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In preparing and revising this workshop book I have used and modified ideas from a number of sources. The Physics Teacher magazine was the single source which provided me with the most inspiration. All of the articles that were used from The Physics Teacher in developing this book are listed later in this section. Jodi Morckel was my co-presenter in the initial test of the workshop with the ’93 class of PTRA-PLUS. She provided the basic ideas behind some of the more successful demonstrations and showed us all how to use them to inspire students. The ’93 class itself was very helpful in pointing out workshop problems and offering solutions. Many of their ideas are included in the latest version of the workshop book. Bruce Sherwood of Carnegie Mellon University was helpful when I wasn’t sure of some of the physics of magnetism, and he told me how to set up demonstration #5, Increases in Field Strength due to the Polarization of Ferromagnetic Materials. Sam Cohen of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory was generous with information and suggestions. Finally, I would like to thank the workshop participants and my students who have used parts of the workshop and helped to make it better.

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