Recent Advances in Modeling Complex Systems: Theory and Applications
This Focus Issue covers topics such as synchronization and chaos control in dynamical systems, fractal structures in nonlinear dynamics, uncertainty and unpredictability measures, Hamiltonian systems and systems with time delay, local and global stability and bifurcation phenomena, new insights in application of nonlinear dynamics to physical and biological problems, recent applications of machine learning to chaos, complex systems, nonlinear vibrations of lumped mass mechanical/mechatronic systems (rigid body and coupled oscillators dynamics) governed by ODEs and continuous structural members (beams, plates, shells) vibrations governed by PDEs, pattern formation and competition, nonlinear dynamics exhibited by micro- and nano-mechanical systems, reduced-order models, control approaches, energy absorption/harvesting, resonance phenomena, and discontinuous systems.
Guest Editors: Jan Awrejcewicz and Miguel Sanjuan