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Nonlinear dynamics, synchronization and networks: Dedicated to Jürgen Kurths' 70th birthday

This focus issue covers the recent developments in the broad areas of nonlinear dynamics, synchronization and emergent behavior in dynamical networks. This issue targets current progress on issues such as time series analysis, data-driven modeling from real data such as climate, brain, and social dynamics. Prediction or detecting an early warning signal of extreme climate conditions, epileptic seizures and other catastrophic conditions, are the most important tasks from real or experimental data. Exploring the machine-based learning of real data for the purpose of modeling and prediction is an emerging area. Tipping in a single element or in a network is an emerging direction for future research for the purpose of understanding and prediction. Recent progress of research on deriving a network from data available from biological, engineering and social systems is also covered.

Guest Editors: Dibakar Ghosh, Norbert Marwan, Michael Small, Istvan Z. Kiss, Changsong Zhou, Jobst Heitzig, Aneta Koseska, and Peng Ji

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Nicholas W. Watkins; Raphael Calel; Sandra C. Chapman; Aleksei Chechkin; Rainer Klages; David A. Stainforth
Joshin John Bejoy; G. Ambika
E. Angelaki; N. Lazarides; G. D. Barmparis; Ioannis Kourakis; Maria E. Marketou; G. P. Tsironis
Gorka Zamora-López; Matthieu Gilson
S. Butail; A. Bhattacharya; M. Porfiri
Zixiang Yan; Jian Gao; Yueheng Lan; Jinghua Xiao
David Valle; Alexandre Wagemakers; Miguel A. F. Sanjuán
Dalma Bilbao; Hugo Aimar; Diego M. Mateos
Takumi Inoue; Kota Shiozawa; Takuma Matsumoto; Mayuka Kanaya; Isao T. Tokuda
Robert M. Kent; Wendson A. S. Barbosa; Daniel J. Gauthier
Axel Hutt; Daniel Trotter; Aref Pariz; Taufik A. Valiante; Jérémie Lefebvre
Keith E. Kennedy; Juan F. Abenza; Leone Rossetti; Xavier Trepat; Pablo Villoslada; Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo
Adam Giammarese; Jacob Brown; Nishant Malik
Jonas Wassmer; Bruno Merz; Norbert Marwan
R. Arun; R. Gopal; V. K. Chandrasekar; M. Lakshmanan
Claudia Lainscsek; Pariya Salami; Vinícius Rezende Carvalho; Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes; Miaolin Fan; Sydney S. Cash; Terrence J. Sejnowski
T. M. Bury; K. Diagne; D. Olshan; L. Glass; A. Shrier; B. B. Lerman; G. Bub
Gourab Kumar Sar; Dibakar Ghosh
Eduardo L. Brugnago; Enrique C. Gabrick; Kelly C. Iarosz; José D. Szezech, Jr.; Ricardo L. Viana; Antonio M. Batista; Iberê L. Caldas
Bruno R. R. Boaretto; Paulo R. Protachevicz; Matheus Hansen; Jonas Oliveira; Alexandre C. Andreani; Elbert E. N. Macau
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