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(a) Vertical pendulum tilt sensor ( Dong <em>et al.,</em> 2005 ) wi...
Published: March 2023
FIG. 7.19 (a) Vertical pendulum tilt sensor ( Dong et al., 2005 ) with three fiber Bragg gratings attached to three cantilevers. A tilt of the pendulum leads to bending of the cantilevers depending on the direction of the tilt. This leads the attached fiber Bragg grating to strain and change its reflection spectrum. (b) Schematic of a MEMS ring laser gyroscope with movable mirrors and lens. ( Hashimoto et al., 2009 ). (c) Schematic of a passive resonant optical gyroscope using a fiber ring. The phase modulators are driven by antiphase triangular waves to reduce parasitic effects and allow the readout of Sagnac phase shift as amplitude at photodetector ( Jin et al., 2007 ). More about this image found in (a) Vertical pendulum tilt sensor ( Dong et al., 2005 ) wi...
Book Chapter
Series: AIPP Books, Principles
Published: March 2023
EISBN: 978-0-7354-2439-5
ISBN: 978-0-7354-2436-4
... and lens. ( Hashimoto et al., 2009 ). (c) Schematic of a passive resonant optical gyroscope using a fiber ring. The phase modulators are driven by antiphase triangular waves to reduce parasitic effects and allow the readout of Sagnac phase shift as amplitude at photodetector ( Jin et al...
Book Cover Image
Series: AIPP Books, Principles
Published: March 2023
EISBN: 978-0-7354-2439-5
ISBN: 978-0-7354-2436-4
Book Chapter
Series: AIPP Books, Principles
Published: March 2023
EISBN: 978-0-7354-2439-5
ISBN: 978-0-7354-2436-4
... ,” Nature   503 ( 7474 ), 91 – 94 ( 2013 ). 10.1038/nature12664 “Polatis Series 7000n Network Optical Switch ,” [cited 2021 Apr 11]. Available at: https://www.phoenixdatacom.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Polatis_384×384_7000n_Network_Optical_Switch_pdl.pdf Post , E. J. , “ Sagnac...
Book Chapter
Series: AIPP Books, Principles
Published: May 2022
EISBN: 978-0-7354-2451-7
ISBN: 978-0-7354-2448-7
... different types of interferometers: Michelson, Mach–Zehnder, and Sagnac. The correlation function for a coherent plane wave is, g ( τ ) = g 0 ( τ ) e j ω 0 τ = | g 0 | arg ⁡ { ω 0 τ + g 0 ( τ ) } . Using Eq. ( 3.30 ), the resultant intensity can...
Book Cover Image
Series: AIPP Books, Principles
Published: May 2022
EISBN: 978-0-7354-2451-7
ISBN: 978-0-7354-2448-7
(a). Basic scheme of the ring interferometer. Light source S, beam splitter...
Published: January 1992
(a). Basic scheme of the ring interferometer. Light source S, beam splitter SP, mirrors M1, M2, M3, photographic plate or film P. The splitter divides the light and sends it both ways around the circuit, to reach the photographic plate, where the two components make an interference pattern. Sagnac mounted the entire apparatus on a turntable and rotated it at 120 rpm. (b). The modern version: laser light source L, beam splitter SP, many-turn optical fiber F, and electronic phase-difference detector E. Fig. 1. (a). Basic scheme of the ring interferometer. Light source S, beam splitter SP, mirrors M1, M2, M3, photographic plate or film P. The splitter divides the light and sends it both ways around the circuit, to reach the photographic plate, where the two components make an interference pattern. Sagnac mounted the entire apparatus on a turntable and rotated it at 120 rpm. (b). The modern version: laser light source L, beam splitter SP, many-turn optical fiber F, and electronic phase-difference detector E. More about this image found in (a). Basic scheme of the ring interferometer. Light source S, beam splitter...
Book Chapter
Series: AIPP Books, Archive
Published: January 1992
EISBN: 978-0-7354-2048-9
ISBN-10: 0-917853-44-X
ISBN: 978-0-917853-44-9
...References References 1. G.   Sagnac , Camptes Rendus   157 , 708 , and 1410 ( 1913 );   Jour. de Physique   4 , 177 ( 1914 ). 2. Early physicists had a hard time getting used to the idea that light could be propagated through nothing—a vacuum, so...
Book Chapter
Series: AIPP Books, Archive
Published: January 1992
EISBN: 978-0-7354-2048-9
ISBN-10: 0-917853-44-X
ISBN: 978-0-917853-44-9
... the photographic plate, where the two components make an interference pattern. Sagnac mounted the entire apparatus on a turntable and rotated it at 120 rpm. (b). The modern version: laser light source L, beam splitter SP, many-turn optical fiber F, and electronic phase-difference detector E. Fig. 1. (a). Basic...
Book Cover Image
Series: AIPP Books, Archive
Published: January 1992
EISBN: 978-0-7354-2048-9
ISBN-10: 0-917853-44-X
ISBN: 978-0-917853-44-9
Book Chapter
Series: AIPP Books, Archive
Published: January 1977
EISBN: 978-0-7354-2090-8
ISBN-10: 0-87739-004-5
ISBN: 978-0-87739-004-6
...The interferometer described here was introduced by G. Sagnac in 1910. In its original layout it was a “rectangular” interferometer. It was used by Michelson and Gale in their determination of the effect of the earth’s rotation on the velocity of light. The “triangular” layout was used by Dowell...
Book Cover Image
Series: AIPP Books, Archive
Published: January 1977
EISBN: 978-0-7354-2090-8
ISBN-10: 0-87739-004-5
ISBN: 978-0-87739-004-6