mass, heat, and momentum in large-scale weather patterns to plasma holes, electron columns confined in a Malmberg–Penning trap, dust particles under the action of plasma forces or charge gradients and vortex lattices in “rotating liquid helium bucket” passing through shallow layer water spinning in a bucket.

A joint Special Topic on coherent vortical structures in Physics of Fluids and Physics of Plasmas aims to bring the latest advancement in fluid dynamics, plasma physics, and Bose-Einstein condensate communities working on the canonical problem of coherent vortical structures. Papers related to vortices in plasmas were published in Physics of Plasmas, while those related to vortices in other states of matter were published in Physics of Fluids.

Read this collection’s papers published in Physics of Fluids here and published in Physics of Plasmas here.

Guest Editors: Hamid Ait Abderrahmane and Andre Melzer

Special Collection Image
Hamid Ait Abderrahmane; Andre Melzer
Rauoof Wani; Mahendra Verma; Sanat Tiwari
D. Ticoş; A. Scurtu; M. L. Mitu; N. Udrea; M. Oane; J. Williams; C. M. Ticoş
M. Wadas; H. LeFevre; Y. Elmore; X. Xie; W. White; C. Kuranz; E. Johnsen
Richard McQueen, II; Chjan C. Lim
Vikram Dharodi; Evdokiya Kostadinova
N. C. Hurst; A. Tran; P. Wongwaitayakornkul; J. R. Danielson; D. H. E. Dubin; C. M. Surko
V. Zoeller; A. Viúdez
G. J. Choi
Daniel H. E. Dubin; A. A. Kabantsev; C. F. Driscoll
Haifa A. Alyousef; S. Neelam Naeem; M. Irshad; Ata-ur-Rahman; Sherif M. E. Ismaeel; S. A. El-Tantawy
Mohammad Sharifi Ghazijahani; C. Cierpka
Zhenlong Fang (方珍龙); Wenjiang Hou (侯文江); Shidong Fan (范世东); Xiaofeng Guo (郭孝峰); Yong Chen (陈勇)
Muhammad Shohaib; W. Masood; H. A. Shah; Aljawhara H. Almuqrin; Sherif M. E. Ismaeel; S. A. El-Tantawy
Almas; Aljawhara H. Almuqrin; Ata-ur- Rahman; S. Neelam Naeem; R. T. Matoog; Sherif M. E. Ismaeel; S. A. El-Tantawy
Andrew A. Voitiv; Mark E. Siemens; Mark T. Lusk
J. Davies; G. G. Sutyrin; M. N. Crowe; P. S. Berloff
Fengxiong Lu (卢风雄); Chaohong Guo (郭朝红); Shijie Zhang (张士杰); Buze Chen (陈步泽); Xiang Xu (徐祥)
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