Section One: : Introduction for Group Leaders: for The Role of Toys in Teaching Physics
Jodi McCullough, Roy McCullough, 2000. "Introduction for Group Leaders: for The Role of Toys in Teaching Physics", The Role of Toys in Teaching Physics, Jodi McCullough, Roy McCullough
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The literature is replete with testimonials to the enjoyment that both students and instructors feel when toys are used in the physics classroom. At American Association of Physics Teachers meetings, the sessions on toys are always well attended. Many instructors have run workshops on toys for elementary teachers. The Physics Teacher, a journal published by AAPT for instructors of introductory physics courses, contains articles as early as 1966 describing how various teachers have used toys in their classrooms and, as can be seen from the graph on page 1.2, the number of articles on physics toys has grown significantly during the past ten years.
The literature is replete with testimonials to the enjoyment that both students and instructors feel when toys are used in the physics classroom. At American Association of Physics Teachers meetings, the sessions on toys are always well attended. Many instructors have run workshops on toys for elementary teachers. The Physics Teacher, a journal published by AAPT for instructors of introductory physics courses, contains articles as early as 1966 describing how various teachers have used toys in their classrooms and, as can be seen from the graph on page 1.2, the number of articles on physics toys has grown significantly during the past ten years.
We have found toys useful as laboratory equipment. There are many advantages over standard equipment:
Toys are often less expensive and more readily available.
Student excitement over seeing a toy they recognize is significant.
Maybe most importantly, non-traditional students (non-technical students) are excited by activities using toys as opposed to their fear when confronted with high-tech-looking boxes with digital readouts. When one of us started including toys in the classroom, the female enrollment rose from between 10 and 25% to a consistent 40 to 45%, even though the same topics were covered.
Finally, if the network theory of learning has credence, students can relate toys to their everyday lives and thus make easier connections between their physics learning and everyday applications. Students come to accept that what they learn in physics is a part of their lives instead of apart from their lives.
This manual is not intended to be a textbook. We cannot hope for it to be complete; the toys available locally, the creativity of those employing toys, and new toys on the market allow this to be an exciting, growing adventure. What we suggest as laboratory exercises others may prefer to use as demonstrations, and vice versa. What we see as a good toy for introducing a topic, others may use to extend a lesson by asking students to apply what they have learned in discussing the toy. There is no correct approach, but we feel certain that having toys around will add excitement and enthusiasm to your classroom.
You should note that the manual contains experiments, demonstrations, and displays involving toys that can be used to introduce most of the major topics covered in typical introductory physics classes. We recommend attempting this type of introduction to provide a comfortable start for students who are insecure with technology. This approach also provides a sense that the topics being studied in physics have a relationship to everyday objects.
In the laboratory activities and the demonstrations, the pedagogical approach is eclectic. We have done this intentionally, realizing that your participants may prefer the more traditional verification labs, including using demonstrations to enliven their lectures, the constructivist approach, open-ended problems, or the modeling approach. Many toys are of interest because of their unique ability to help us confront our misconceptions, forcing or helping us build more appropriate models. The dialogues in the demonstrations are included as examples of interactions that we have found to be productive with our students. We don’t anticipate others following it verbatim. It is Socratic in nature. We try to build to higher-level thinking skills, applying previous knowledge to new situations.
The homework section includes many opportunities for students to apply what they have learned to new toys that provide a variation to the same theme. A standing homework assignment that we have used is to bring in an object from home that illustrates the concept we are presently studying.
Whenever practical, leave the toys lying about as the participants enter the room. Often, you will pick up a new approach or use simply by observing others interacting with them.
TPT Articles on Toys vs. Year
Toys Article Citations from The Physics Teacher, 1963-1999
A nearly complete list, arranged chronologically, by subject area
Mechanics: Kinematics in One Dimension
A. Muriel“‘Mighty-Mo’ mechanics,” 16, 160 (1978). | Mighty-Mo Toy Car |
R. Edge“String and sticky tape experiments,” 16, 233 (1978). | Marbles |
C. Hanna“Spring-wound toy cars — Experiments in mechanics,” 21, 177 (1983). | Toy Cars |
T. Greenslade“More bicycle physics,” 21, 360 (1983). | Bicycle |
E. Zwicker and R. Hetzel“Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 21, 548 (1983). | Toy Car |
E. Zwicker, J. Bozovsky, and A. Brandon “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 21, 611 (1983). | Tennis Balls |
E. Zwicker, J. Bozovsky, and J. Milton “Doing physics,” 24, 356 (1986). | Toy Car |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Misc. Toys |
E. Zwicker and J. Landato “Doing physics,” 25, 586 (1987). | Toy Car |
E. Zwicker and A. Brandon “Doing physics,” 26, 125 (1988). | Baseball Timer |
R. Edge “String and sticky tape experiments — The funny physics funnel,” 28, 575 (1990). | Funnel |
L. Larson and R. Grant “The airplane experiment,” 29, 564 (1991). | Toy Airplane |
D. Hitt and M. Lowe “Motion analysis of a rocket-propelled truck,” 34, 164 (1996). | Toy Truck |
H. Crane “How things work — The pop-pop boat,” 35, 176 (1997). | Put-Put Boat |
E. Etkina “Physics on rollerblades,” 36, 32 (1998). | Rollerblades |
A. Muriel“‘Mighty-Mo’ mechanics,” 16, 160 (1978). | Mighty-Mo Toy Car |
R. Edge“String and sticky tape experiments,” 16, 233 (1978). | Marbles |
C. Hanna“Spring-wound toy cars — Experiments in mechanics,” 21, 177 (1983). | Toy Cars |
T. Greenslade“More bicycle physics,” 21, 360 (1983). | Bicycle |
E. Zwicker and R. Hetzel“Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 21, 548 (1983). | Toy Car |
E. Zwicker, J. Bozovsky, and A. Brandon “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 21, 611 (1983). | Tennis Balls |
E. Zwicker, J. Bozovsky, and J. Milton “Doing physics,” 24, 356 (1986). | Toy Car |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Misc. Toys |
E. Zwicker and J. Landato “Doing physics,” 25, 586 (1987). | Toy Car |
E. Zwicker and A. Brandon “Doing physics,” 26, 125 (1988). | Baseball Timer |
R. Edge “String and sticky tape experiments — The funny physics funnel,” 28, 575 (1990). | Funnel |
L. Larson and R. Grant “The airplane experiment,” 29, 564 (1991). | Toy Airplane |
D. Hitt and M. Lowe “Motion analysis of a rocket-propelled truck,” 34, 164 (1996). | Toy Truck |
H. Crane “How things work — The pop-pop boat,” 35, 176 (1997). | Put-Put Boat |
E. Etkina “Physics on rollerblades,” 36, 32 (1998). | Rollerblades |
Mechanics: Kinematics in Two Dimensions
T. Parmley, J. Swigart, and R. Doran “Lecture demonstrations for the high school Science teacher,” 4, 36 (1966). | Pirate Walker |
E. Heideman “Range of a dart gun,” 11, 362 (1973). | Dart Gun |
H. Gottleib and L. Matthews “Apparatus for teaching physics,” 14, 245 (1976). | Softball |
P. Latimer “ A bouncing superball — the poor man’s projectile,” 15, 485 (1977). | Superball |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Misc. Toys |
C. Hanna “Spring-wound toy cars — Experiments in mechanics,” 21, 177 (1983). | Toy Cars |
E. Zwicker, J. Baier, and F. Slick “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 21, 198 (1983). | Rockets |
J. Hoskins and L. Lonney “A demonstration to show the independence of horizontal and vertical motion,” 21, 525 (1983). | Marbles |
P. Brancazio “Trajectory of a fly ball,” 23, 20 (1985). | Baseball |
A. Eisenkraft “The softball trajectory: An outdoor lab,” 23, 301 (1985). | Softball |
P. Brancazio “The physics of kicking a football,” 23, 403 (1985). | Football |
E. Zwicker and P. Insley “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 23, 510 (1985). | Eskimo Yo-Yo |
H. Crane “A plywood goose that seems to fly,” 24, 169 (1986). | Canadian Goose |
E. Zwicker “Doing physics,” 25, 59 (1987). | Balloons |
E. Zwicker, M. McIntosh, and A. Brandon “Doing physics,” 25, 532 (1987). | Dart Gun |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Misc. Toys |
F. Butcher “Circular motion studies with a toy airplane,” 25, 572 (1987). | Toy Airplane |
W. Connolly “The falling monkey problem,” 25, 577 (1987). | Dart Gun |
D. Zicko “Spin-out velocity of a slot car,” 26, 452 (1988). | Slot Car |
R. Hunt “Koosh physics,” 27, 546 (1989). | Koosh Ball |
T. Gray and R. Key “Tinkertoys and 3-D demos,” 30, 174 (1992). | Tinkertoys |
P. Lee “Circular motion,” 33, 49 (1995). | Toy Car |
A. Fowler “String and sticky tape experiments — A projectile motion experiment,” 34, 155 (1996). | Dart Gun |
W. Leonard and W. Gerace “The power of simple reasoning,” 34, 280 (1996). | Flex Trak |
M. Gardner “Physics trick of the month — Crazy bounce,” 35, 159 (1997). | Super Ball |
E. Etkina “Physics on rollerblades,” 36, 32 (1998). | Rollerblades |
F. Behroozi “Physics of volleyball: spiking with a purpose,” 36, 280 (1998). | Volleyball |
H. Black “Vector toy,” 36, 375 (1998). | Walking Toy |
R. Robinett, C. Mulfinger, and J. Passaneau “Optical realization of a circular billiard,” 36, 547 (1998). | Billiard Balls |
T. Parmley, J. Swigart, and R. Doran “Lecture demonstrations for the high school Science teacher,” 4, 36 (1966). | Pirate Walker |
E. Heideman “Range of a dart gun,” 11, 362 (1973). | Dart Gun |
H. Gottleib and L. Matthews “Apparatus for teaching physics,” 14, 245 (1976). | Softball |
P. Latimer “ A bouncing superball — the poor man’s projectile,” 15, 485 (1977). | Superball |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Misc. Toys |
C. Hanna “Spring-wound toy cars — Experiments in mechanics,” 21, 177 (1983). | Toy Cars |
E. Zwicker, J. Baier, and F. Slick “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 21, 198 (1983). | Rockets |
J. Hoskins and L. Lonney “A demonstration to show the independence of horizontal and vertical motion,” 21, 525 (1983). | Marbles |
P. Brancazio “Trajectory of a fly ball,” 23, 20 (1985). | Baseball |
A. Eisenkraft “The softball trajectory: An outdoor lab,” 23, 301 (1985). | Softball |
P. Brancazio “The physics of kicking a football,” 23, 403 (1985). | Football |
E. Zwicker and P. Insley “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 23, 510 (1985). | Eskimo Yo-Yo |
H. Crane “A plywood goose that seems to fly,” 24, 169 (1986). | Canadian Goose |
E. Zwicker “Doing physics,” 25, 59 (1987). | Balloons |
E. Zwicker, M. McIntosh, and A. Brandon “Doing physics,” 25, 532 (1987). | Dart Gun |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Misc. Toys |
F. Butcher “Circular motion studies with a toy airplane,” 25, 572 (1987). | Toy Airplane |
W. Connolly “The falling monkey problem,” 25, 577 (1987). | Dart Gun |
D. Zicko “Spin-out velocity of a slot car,” 26, 452 (1988). | Slot Car |
R. Hunt “Koosh physics,” 27, 546 (1989). | Koosh Ball |
T. Gray and R. Key “Tinkertoys and 3-D demos,” 30, 174 (1992). | Tinkertoys |
P. Lee “Circular motion,” 33, 49 (1995). | Toy Car |
A. Fowler “String and sticky tape experiments — A projectile motion experiment,” 34, 155 (1996). | Dart Gun |
W. Leonard and W. Gerace “The power of simple reasoning,” 34, 280 (1996). | Flex Trak |
M. Gardner “Physics trick of the month — Crazy bounce,” 35, 159 (1997). | Super Ball |
E. Etkina “Physics on rollerblades,” 36, 32 (1998). | Rollerblades |
F. Behroozi “Physics of volleyball: spiking with a purpose,” 36, 280 (1998). | Volleyball |
H. Black “Vector toy,” 36, 375 (1998). | Walking Toy |
R. Robinett, C. Mulfinger, and J. Passaneau “Optical realization of a circular billiard,” 36, 547 (1998). | Billiard Balls |
Mechanics: Dynamics
R. Edge “Linear dynamics with marbles,” 17, 200 (1979). | Marbles |
R. Edge “String and sticky tape experiments,” 17, 386 (1979). | Climbing Monkey |
E. Zwicker and E. McNeil “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 19, 494 (1981). | Tricycle |
H. Gottlieb and R. Edge “Apparatus for teaching physics,” 20, 50 (1982). | Pool Balls |
E. Zwicker, R. Coleman, and J. Williams “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 20, 252 (1982). | Roller Skates |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Misc. Toys |
C. Hanna “Spring-wound toy cars — Experiments in mechanics,” 21, 177 (1983). | Toy Cars |
E. Zwicker and J. Vokac “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 22, 46 (1984). | Wall Walker |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
E. Zwicker and E. McNeil “Doing physics — Newton’s laws with jumping disks,” 26, 308 (1988). | Jumping Disk |
D. Zicko “Spin-out velocity of a slot car,” 26, 452 (1988). | Slot Car |
R. Hunt “Bicycles in the physics lab,” 27, 160 (1989). | Bicycle |
E. Zwicker and J. Szeszol “Doing physics — Mystery physics,” 27, 200 (1989). | Wall Walker |
J. Irwin and D. Swinson “A demonstration of car braking instabilities,” 28, 522 (1990). | Toy Car |
H. Crane “How things work — Chattering, the chattering, and the hula hoop,” 30, 306 (1992). | Chattering |
H. Crane “How things work — A reluctant hourglass and a backing-down woodpecker,” 31, 532 (1993). | Hour Glass Woodpecker on Spring |
G. Gerhab “Tricks of the trade — The balloon-o-copter,” 32, 215 (1994). | Balloon-o-Copter |
W. Mellen “Aligner for elastic collisions of dropped balls,” 33, 56 (1995). | Balls |
A. Van Heuvelen “Experimental problems for mechanics,” 33, 176, (1995). | Toy Truck |
R. Taylor, D. Hutson, W. Krawiec, J. Ebert, and R. Rubinstein “Computer physics on the playground,” 33, 332 (1995). | Playground Equipment |
R. Mancuso and K. Long “The Astro-Blaster,” 33, 358 (1995). | Astro-Blaster |
A Gaudio and L. Ferracioli String and sticky tape experiments — The folk balloon,” 33, 582 (1995). | Balloon |
D. Hitt and M. Lowe “Motion analysis of a rocket-propelled truck,” 34, 164 (1996). | Toy Truck |
D. Kagan and M. McGie “Some physics of kite strings,” 35, 202 (1997). | Kites |
M. Vinson “Space race: A game of physics adventure,” 36, 20 (1998). | Board Game |
E. Etkina “Physics on rollerblades,” 36, 32 (1998). | Rollerblades |
S. Widmark “Rocket physics,” 36, 148 (1998). | Model Rockets |
H. Black “Vector toy,” 36, 375 (1998). | Walking Toy |
R. Edge “Golf is a mysterious sport,” 36, 444 (1998). | Golf Club |
R. Robinett, C. Mulfinger, and J. Passaneau “Optical realization of a circular billiard,” 36, 547 (1998). | Billiard Balls |
W. Dindorf “Why does it work?” 37, 184 (1999). | Balls |
G. Ward “Can a west wind impede a cyclist’s northward motion?” 37, 352 (1999). | Bike |
J. Salzsieder “String and sticky tape experiments — Wind car,” 37, 359 (1999). | Derby Car |
C. Waltham and B. Copeland “Power requirements for rollerblading and bicycling,” 37, 379 (1999). | Rollerblades, Bikes |
R. Edge “Linear dynamics with marbles,” 17, 200 (1979). | Marbles |
R. Edge “String and sticky tape experiments,” 17, 386 (1979). | Climbing Monkey |
E. Zwicker and E. McNeil “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 19, 494 (1981). | Tricycle |
H. Gottlieb and R. Edge “Apparatus for teaching physics,” 20, 50 (1982). | Pool Balls |
E. Zwicker, R. Coleman, and J. Williams “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 20, 252 (1982). | Roller Skates |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Misc. Toys |
C. Hanna “Spring-wound toy cars — Experiments in mechanics,” 21, 177 (1983). | Toy Cars |
E. Zwicker and J. Vokac “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 22, 46 (1984). | Wall Walker |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
E. Zwicker and E. McNeil “Doing physics — Newton’s laws with jumping disks,” 26, 308 (1988). | Jumping Disk |
D. Zicko “Spin-out velocity of a slot car,” 26, 452 (1988). | Slot Car |
R. Hunt “Bicycles in the physics lab,” 27, 160 (1989). | Bicycle |
E. Zwicker and J. Szeszol “Doing physics — Mystery physics,” 27, 200 (1989). | Wall Walker |
J. Irwin and D. Swinson “A demonstration of car braking instabilities,” 28, 522 (1990). | Toy Car |
H. Crane “How things work — Chattering, the chattering, and the hula hoop,” 30, 306 (1992). | Chattering |
H. Crane “How things work — A reluctant hourglass and a backing-down woodpecker,” 31, 532 (1993). | Hour Glass Woodpecker on Spring |
G. Gerhab “Tricks of the trade — The balloon-o-copter,” 32, 215 (1994). | Balloon-o-Copter |
W. Mellen “Aligner for elastic collisions of dropped balls,” 33, 56 (1995). | Balls |
A. Van Heuvelen “Experimental problems for mechanics,” 33, 176, (1995). | Toy Truck |
R. Taylor, D. Hutson, W. Krawiec, J. Ebert, and R. Rubinstein “Computer physics on the playground,” 33, 332 (1995). | Playground Equipment |
R. Mancuso and K. Long “The Astro-Blaster,” 33, 358 (1995). | Astro-Blaster |
A Gaudio and L. Ferracioli String and sticky tape experiments — The folk balloon,” 33, 582 (1995). | Balloon |
D. Hitt and M. Lowe “Motion analysis of a rocket-propelled truck,” 34, 164 (1996). | Toy Truck |
D. Kagan and M. McGie “Some physics of kite strings,” 35, 202 (1997). | Kites |
M. Vinson “Space race: A game of physics adventure,” 36, 20 (1998). | Board Game |
E. Etkina “Physics on rollerblades,” 36, 32 (1998). | Rollerblades |
S. Widmark “Rocket physics,” 36, 148 (1998). | Model Rockets |
H. Black “Vector toy,” 36, 375 (1998). | Walking Toy |
R. Edge “Golf is a mysterious sport,” 36, 444 (1998). | Golf Club |
R. Robinett, C. Mulfinger, and J. Passaneau “Optical realization of a circular billiard,” 36, 547 (1998). | Billiard Balls |
W. Dindorf “Why does it work?” 37, 184 (1999). | Balls |
G. Ward “Can a west wind impede a cyclist’s northward motion?” 37, 352 (1999). | Bike |
J. Salzsieder “String and sticky tape experiments — Wind car,” 37, 359 (1999). | Derby Car |
C. Waltham and B. Copeland “Power requirements for rollerblading and bicycling,” 37, 379 (1999). | Rollerblades, Bikes |
Mechanics: Work, Power, Energy
T. Parmley, J. Swigart, and R. Doran “Lecture demonstrations for the high school science teacher,” 4, 36 (1966). | Bicycle |
A. Muriel “‘Mighty-Mo’ mechanics,” 16, 160 (1978). | Mighty-Mo Toy Car |
E. Zwicker, J. Williams, and A. Haeger “Doing physics — physics activities for groups,” 19, 633 (1981). | Slinky |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Misc. Toys |
C. Hanna “Spring-wound toy cars — Experiments in mechanics,” 21, 177 (1983). | Toy Cars |
G. Amann, F. Holt, and J. Flanagan “Bowling ball physics,” 22, 384 (1984). | Bowling Ball |
R. Ellisen “Horsepower of a toy car,” 23, 165 (1985). | Toy Car |
H. Crane “How things work — Penguins on an escalator,” 25, 390 (1987). | Penguins on Escalator |
J. Zwart “A Safe and inexpensive ballistic pendulum,” 25, 447 (1987). | Dart Gun |
H. Crane “How things work — How to rotate a ball from the inside,” 26, 174 (1988). | Go Ball |
G. Hageseth “The physics of an exercise bike,” 26, 226 (1988). | Stationary Bicycle |
H. Crane “How things work — Help for forgetful car owners and lazy yo-yo throwers,” 26, 240 (1988). | Yomega |
D. Carpenter, D. Rehbein, and R. Bonometti “Ban deodorant ball mortar,” 26, 522 (1988). | Ban Deodorant Ball |
R. Hunt “Bicycles in the physics lab,” 27, 160 (1989). | Bicycle |
R. Hunt “Koosh physics,” 27, 546 (1989). | Koosh Ball |
D. Zollman “Learning cycles for a large enrollment class,” 28, 20 (1990). | Toy Car |
C. Hayn “Pedagogical interlude,” 28, 166 (1990). | Spring Pop-Up |
H. Crane “How things work — Newton’s yo-yo, a square sprinkler, and a disposable battery tester,” 28, 569 (1990). | Clacker |
J. Cowie and T. Walkiewicz “Radioactiveball,” 30, 16 (1992). | Ball |
R. Jones “Following the bouncing ball,” 31, 313 (1993). | Ball |
W. Mellen “Aligner for elastic collisions of dropped balls,” 33, 56 (1995). | Astroblaster |
A. Van Heuvelen “Experimental problems for mechanics,” 33, 176 (1995). | Hot Wheels |
R. Taylor, D. Hutson, W. Krawiec, J. Ebert, and R. Rubinstein “Computer physics on the playground,” 33, 332 (1995). | Playground Equipment |
B. Wade “Hot Wheels in the laboratory,” 34, 150 (1996). | Toy Cars |
R. Ehrlich “Experiments with ‘Newton’s Cradle,’” 34, 181 (1996). | Newton’s Cradle |
W. Leonard and W. Gerace “The power of simple reasoning,” 34, 280 (1996) | Flex Trak |
T. Burgess “The physics of bowling,” 34, 316 (1996). | Bowling Ball |
M. Gardner “Physics trick of the month — The ball that rolls uphill,” 34, 461 (1996). | Ball, Cards |
J. Gavenda and J. Edgington “Newton’s cradle and scientific explanation,” 35, 411 (1997). | Newton’s Cradle |
E. van den Berg, N. Bonifacio, R. Embalzado, and M. Ravelo “Another surprise in mechanics: Styrofoam and toys,” 37, 338 (1999). | Miscellaneous Toys |
C. Waltham and B. Copeland “Power requirements for rollerblading and bicycling,” 37, 379 (1999). | Rollerblades, Bikes |
T. Parmley, J. Swigart, and R. Doran “Lecture demonstrations for the high school science teacher,” 4, 36 (1966). | Bicycle |
A. Muriel “‘Mighty-Mo’ mechanics,” 16, 160 (1978). | Mighty-Mo Toy Car |
E. Zwicker, J. Williams, and A. Haeger “Doing physics — physics activities for groups,” 19, 633 (1981). | Slinky |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Misc. Toys |
C. Hanna “Spring-wound toy cars — Experiments in mechanics,” 21, 177 (1983). | Toy Cars |
G. Amann, F. Holt, and J. Flanagan “Bowling ball physics,” 22, 384 (1984). | Bowling Ball |
R. Ellisen “Horsepower of a toy car,” 23, 165 (1985). | Toy Car |
H. Crane “How things work — Penguins on an escalator,” 25, 390 (1987). | Penguins on Escalator |
J. Zwart “A Safe and inexpensive ballistic pendulum,” 25, 447 (1987). | Dart Gun |
H. Crane “How things work — How to rotate a ball from the inside,” 26, 174 (1988). | Go Ball |
G. Hageseth “The physics of an exercise bike,” 26, 226 (1988). | Stationary Bicycle |
H. Crane “How things work — Help for forgetful car owners and lazy yo-yo throwers,” 26, 240 (1988). | Yomega |
D. Carpenter, D. Rehbein, and R. Bonometti “Ban deodorant ball mortar,” 26, 522 (1988). | Ban Deodorant Ball |
R. Hunt “Bicycles in the physics lab,” 27, 160 (1989). | Bicycle |
R. Hunt “Koosh physics,” 27, 546 (1989). | Koosh Ball |
D. Zollman “Learning cycles for a large enrollment class,” 28, 20 (1990). | Toy Car |
C. Hayn “Pedagogical interlude,” 28, 166 (1990). | Spring Pop-Up |
H. Crane “How things work — Newton’s yo-yo, a square sprinkler, and a disposable battery tester,” 28, 569 (1990). | Clacker |
J. Cowie and T. Walkiewicz “Radioactiveball,” 30, 16 (1992). | Ball |
R. Jones “Following the bouncing ball,” 31, 313 (1993). | Ball |
W. Mellen “Aligner for elastic collisions of dropped balls,” 33, 56 (1995). | Astroblaster |
A. Van Heuvelen “Experimental problems for mechanics,” 33, 176 (1995). | Hot Wheels |
R. Taylor, D. Hutson, W. Krawiec, J. Ebert, and R. Rubinstein “Computer physics on the playground,” 33, 332 (1995). | Playground Equipment |
B. Wade “Hot Wheels in the laboratory,” 34, 150 (1996). | Toy Cars |
R. Ehrlich “Experiments with ‘Newton’s Cradle,’” 34, 181 (1996). | Newton’s Cradle |
W. Leonard and W. Gerace “The power of simple reasoning,” 34, 280 (1996) | Flex Trak |
T. Burgess “The physics of bowling,” 34, 316 (1996). | Bowling Ball |
M. Gardner “Physics trick of the month — The ball that rolls uphill,” 34, 461 (1996). | Ball, Cards |
J. Gavenda and J. Edgington “Newton’s cradle and scientific explanation,” 35, 411 (1997). | Newton’s Cradle |
E. van den Berg, N. Bonifacio, R. Embalzado, and M. Ravelo “Another surprise in mechanics: Styrofoam and toys,” 37, 338 (1999). | Miscellaneous Toys |
C. Waltham and B. Copeland “Power requirements for rollerblading and bicycling,” 37, 379 (1999). | Rollerblades, Bikes |
Mechanics: Momentum
T. Campbell “Simple exploration apparatus for the introductory physics laboratory,” 15, 233 (1977). | Dart Gun |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
P. Hewitt “The bouncing dart,” 22, 302 (1984). | Dart |
R. Minnix, D. Carpenter, and A. Saitoh “Conservation of momentum — walking the boat,” 23, 316 (1985). | Toy Car |
J. Pizzo and R. Biser “Deck the halls — Bowling ball impact apparatus,” 25, 40 (1987). | Bowling Balls |
M. Greenwood “Conservation of momentum and the center of mass of a cart-truck system,” 25, 370 (1987). | Toy Car |
J. Zwart “A Safe and inexpensive ballistic pendulum,” 25, 447 (1987). | Dart Gun |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
E. Zwicker and E. McNeil “Doing physics — Newton’s laws with jumping disks,” 26, 308 (1988). | Jumping Disk |
D. Carpenter, D. Rehbein, and R. Bonometti “Ban deodorant ball mortar,” 26, 522 (1988). | Ban Deodorant Ball |
R. Ehrlich “A collection of simple physics demonstrations,” 28, 492 (1990). | Ball |
H. Crane “How things work — Newton’s yo-yo, a square sprinkler, and a disposable battery tester,” 28, 569 (1990). | Clacker |
J. Huebner and T. Smith “Multi-ball collisions,” 30, 46 (1992). | Astroblaster |
W. Boone and M. Roth “Organizing school science shows,” 30, 348 (1992). | Bowling Ball |
K. Mamola and F. Bucheit “Apparatus for teaching physics — A momentum transfer demonstration with ‘Happy/Unhappy’ balls,” 32, 28 (1994). | Happy and Sad Balls |
W. Mellen “Aligner for elastic collisions of dropped balls,” 33, 56 (1995). | Astroblaster |
R. Mancuso and K. Long “The Astro-Blaster,” 33, 358 (1995). | Astro-Blaster |
D. Hitt and M. Lowe “Motion analysis of a rocket-propelled truck,” 34, 164 (1996). | Toy Truck |
R. Ehrlich “Experiments with ‘Newton’s Cradle,’” 34, 181 (1996). | Newton’s Cradle |
S. Micklavzina “Trick of the trade — Impulse demonstration using a half bouncy ball,” 34, 253 (1996). | Balls |
J. Gavenda and J. Edgington “Newton’s cradle and scientific explanation,” 35, 411 (1997). | Newton’s Cradle |
E. van den Berg, N. Bonifacio, R. Embalzado, and M. Ravelo “Another surprise in mechanics: Styrofoam and toys,” 37, 338 (1999). | Miscellaneous Toys |
T. Campbell “Simple exploration apparatus for the introductory physics laboratory,” 15, 233 (1977). | Dart Gun |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
P. Hewitt “The bouncing dart,” 22, 302 (1984). | Dart |
R. Minnix, D. Carpenter, and A. Saitoh “Conservation of momentum — walking the boat,” 23, 316 (1985). | Toy Car |
J. Pizzo and R. Biser “Deck the halls — Bowling ball impact apparatus,” 25, 40 (1987). | Bowling Balls |
M. Greenwood “Conservation of momentum and the center of mass of a cart-truck system,” 25, 370 (1987). | Toy Car |
J. Zwart “A Safe and inexpensive ballistic pendulum,” 25, 447 (1987). | Dart Gun |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
E. Zwicker and E. McNeil “Doing physics — Newton’s laws with jumping disks,” 26, 308 (1988). | Jumping Disk |
D. Carpenter, D. Rehbein, and R. Bonometti “Ban deodorant ball mortar,” 26, 522 (1988). | Ban Deodorant Ball |
R. Ehrlich “A collection of simple physics demonstrations,” 28, 492 (1990). | Ball |
H. Crane “How things work — Newton’s yo-yo, a square sprinkler, and a disposable battery tester,” 28, 569 (1990). | Clacker |
J. Huebner and T. Smith “Multi-ball collisions,” 30, 46 (1992). | Astroblaster |
W. Boone and M. Roth “Organizing school science shows,” 30, 348 (1992). | Bowling Ball |
K. Mamola and F. Bucheit “Apparatus for teaching physics — A momentum transfer demonstration with ‘Happy/Unhappy’ balls,” 32, 28 (1994). | Happy and Sad Balls |
W. Mellen “Aligner for elastic collisions of dropped balls,” 33, 56 (1995). | Astroblaster |
R. Mancuso and K. Long “The Astro-Blaster,” 33, 358 (1995). | Astro-Blaster |
D. Hitt and M. Lowe “Motion analysis of a rocket-propelled truck,” 34, 164 (1996). | Toy Truck |
R. Ehrlich “Experiments with ‘Newton’s Cradle,’” 34, 181 (1996). | Newton’s Cradle |
S. Micklavzina “Trick of the trade — Impulse demonstration using a half bouncy ball,” 34, 253 (1996). | Balls |
J. Gavenda and J. Edgington “Newton’s cradle and scientific explanation,” 35, 411 (1997). | Newton’s Cradle |
E. van den Berg, N. Bonifacio, R. Embalzado, and M. Ravelo “Another surprise in mechanics: Styrofoam and toys,” 37, 338 (1999). | Miscellaneous Toys |
Mechanics: Rotational Motion
G. Freier “The tippy-top,” 5, 36 (1967). | Tippy Top |
M. Pryor “Centripetal force on level and inclined highways,” 11, 173 (1973). | Toy Cars |
L. Minkler “Measuring the moment of inertia of an airplane,” 13, 47 (1975). | Airplane |
D. Koch “More toy store physics,” 14, 506 (1976). | Baby Drum Drop |
J. Mahoney and K. Ford “Why does a finger ring flip?,” 16, 322 (1978). | Tippy Top |
J. Higbie “The physics of the ‘Dyna Bee,’” 18, 147 (1980). | Dyna Bee |
J. Higbie “Precession of a gyroscope,” 18, 210 (1980). | Gyroscope |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
K. Taylor “Tinker toys have their moments of inertia,” 21, 456 (1983). | Tinker Toy |
R. Harding and R. Prigo “The yo-yo-top,” 22, 36 (1984). | Tops |
H. Brody “The moment of inertia of a tennis racket,” 23, 213 (1985). | Tennis Racket |
P. Brancazio “Why does a football keep its axis pointing along its trajectory?,” 23, 571 (1985). | Football |
E. Deitz “One good turn: Emphasizing the importance of the origin for the discussion of angular momentum,” 24, 226 (1986). | Bicycle |
R. Baierlein “Questions students ask spinning footballs and class rings,” 24, 361 (1986). | Football |
E. Zwicker and J. Szeszol “Doing Physics,” 25, 173 (1987). | Top |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
P. Tea “Essay on gyroscopic motions,” 26, 22 (1988). | Bicycle Wheel |
G. Hageseth “The physics of an exercise bike,” 26, 226 (1988). | Stationary Bicycle |
H. Crane “How things work — Help for forgetful car owners and lazy yo-yo throwers,” 26, 240 (1988). | Yomega |
R. Edge and B. Patterson “String and sticky tape experiments — Angular momentum,” 27, 566 (1989). | String Button |
W. Boudreau “Cheap and simple yo-yos,” 28, 92 (1990). | Yo-Yo |
R. Edge “String and sticky tape experiments — Crystal sticks,” 29, 128 (1991). | Crystal Sticks |
T. Daw “Apparatus review — An assessment of the PASCO V-Scope,” 29, 304 (1991). | Bowling Ball |
E. Mathieson “Wrap up rotational motion by throwing a bola,” 30, 180 (1992). | Bola |
H. Crane “How things work — Chattering, the chattering and the hula hoop,” 30, 306 (1992). | Chattering |
C. Stannard, T. O’Brien, and A. Telesca “A ball with pure translational motion?,” 30, 527 (1992). | Roll-A-Roo |
J. Nightingale “Which way will the bike move?,” 31, 244 (1993). | Bicycle |
A. Van Heuvelen “Experimental problems for mechanics,” 33, 176 (1995). | Airplane |
P. Lee “Circular motion,” 33, 49 (1995). | Toy Cars |
M. Gardner “Physics trick of the month — The marble and the cork,” 34, 146 (1996). | Marble |
T. Burgess “The physics of bowling,” 34, 316 (1996). | Bowling Ball |
T. Pickett “The marble, cork and centrifuge,” 34, 422 (1996). | Marble |
H. Perry “Using the ‘wheel’ as an exercise in rotational motion,” 34, 454 (1996). | Wheel of Fortune |
E. Etkina “Physics on rollerblades,” 36, 32 (1998). | Rollerblades |
R. Akridge “Period and amplitude,” 36, 507 (1998). | Balls |
R. Edge and R. Childers “String and sticky tape experiments — Curious celts and riotous rattlebacks,” 37, 80 (1999). | Celts |
M. Buchanan, M. Graham, and T. Hunter “Trick of the trade — A nostalgic demonstration of the radian,” 37, 253 (1999). | Pac Man |
G. Freier “The tippy-top,” 5, 36 (1967). | Tippy Top |
M. Pryor “Centripetal force on level and inclined highways,” 11, 173 (1973). | Toy Cars |
L. Minkler “Measuring the moment of inertia of an airplane,” 13, 47 (1975). | Airplane |
D. Koch “More toy store physics,” 14, 506 (1976). | Baby Drum Drop |
J. Mahoney and K. Ford “Why does a finger ring flip?,” 16, 322 (1978). | Tippy Top |
J. Higbie “The physics of the ‘Dyna Bee,’” 18, 147 (1980). | Dyna Bee |
J. Higbie “Precession of a gyroscope,” 18, 210 (1980). | Gyroscope |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
K. Taylor “Tinker toys have their moments of inertia,” 21, 456 (1983). | Tinker Toy |
R. Harding and R. Prigo “The yo-yo-top,” 22, 36 (1984). | Tops |
H. Brody “The moment of inertia of a tennis racket,” 23, 213 (1985). | Tennis Racket |
P. Brancazio “Why does a football keep its axis pointing along its trajectory?,” 23, 571 (1985). | Football |
E. Deitz “One good turn: Emphasizing the importance of the origin for the discussion of angular momentum,” 24, 226 (1986). | Bicycle |
R. Baierlein “Questions students ask spinning footballs and class rings,” 24, 361 (1986). | Football |
E. Zwicker and J. Szeszol “Doing Physics,” 25, 173 (1987). | Top |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
P. Tea “Essay on gyroscopic motions,” 26, 22 (1988). | Bicycle Wheel |
G. Hageseth “The physics of an exercise bike,” 26, 226 (1988). | Stationary Bicycle |
H. Crane “How things work — Help for forgetful car owners and lazy yo-yo throwers,” 26, 240 (1988). | Yomega |
R. Edge and B. Patterson “String and sticky tape experiments — Angular momentum,” 27, 566 (1989). | String Button |
W. Boudreau “Cheap and simple yo-yos,” 28, 92 (1990). | Yo-Yo |
R. Edge “String and sticky tape experiments — Crystal sticks,” 29, 128 (1991). | Crystal Sticks |
T. Daw “Apparatus review — An assessment of the PASCO V-Scope,” 29, 304 (1991). | Bowling Ball |
E. Mathieson “Wrap up rotational motion by throwing a bola,” 30, 180 (1992). | Bola |
H. Crane “How things work — Chattering, the chattering and the hula hoop,” 30, 306 (1992). | Chattering |
C. Stannard, T. O’Brien, and A. Telesca “A ball with pure translational motion?,” 30, 527 (1992). | Roll-A-Roo |
J. Nightingale “Which way will the bike move?,” 31, 244 (1993). | Bicycle |
A. Van Heuvelen “Experimental problems for mechanics,” 33, 176 (1995). | Airplane |
P. Lee “Circular motion,” 33, 49 (1995). | Toy Cars |
M. Gardner “Physics trick of the month — The marble and the cork,” 34, 146 (1996). | Marble |
T. Burgess “The physics of bowling,” 34, 316 (1996). | Bowling Ball |
T. Pickett “The marble, cork and centrifuge,” 34, 422 (1996). | Marble |
H. Perry “Using the ‘wheel’ as an exercise in rotational motion,” 34, 454 (1996). | Wheel of Fortune |
E. Etkina “Physics on rollerblades,” 36, 32 (1998). | Rollerblades |
R. Akridge “Period and amplitude,” 36, 507 (1998). | Balls |
R. Edge and R. Childers “String and sticky tape experiments — Curious celts and riotous rattlebacks,” 37, 80 (1999). | Celts |
M. Buchanan, M. Graham, and T. Hunter “Trick of the trade — A nostalgic demonstration of the radian,” 37, 253 (1999). | Pac Man |
Mechanics: Statics
T. Parmley, J. Swigart, and R. Doran “Lecture demonstrations for the high school science teacher,” 4, 36 (1966). | Truck on Bridge |
J. Keady “Using blocks to demonstrate inertia, center of gravity, and friction,” 5, 292 (1967). | Stacking Blocks |
T. Greenslade “19th century textbook illustrations XL,” 19, 554 (1981). | Balancing Toys |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
E. McFarland “Center of mass revisited,” 21, 42 (1983). | Center of Mass Toys |
R. Edge “Center of mass,” 22, 535 (1984). | Center of Mass Toys |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
R. Edge “String and sticky tape experiments — The wobbler,” 28, 122 (1990). | Wobbler |
J. McGervey and D. Heckathorn “Retraining teachers in physics,” 28, 230 (1990). | Trains |
R. Edge “String and sticky tape experiments — The tumbling toy,” 28, 341 (1990). | Tumbling Toy |
M. Bucher, S. Zhu, and R. Dotta-Dovidio “Center-of-mass baton,” 29, 74 (1991). | Baton |
M. Gardner “Physics trick of the month — Roly-poly folder,” 29, 107 (1991). | Roly-Poly |
H. Crane “How things work — The rattleback revisited,” 29, 278 (1991). | Rattleback |
B. Broadt, C. Necochea, and S. Jacobsen “What’s an Ollie?” 29, 498 (1991). | Skateboard |
S. Bridgman, D. Collins “Human body motion in an Ollie,” 30, 498 (1992). | Skateboard |
T. Turner “100 years of physics and toys: Balancing toys,” 30, 542 1992). | Center of Mass Toys |
A. French “The suspended Slinky — A problem in static equilibrium,” 32, 244 (1994). | Slinky |
T. Burgess “The physics of bowling,” 34, 316 (1996). | Bowling Ball |
D. Smith “Friction and the balanced mocko jumbie,” 35, 466 (1997). | Stilts |
S. Widmark “Rocket physics,” 36, 148 (1998). | Model Rockets |
T. Parmley, J. Swigart, and R. Doran “Lecture demonstrations for the high school science teacher,” 4, 36 (1966). | Truck on Bridge |
J. Keady “Using blocks to demonstrate inertia, center of gravity, and friction,” 5, 292 (1967). | Stacking Blocks |
T. Greenslade “19th century textbook illustrations XL,” 19, 554 (1981). | Balancing Toys |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
E. McFarland “Center of mass revisited,” 21, 42 (1983). | Center of Mass Toys |
R. Edge “Center of mass,” 22, 535 (1984). | Center of Mass Toys |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
R. Edge “String and sticky tape experiments — The wobbler,” 28, 122 (1990). | Wobbler |
J. McGervey and D. Heckathorn “Retraining teachers in physics,” 28, 230 (1990). | Trains |
R. Edge “String and sticky tape experiments — The tumbling toy,” 28, 341 (1990). | Tumbling Toy |
M. Bucher, S. Zhu, and R. Dotta-Dovidio “Center-of-mass baton,” 29, 74 (1991). | Baton |
M. Gardner “Physics trick of the month — Roly-poly folder,” 29, 107 (1991). | Roly-Poly |
H. Crane “How things work — The rattleback revisited,” 29, 278 (1991). | Rattleback |
B. Broadt, C. Necochea, and S. Jacobsen “What’s an Ollie?” 29, 498 (1991). | Skateboard |
S. Bridgman, D. Collins “Human body motion in an Ollie,” 30, 498 (1992). | Skateboard |
T. Turner “100 years of physics and toys: Balancing toys,” 30, 542 1992). | Center of Mass Toys |
A. French “The suspended Slinky — A problem in static equilibrium,” 32, 244 (1994). | Slinky |
T. Burgess “The physics of bowling,” 34, 316 (1996). | Bowling Ball |
D. Smith “Friction and the balanced mocko jumbie,” 35, 466 (1997). | Stilts |
S. Widmark “Rocket physics,” 36, 148 (1998). | Model Rockets |
C. Swartz “The cylindrical wing, why does it fly?” 16, 662 (1978). | Turbo Tube |
R. Edge “The spin on baseballs or golf balls,” 18, 308 (1980). | Baseball, Golf Ball |
E. Lee “Cartesian diver with pressure head,” 19, 416 (1981). | Cartesian Diver |
G. Barnes “Demonstrating curved trajectories of a spinning ball,” 19, 403 (1981). | Ball |
E. Zwicker, J. Williams, and A. Haeger “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 19, 45 (1981). | Balloon |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
E. Zwicker and A. Brandon “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 20, 482 (1982). | Cartesian Diver |
H. Crane “Frisbees, can lids, and gyroscopic effects,” 21, 325 (1983). | Frisbee |
E. Zwicker “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 24, 121 (1986). | Fluid Desk Toys |
H. Crane “How things work — Beyond the Frisbee,” 24, 502 (1986). | Aerobie |
H. Crane “How things work — A tornado in a soda bottle and angular momentum in the washbasin,” 25, 516 (1987). | Tornado in a Bottle |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
W. Connolly and T. Ragsdale “Apparatus for teaching physics,” 27, 306 (1989). | Cartesian Diver |
R. Cosby and D. Petry “Simple buoyancy demonstrations using saltwater,” 27, 550 (1989). | Cartesian Diver |
M. Hanson “The flight of the boomerang,” 28, 142 (1990). | Boomerang |
D. Walton “Self-inflating balloons,” 28, 324 (1990). | Balloon |
R. Edge “String and sticky tape experiments — Bags, balloons, and such,” 30, 341 (1992). | Balloon |
T. Toepker “More 1 cent physics,” 30, 454 (1992). | Balloon |
K. Mamola and R. Graham “Apparatus for teaching physics — An extremely sensitive cartesian diver,” 32, 182 (1994). | Cartesian Diver |
J. Miano “Archimedes’ principle and smiley-faced balloons,” 33, 172 (1995). | Mylar Balloon |
A. Gaudio and L. Ferracioli String and sticky tape experiments — The folk balloon,” 33, 582 (1995). | Balloon |
M. Gardner “Physics trick of the month — The marble and the cork,” 34, 146 (1996). | Marble |
W. Deese and R. Hamburg “Trick of the trade — Demonstrating the bowling-ball-in-the-boat puzzle,” 34, 187 (1996). | Bowling Ball |
T. Pickett “The marble, cork and centrifuge,” 34, 422 (1996). | Marble |
M. Fares Saba “Bernoulli’s ghost,” 35, 294 (1997). | Balloon |
S. Cordry “Finicky clay divers,” 36, 82 (1998). | Clay |
G. Gore “Playing with bubbles,” 36, 502 (1998). | Soap Bubbles |
K. Bouffard “Physics olympics — Bernoulli’s challenge,” 37, 58 (1999). | Ping Pong Ball |
M. Gardner “Physics trick of the month — The jumping pencil,” 37, 178 (1999). | Balloon |
G. Ward “Can a west wind impede a cyclist’s northward motion?” 37, 352 (1999). | Bike |
C. Swartz “The cylindrical wing, why does it fly?” 16, 662 (1978). | Turbo Tube |
R. Edge “The spin on baseballs or golf balls,” 18, 308 (1980). | Baseball, Golf Ball |
E. Lee “Cartesian diver with pressure head,” 19, 416 (1981). | Cartesian Diver |
G. Barnes “Demonstrating curved trajectories of a spinning ball,” 19, 403 (1981). | Ball |
E. Zwicker, J. Williams, and A. Haeger “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 19, 45 (1981). | Balloon |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
E. Zwicker and A. Brandon “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 20, 482 (1982). | Cartesian Diver |
H. Crane “Frisbees, can lids, and gyroscopic effects,” 21, 325 (1983). | Frisbee |
E. Zwicker “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 24, 121 (1986). | Fluid Desk Toys |
H. Crane “How things work — Beyond the Frisbee,” 24, 502 (1986). | Aerobie |
H. Crane “How things work — A tornado in a soda bottle and angular momentum in the washbasin,” 25, 516 (1987). | Tornado in a Bottle |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
W. Connolly and T. Ragsdale “Apparatus for teaching physics,” 27, 306 (1989). | Cartesian Diver |
R. Cosby and D. Petry “Simple buoyancy demonstrations using saltwater,” 27, 550 (1989). | Cartesian Diver |
M. Hanson “The flight of the boomerang,” 28, 142 (1990). | Boomerang |
D. Walton “Self-inflating balloons,” 28, 324 (1990). | Balloon |
R. Edge “String and sticky tape experiments — Bags, balloons, and such,” 30, 341 (1992). | Balloon |
T. Toepker “More 1 cent physics,” 30, 454 (1992). | Balloon |
K. Mamola and R. Graham “Apparatus for teaching physics — An extremely sensitive cartesian diver,” 32, 182 (1994). | Cartesian Diver |
J. Miano “Archimedes’ principle and smiley-faced balloons,” 33, 172 (1995). | Mylar Balloon |
A. Gaudio and L. Ferracioli String and sticky tape experiments — The folk balloon,” 33, 582 (1995). | Balloon |
M. Gardner “Physics trick of the month — The marble and the cork,” 34, 146 (1996). | Marble |
W. Deese and R. Hamburg “Trick of the trade — Demonstrating the bowling-ball-in-the-boat puzzle,” 34, 187 (1996). | Bowling Ball |
T. Pickett “The marble, cork and centrifuge,” 34, 422 (1996). | Marble |
M. Fares Saba “Bernoulli’s ghost,” 35, 294 (1997). | Balloon |
S. Cordry “Finicky clay divers,” 36, 82 (1998). | Clay |
G. Gore “Playing with bubbles,” 36, 502 (1998). | Soap Bubbles |
K. Bouffard “Physics olympics — Bernoulli’s challenge,” 37, 58 (1999). | Ping Pong Ball |
M. Gardner “Physics trick of the month — The jumping pencil,” 37, 178 (1999). | Balloon |
G. Ward “Can a west wind impede a cyclist’s northward motion?” 37, 352 (1999). | Bike |
E. Zwicker, J. Vokac, and W. Blunk “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 23, 567 (1985). | Bubble Lights |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
E. Zwicker and E. McNeil “Doing physics — Newton’s laws with jumping disks,” 26, 308 (1988). | Jumping Disk |
H. Crane “How things work — What does the drinking bird know about jet lag?,” 27, 470 (1989). | Drinking Bird |
R. Mentzer “The drinking bird — The little heat engine that could,” 31, 126 (1993). | Drinking Bird |
H. Crane “How things work — The pop-pop boat,” 35, 176 (1997). | Put-Put Boat |
J. Higbie “Cooling a bubble by pumping it,” 35, 241 (1997). | Soap Bubbles |
K. Bouffard Physics olympics — Slow balloon race,” 36, 482 (1998). | Helium Balloons |
E. Zwicker, J. Vokac, and W. Blunk “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 23, 567 (1985). | Bubble Lights |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
E. Zwicker and E. McNeil “Doing physics — Newton’s laws with jumping disks,” 26, 308 (1988). | Jumping Disk |
H. Crane “How things work — What does the drinking bird know about jet lag?,” 27, 470 (1989). | Drinking Bird |
R. Mentzer “The drinking bird — The little heat engine that could,” 31, 126 (1993). | Drinking Bird |
H. Crane “How things work — The pop-pop boat,” 35, 176 (1997). | Put-Put Boat |
J. Higbie “Cooling a bubble by pumping it,” 35, 241 (1997). | Soap Bubbles |
K. Bouffard Physics olympics — Slow balloon race,” 36, 482 (1998). | Helium Balloons |
Waves and Light: Waves
S. Welch “What makes it turn,” 11, 303 (1973). | Whammy-Diddle |
H. Gottleib and L. Reynolds “Folding Slinky wave demonstrator,” 16, 652 (1978). | Slinky |
D. Kirwan and J. Willis “A Slinky with vertical mounting,” 17, 471 (1979). | Slinky |
D. Mulder “Children’s toys,” 18, 134 (1980). | Whammy-Diddle |
R. Edge “Couples and forced oscillations,” 19, 485 (1981). | Marbles |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
G. Aubrecht “A mechanical toy: The gee-haw whammy diddle,” 20, 614 (1982). | Whammy-Diddle |
J. Williams and R. Keil “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 21, 257 (1983). | Slinky |
E. Zwicker, W. Blunk, and A. Arnold “Doing physics,” 25, 111 (1987). | Slinky |
S. Welch “What makes it turn,” 11, 303 (1973). | Whammy-Diddle |
H. Gottleib and L. Reynolds “Folding Slinky wave demonstrator,” 16, 652 (1978). | Slinky |
D. Kirwan and J. Willis “A Slinky with vertical mounting,” 17, 471 (1979). | Slinky |
D. Mulder “Children’s toys,” 18, 134 (1980). | Whammy-Diddle |
R. Edge “Couples and forced oscillations,” 19, 485 (1981). | Marbles |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
G. Aubrecht “A mechanical toy: The gee-haw whammy diddle,” 20, 614 (1982). | Whammy-Diddle |
J. Williams and R. Keil “Doing physics — Physics activities for groups,” 21, 257 (1983). | Slinky |
E. Zwicker, W. Blunk, and A. Arnold “Doing physics,” 25, 111 (1987). | Slinky |
Waves and Light: Sound
M. Hults “Sound waves,” 18, 671 (1980). | Trumpet |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
D. Berry “Circular motion with the sound wagon,” 25, 570 (1987). | Record Player |
H. Crane “How things work — The doppler ball: A novel use of the piezo-electric effect,” 26, 120 (1988). | Wiffle Ball |
D. Shult “Tone holes and frequency of open pipes,” 29, 16 (1991). | Pipe Flute |
R. Edge “String and sticky tape experiments — Bags, balloons, and such,” 30, 379 (1992). | Balloon |
R. Khosropour, R. Lamberton, and S. Paulinsky “SpacePhone: Propagating interest in waves,” 31, 529 (1993). | SpacePhone |
L. Cadwell “Singing corrugated pipes,” 32, 42 (1994). | Singing Pipe |
B. Holmes “Whoopee-cushion physics,” 35, 407 (1997). | Whoopee Cushion |
J. Kettler “Whistlin’ Dixie and the speed of sound,” 35, 469 (1997). | Whistle |
G. Baxter and K. Hagenbuch “A student project on wind chimes, tuning in to standing waves,” 36, 205 (1998). | Wind Chimes |
M. Hults “Sound waves,” 18, 671 (1980). | Trumpet |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
D. Berry “Circular motion with the sound wagon,” 25, 570 (1987). | Record Player |
H. Crane “How things work — The doppler ball: A novel use of the piezo-electric effect,” 26, 120 (1988). | Wiffle Ball |
D. Shult “Tone holes and frequency of open pipes,” 29, 16 (1991). | Pipe Flute |
R. Edge “String and sticky tape experiments — Bags, balloons, and such,” 30, 379 (1992). | Balloon |
R. Khosropour, R. Lamberton, and S. Paulinsky “SpacePhone: Propagating interest in waves,” 31, 529 (1993). | SpacePhone |
L. Cadwell “Singing corrugated pipes,” 32, 42 (1994). | Singing Pipe |
B. Holmes “Whoopee-cushion physics,” 35, 407 (1997). | Whoopee Cushion |
J. Kettler “Whistlin’ Dixie and the speed of sound,” 35, 469 (1997). | Whistle |
G. Baxter and K. Hagenbuch “A student project on wind chimes, tuning in to standing waves,” 36, 205 (1998). | Wind Chimes |
Waves and Light: Light
D. Mulder “Children’s toys,” 18, 134 (1980). | Movie Book |
H. Friedman “Demonstrations of the optical properties of diamonds,” 19, 250 (1981). | Diamonds |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
T. Haff “Wavelengths for tots,” 25, 576 (1987). | Stacker Toy |
H. Crane “How things work — Uncommon uses of the stereoscope,” 25, 588 (1987). | Stereoscope |
E. Zwicker and P. Insley “Doing Physics,” 26, 184 (1988). | Soap Bubbles |
J. Pizzo and C. Chiaverina “Deck the halls — An interactive soap film apparatus,” 26, 238 (1988). | Soap Bubble |
A. Siedadzan “Teaching geometrical optics with the ‘Optic Mirage’,” 28, 534 (1990). | Mirage Mirror |
T. Toepker “Spherical mirror images of dynamic objects,” 30, 252 (1992). | Sega Time Traveler |
D. Swinson “Chinese ‘Magic Mirrors’,” 30, 295 (1992). | Makyoh (Chinese Mirror) |
Y. Yan “Three demonstrations from ancient Chinese bronzeware,” 30, 341 (1992). | Chinese Mirror, Heat Bell, Resonance Basin |
E. Zhu and S. Mak “Demonstrating colors of sky and sunset,” 32, 420 (1994). | Opal |
C. Waiveris “Soap bubbles on a cold day,” 32, 404 (1994). | Soap Bubbles |
R. Edge “String and sticky tape experiments — “3D with ‘Jumping Colors’,” 32, 538 (1994). | Jumping Colors |
J. Ferguson “Tinkertoy color-addition device,” 33, 242 (1995). | Tinkertoys |
J. Sicking, T. Toepker, and G. Wojtkiewicz “More than meets the eye,” 33, 446 (1995). | 3-D Glasses |
T. Toepker “The 70-mm kaleidoscope,” 33, 536 (1995). | Kaleidoscope |
G. Ramme “Videotaping the lifespan of a soap bubble,” 33, 558 (1995). | Soap Bubbles |
P. Ferraro “Optics with balloons,” 34, 274 (1996). | Balloons |
C. Chiaverina, C. Scott, and P. Steele “The connections project: Art, physics, and mathematics,” 35, 292 (1997). | Miscellaneous Toys |
P. Tao and H. Lee “Classroom investigation of the Chinese ‘magic’ mirror,” 35, 536 (1997). | Chinese Mirror |
N. Guilbert “Deconstructing a plasma globe,” 37, 11 (1999). | Plasma Ball |
M. Gardner “Trick of the month — Reverse Jack’s profile,” 37, 318 (1999). | Playing Card |
D. Mulder “Children’s toys,” 18, 134 (1980). | Movie Book |
H. Friedman “Demonstrations of the optical properties of diamonds,” 19, 250 (1981). | Diamonds |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
T. Haff “Wavelengths for tots,” 25, 576 (1987). | Stacker Toy |
H. Crane “How things work — Uncommon uses of the stereoscope,” 25, 588 (1987). | Stereoscope |
E. Zwicker and P. Insley “Doing Physics,” 26, 184 (1988). | Soap Bubbles |
J. Pizzo and C. Chiaverina “Deck the halls — An interactive soap film apparatus,” 26, 238 (1988). | Soap Bubble |
A. Siedadzan “Teaching geometrical optics with the ‘Optic Mirage’,” 28, 534 (1990). | Mirage Mirror |
T. Toepker “Spherical mirror images of dynamic objects,” 30, 252 (1992). | Sega Time Traveler |
D. Swinson “Chinese ‘Magic Mirrors’,” 30, 295 (1992). | Makyoh (Chinese Mirror) |
Y. Yan “Three demonstrations from ancient Chinese bronzeware,” 30, 341 (1992). | Chinese Mirror, Heat Bell, Resonance Basin |
E. Zhu and S. Mak “Demonstrating colors of sky and sunset,” 32, 420 (1994). | Opal |
C. Waiveris “Soap bubbles on a cold day,” 32, 404 (1994). | Soap Bubbles |
R. Edge “String and sticky tape experiments — “3D with ‘Jumping Colors’,” 32, 538 (1994). | Jumping Colors |
J. Ferguson “Tinkertoy color-addition device,” 33, 242 (1995). | Tinkertoys |
J. Sicking, T. Toepker, and G. Wojtkiewicz “More than meets the eye,” 33, 446 (1995). | 3-D Glasses |
T. Toepker “The 70-mm kaleidoscope,” 33, 536 (1995). | Kaleidoscope |
G. Ramme “Videotaping the lifespan of a soap bubble,” 33, 558 (1995). | Soap Bubbles |
P. Ferraro “Optics with balloons,” 34, 274 (1996). | Balloons |
C. Chiaverina, C. Scott, and P. Steele “The connections project: Art, physics, and mathematics,” 35, 292 (1997). | Miscellaneous Toys |
P. Tao and H. Lee “Classroom investigation of the Chinese ‘magic’ mirror,” 35, 536 (1997). | Chinese Mirror |
N. Guilbert “Deconstructing a plasma globe,” 37, 11 (1999). | Plasma Ball |
M. Gardner “Trick of the month — Reverse Jack’s profile,” 37, 318 (1999). | Playing Card |
Electromagnetism: Electrostatics
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
T. Greenslade “Electrostatic toys,” 20, 552 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
J. Peterson “No batteries, strings, or wires!,” 23, 223 (1985). | Mystic |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
A. Saitoh “Toy moved by frictional electricity,” 27, 402 (1989). | Owl with Moving Eyes |
H. Rheam “Static electricity & mylar,” 28, 103 (1990). | Mylar Balloons |
D. Kagan “The ultimate ‘Pith Balls’,” 29, 197 (1991). | Mylar Balloons |
A. Ruether “Smart bubbles,” 33, 279 (1995). | Soap Bubbles |
M. Brown “Trick of the trade — In a dark room, let there be light,” 36, 296 (1998). | Helium Balloon |
N. Guilbert “Deconstructing a plasma globe,” 37, 11 (1999). | Plasma Ball |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
T. Greenslade “Electrostatic toys,” 20, 552 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
J. Peterson “No batteries, strings, or wires!,” 23, 223 (1985). | Mystic |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
A. Saitoh “Toy moved by frictional electricity,” 27, 402 (1989). | Owl with Moving Eyes |
H. Rheam “Static electricity & mylar,” 28, 103 (1990). | Mylar Balloons |
D. Kagan “The ultimate ‘Pith Balls’,” 29, 197 (1991). | Mylar Balloons |
A. Ruether “Smart bubbles,” 33, 279 (1995). | Soap Bubbles |
M. Brown “Trick of the trade — In a dark room, let there be light,” 36, 296 (1998). | Helium Balloon |
N. Guilbert “Deconstructing a plasma globe,” 37, 11 (1999). | Plasma Ball |
Electromagnetism: Current Electricity
J. Priest, G. Pierce “Generating class interest,” 19, 188 (1981). | Bicycle Generator |
H. Crane “Mystery glow-ball: When is a battery not a battery?,” 27, 630 (1989). | Glow-Ball |
B. Jones “Resistance measurements on Play-Doh,” 31, 48 (1993). | Play-Doh |
A. Ruether “Smart bubbles,” 33, 279 (May 1995). | Soap Bubbles |
M. Moelter and R. Worland “A child’s flashlight and RC circuit concepts,” 35, 92 (1997). | Playschool Flashlight |
J. Priest, G. Pierce “Generating class interest,” 19, 188 (1981). | Bicycle Generator |
H. Crane “Mystery glow-ball: When is a battery not a battery?,” 27, 630 (1989). | Glow-Ball |
B. Jones “Resistance measurements on Play-Doh,” 31, 48 (1993). | Play-Doh |
A. Ruether “Smart bubbles,” 33, 279 (May 1995). | Soap Bubbles |
M. Moelter and R. Worland “A child’s flashlight and RC circuit concepts,” 35, 92 (1997). | Playschool Flashlight |
Electromagnetism: Magnetism
D. Barr “There’s still a lot we don’t know,” 14, 534 (1976). | Wobbly Bar Magnet |
D. Berry “A ‘perpetual motion’ toy?,” 20, 319 (1982). | Kinetic Ballerina |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
R. Turner “Physics toy: Magnetic seal and ball,” 25, 568 (1987). | Magnetic Seal |
E. Guarner and A. Sanchez “The superconducting bird: A didactical toy,” 30, 176 (1992). | Superconducting Bird |
H. Crane “How things work — Magnetic levitation (almost),” 30, 540 (1992). | Revolution (Magnetic Levitator) |
D. Kagan “Building a magnetic levitation toy,” 31, 432 (1993). | Magnetic Levitator |
C. Terry “Magnetic fields in a Slinky,” 33, 472 (1995). | Slinky |
D. Haase “String and sticky tape experiments — The mysterious magnets,” 34, 60 (1996). | Magnets |
B. Holmes “Money and magnets,” 35, 212 (1997). | Magnets |
D. Lottis, C. Baker, and H. Pounds “Giant magnetoresistance sensors,” 36, 216 (1998). | Magnets |
D. Barr “There’s still a lot we don’t know,” 14, 534 (1976). | Wobbly Bar Magnet |
D. Berry “A ‘perpetual motion’ toy?,” 20, 319 (1982). | Kinetic Ballerina |
H. Levinstein “The physics of toys,” 20, 358 (1982). | Miscellaneous Toys |
J. Watson and N. Watson “Physics toy chest,” 25, 564 (1987). | Miscellaneous Toys |
R. Turner “Physics toy: Magnetic seal and ball,” 25, 568 (1987). | Magnetic Seal |
E. Guarner and A. Sanchez “The superconducting bird: A didactical toy,” 30, 176 (1992). | Superconducting Bird |
H. Crane “How things work — Magnetic levitation (almost),” 30, 540 (1992). | Revolution (Magnetic Levitator) |
D. Kagan “Building a magnetic levitation toy,” 31, 432 (1993). | Magnetic Levitator |
C. Terry “Magnetic fields in a Slinky,” 33, 472 (1995). | Slinky |
D. Haase “String and sticky tape experiments — The mysterious magnets,” 34, 60 (1996). | Magnets |
B. Holmes “Money and magnets,” 35, 212 (1997). | Magnets |
D. Lottis, C. Baker, and H. Pounds “Giant magnetoresistance sensors,” 36, 216 (1998). | Magnets |
Modern Physics
H. Gottleib and G. Nicolacopoulos “Apparatus for teaching physics,” 6, 78 (1968). | Babies Bubble Push Toy |
S. Thompson and P. Seligmann “Squirt-gun scattering,” 29, 62 (1991). | Squirt Gun |
A. DePino “A pile of Legos,” 32, 300 (1994). | Legos |
T. Walkiewicz “The hot balloon (not air),” 33, 344 (1995). | Balloon |
M. Zeilik “Astronotes — Modeling energy outflow in stars,” 37, 236 (1999). | Bumble Ball |
H. Gottleib and G. Nicolacopoulos “Apparatus for teaching physics,” 6, 78 (1968). | Babies Bubble Push Toy |
S. Thompson and P. Seligmann “Squirt-gun scattering,” 29, 62 (1991). | Squirt Gun |
A. DePino “A pile of Legos,” 32, 300 (1994). | Legos |
T. Walkiewicz “The hot balloon (not air),” 33, 344 (1995). | Balloon |
M. Zeilik “Astronotes — Modeling energy outflow in stars,” 37, 236 (1999). | Bumble Ball |