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Book Chapter
Series: AIPP Books, Methods
Published: November 2022
EISBN: 978-0-7354-2257-5
ISBN: 978-0-7354-2254-4
...In Chap. 3, we showed that the TDSE describing laser–atom interaction processes can be formulated as an initial-value matrix-value problem for the time evolution of the atomic wavefunction, represented by its radial part χ(r, t). In all cases, the crucial...
Book Chapter
Series: AIPP Books, Methods
Published: November 2022
EISBN: 978-0-7354-2257-5
ISBN: 978-0-7354-2254-4
... quantities (i.e., a positive energy spectrum) is challenging because it contradicts with the finite and discrete nature of actual computations; i.e., obviously we cannot consider an arithmetic algorithm that provides results based on sums with infinite numbers of terms (for reasons of both computational time...
Book Chapter
Series: AIPP Books, Principles
Published: November 2022
EISBN: 978-0-7354-2519-4
ISBN: 978-0-7354-2508-8
...Zhu, Q., Wang, X., Wang, H., Xia, M., Cao, W., and Lu, S., “Real-time defect detection of die cast rotor in EV induction motor based on circular flux sensing coils,” in Advanced Sensors and Sensing Technologies for Electric Vehicles, edited by W. Cao and S. Lu (AIP Publishing, Melville...
(a) shows the <span class="search-highlight">time</span>-resolved current response of multilayers for a voltage p...
Published: March 2023
FIG. 10.9 (a) shows the time-resolved current response of multilayers for a voltage pulse of 500 ns pulse width. Inset shows the half input pulse profile for the input pulse of 1.8 V amplitude and 500 ns pulse width. (b) Polarization-time curves obtained by integrating the It curve of multilayer samples. (c) Voltage–time and current–time curve for individual BCZT film. (d) Polarization-time curve for individual BCZT film. More about this image found in (a) shows the time-resolved current response of multilayers for a voltage p...
An example of a pictorial representation from  Wittmann <em>et al.</em>...
Published: March 2023
FIG. 1.2 An example of a pictorial representation from Wittmann et al. (1999) . Questions typically ask students to draw the shape of the rope at a specific time. This time is typically set to when the bases of the pulses overlap or when they have already passed each other. Variations of this picture represent one of the pulses higher or inverted. More about this image found in An example of a pictorial representation from Wittmann et al....
Views about knowledge-production are affected by both domain (Mathematics a...
Published: March 2023
FIG. 11.1 Views about knowledge-production are affected by both domain (Mathematics and Physics), and time of immersion in a field (below or above 8 years) from Sperandeo-Mineo (2012) . More about this image found in Views about knowledge-production are affected by both domain (Mathematics a...
Prediction of inter-cyclic and intra-cyclic battery dynamics using OASIS as...
Published: March 2023
FIG. 10.9 Prediction of inter-cyclic and intra-cyclic battery dynamics using OASIS as a two-timescale modeling approach (k = 1, …, m and s = 1, …, n denote operating cycle number and sampling time, respectively). More about this image found in Prediction of inter-cyclic and intra-cyclic battery dynamics using OASIS as...
(a) Partially shaded PV cell undergoing hotspot condition. (b) Equivalent t...
Published: March 2023
FIG. 1.14 (a) Partially shaded PV cell undergoing hotspot condition. (b) Equivalent thermal model to estimate the time dependence of the temperature of the portion of the PV cell (AHS) under hotspot conditions ( Rossi et al., 2014 ). More about this image found in (a) Partially shaded PV cell undergoing hotspot condition. (b) Equivalent t...
Book Chapter
Series: AIPP Books, Professional
Published: March 2023
EISBN: 978-0-7354-2551-4
ISBN: 978-0-7354-2548-4
... NSF No. 1821372 and the APS Innovation Fund that supported her during the time of authoring the chapter. Acknowledgments ...
Microstructural evolution in a thin film system with isotropic elasticity, ...
Published: March 2023
FIG. 8.6 Microstructural evolution in a thin film system with isotropic elasticity, the far-field composition is 0.05 leading to growth along with film break-up. From the top left, the microstructures correspond to (non-dimensional) time units: t = 114 600, t = 122 800, t = 133 800 and t = 205 800, respectively. These times indicate that the growth slows down the break-up dynamics compared to the previous case of (near) static break-up. More about this image found in Microstructural evolution in a thin film system with isotropic elasticity, ...