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Joe Pizzo
Joe Pizzo
Lamar University Beaumont
, Texas
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“Interactive Physics Demonstrations” is mainly a collection of articles that appeared in the “Deck the Halls” column of The Physics Teacher from 1986 to 1996. The idea behind this column was to provide a forum for educators who had designed, constructed, and installed “stand-alone” interactive hallway demonstrations at their institutions. The “Deck the Halls” column allowed them to share the details of their work with other teachers.

Even though the column no longer appears in print, many requests have been submitted to the former column editor for reprints of individual articles or, in some cases, “everything you have on the subject.” All of the “Deck the Halls” columns and a few extra articles on the subject have now been collected into this book where they are readily accessible to physics teachers.

This book includes a short introductory chapter on the history and philosophy of interactive physics demonstrations, as well as some hints on graphics, safety, and maintenance of unattended exhibits. This is followed by the collection of articles in a typical sequence of physics topics: Mechanics and Heat, Vibrations and Waves, Optics, Electricity, Chaos, and a collection of articles describing some “mini-museums” of interactive demonstrations within physics departments.

A short list of resources is included at the end of the book.

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