Fluid Shear Stress Biology: From Modelling to Cells to Devices
At the microscopic scale, fluid-mediated mechanical forces (fluid shear stress) have emerged as a prominent player in promoting biological processes such as cell migration and aggregation, influencing gene expressions that reshape tissue and influence organ development, as well as informing disease progression in metastasis and thrombosis. Advances in numerical modelling, devices, imaging technologies, and biomaterials have begun to open new ways to understand the role of fluid shear stress at all levels of a living biological system. In this special issue, we aim to feature recent research on various approaches from experimental and theoretical biophysics, cell-adhesion/aggregation biology, bioimaging, and microfluidics that has been developed to study fluid shear stress-driven biological processes.
Guest Editors: Woei Ming (Steve) Lee and Dmitry Yu Nechipurenko