Education in Acoustics
Education is a vital aspect of ASA's mission to generate, disseminate, and promote the knowledge and practical applications of acoustics. This Special Issue on Education in Acoustics contains 41 papers by authors from around the world. Topics include teaching methods and project-based learning, novel homework exercises, classroom demonstrations, laboratory activities and at-home projects, software and mobile apps for teaching, the use of comics and video games as education and outreach tools, and descriptions of successful undergraduate and graduate acoustics programs.
Guest Editors: Daniel A. Russell and Preston S. Wilson
Image Credit: Figure 5 from C. Potel, P. Gatignol, and M. Bruneau, "Using heat maps in teaching acoustics: Interaction of incident plane wave or incident beam with a solid plane structure," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 152, 754 (2022);