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Precession, Nutation, and Libration Driven Flows
Precession and nutation (periodic changes in the orientation of the rotation axis) as well as libration (variations of the orientation of the principal moments of inertia) of a rotating fluid cavity are of interest in a broad range of applications. These span from planetary cores, atmospheres, oceans dynamics, and planetary and laboratory magnetic field generation to mixing in industrial processes and trajectory stabilization of satellites with a liquid payload. This special topic aims to provide a state of the fluid dynamics fundamental research in the field, and welcomes all theoretical, numerical, and experimental investigations.
Guest Editors: Jerome Noir, Patrice Meunier, and Andre Giesecke

Jérôme Noir; André Giesecke; Patrice Meunier
Geophysical Flows
Yufeng Lin (林玉峰); Rainer Hollerbach; Jérome Noir; Stijn Vantieghem
Instability and Transition
S. Subbotin; N. Shmakova; V. Kozlov; E. Ermanyuk
Geophysical Flows
C. Lefranc; O. Detournay; P. Meunier
Turbulent Flows
Liao Zi-Ju (廖子菊); Lyu Xing-Liang (吕兴亮); Su Wei-Dong (苏卫东)
Turbulent Flows
Susumu Goto; Yasufumi Horimoto; Takuro Kaneko; Kohei Oya; Yuji Sugitani; Shota Aritsu; Masato Yoshida; Haruka Ohyama; Kento Eguchi; Shota Kukimoto; Kazuo Matsuyama; Toru Nishimura; Kimikazu Fukuda; Keiichi Onoda
Instability and Transition
Vivaswat Kumar; Federico Pizzi; André Giesecke; Ján Šimkanin; Thomas Gundrum; Matthias Ratajczak; Frank Stefani
Turbulent Flows
F. Pizzi; G. Mamatsashvili; A. J. Barker; A. Giesecke; F. Stefani
Geophysical Flows
Mike Wilbert; André Giesecke; Rainer Grauer