We present high-resolution XPS spectra of elemental vanadium, niobium and tantalum sputter-cleaned by Ar+ ions. The energy scales are shown without applying any corrections, and the position of the Fermi level was verified to be at zero binding energy within better than 0.1 eV, as determined from the Fermi edge measurement.
Combinatorial science deals with complex materials with compositions containing many elements, often with overlapping features in their XPS spectra. At the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis, we explore such material spaces in high-throughput, to find the most suitable catalysts and light absorbers for direct conversion of sunlight into fuels. In order to develop the tools for reliable determination of surface chemical compositions by XPS, we have acquired consistent and comparable reference spectra in high-resolution for all measurable core levels of a particular pure element, or their stable compounds. The data are acquired on the same machine, with the same pass energy and x-ray power; and they contain all measurable loss features. In this publication, we present the results for group five elements.
SPECIMEN DESCRIPTION (Accession #01408, 1 of 3)
Host Material vanadium
CAS Registry # 7440-62-2
Host Material Characteristics homogeneous; solid; unknown crystallinity; conductor; metal
Chemical Name V
Source Sigma-Aldrich, Co.
Host Composition vanadium 99.7%
Form foil
Lot # MKBP7987V
Structure bcc
History & Significance 99.7% pure vanadium
As Received Condition as received from supplier (polished)
Analyzed Region not specified
Ex Situ Preparation/Mounting The foil was cleaned by wiping with isopropyl alcohol, and then mounted under the conductive contact of the sample platen.
In Situ Preparation Surface was ion-sputtered until no O 1s or C 1s were visible in a high pass energy, wide scan.
Pre-Analysis Beam Exposure no exposure prior to data acquisition
Charge Control no charge control applied
Temp. During Analysis 300 K
Pressure During Analysis <5 × 10−7 Pa
SPECIMEN DESCRIPTION (Accession #01409, 2 of 3)
Host Material niobium
CAS Registry # 7440-03-1
Host Material Characteristics unknown homogeneity; solid; unknown crystallinity; conductor; metal
Chemical Name Nb
Source Alfa Aesar
Host Composition Nb 99.95% (metals basis excluding Ta)
Form not specified
Lot # C03Q25
As Received Condition as received from supplier
Analyzed Region not specified
Ex Situ Preparation/Mounting Mounted on conductive tape on the sample platen in electrical contact with the analyzer.
In Situ Preparation Surface was ion-sputtered until no O 1s or C 1s were visible in a high pass energy, wide scan.
Pre-Analysis Beam Exposure
Charge Control none
Temp. During Analysis 300 K
Pressure During Analysis <5 × 10−7 Pa
SPECIMEN DESCRIPTION (Accession #01410, 3 of 3)
Host Material tantalum
CAS Registry # 7440-25-7
Host Material Characteristics homogeneous; solid; unknown crystallinity; conductor; metal
Chemical Name Ta
Source Sigma-Aldrich, Co.
Host Composition tantalum 99.9% trace metal basis
Form foil, thickness 0.25 mm
Lot # MKBW6466V
As Received Condition as received from supplier (polished)
Analyzed Region not specified
Ex Situ Preparation/Mounting sample was wiped with isopropanol
In Situ Preparation Surface was ion-sputtered until no O 1s or C 1s were visible in a high pass energy, wide scan.
Pre-Analysis Beam Exposure
Charge Control none
Temp. During Analysis 300 K
Pressure During Analysis <5 × 10−7 Pa
Manufacturer and Model Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Analyzer Type Other
Number of Detector Elements 127
Analyzer Description Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Analyzer Mode constant pass energy
Throughput (T=EN) N=See comment below
Throughput Comment The energy dependence is recorded in a file at the time of data acquisition.
Excitation Source Window Aluminum K-alpha monochromatic excitation at 1486.6 eV
Excitation Source Al Kα, monochromatic
Source Energy 1486.6 eV
Source Strength 150 W
Signal Mode
Incident Angle not specified
Source to Analyzer Angle not specified
Emission Angle not specified
Specimen Azimuthal Angle 0°
Acceptance Angle from Analyzer Axis 35.5°
Ion Gun
Manufacturer and Model Kratos Analytical Ltd. Minibeam IV
Energy 4000 eV
Current 0.120 mA/cm2
Current Measurement Method biased stage
Sputtering Species Ar+
Spot Size (unrastered) 500 μm
Raster Size 2000 μm × 2000 μm
Azimuthal Angle 0°
Comment no rotation
Energy Scale Correction No energy shifting has been applied to any spectra.
Recommended Energy Scale Shift We do not recommend any energy scale shifts.
Peak Shape and Background Method
Quantitation Method
Spectrum ID # . | Element/Transition . | Peak Energy (eV) . | Peak Width FWHM (eV) . | Peak Area (eV × cts/s) . | Sensitivity Factor . | Concentration (at. %) . | Peak Assignment . |
01408-02 | V 2p3/2 | 506.60 | 0.60 | 24570 | 1.41 | ··· | V |
01408-02 | V 2p1/2 | 514.15 | 0.63 | 11990 | 0.71 | ··· | V |
01408-02 | O 1s | 525.49 | 1.91 | 1970 | 0.78 | ··· | O |
01408-03 | V 3p | 31.43 | 0.917 | 3910 | 0.274 | ··· | V |
01408-04 | V 3s | 60.30 | 1.99 | 2150 | 0.131 | ··· | V |
01408-05 | V 2s | 620.58 | 6.11 | 8540 | 0.673 | ··· | V |
01409-02 | Nb 3d5/2 | 202.26 | 0.433 | 28130 | 1.75 | ··· | Nb |
01409-02 | Nb 3d3/2 | 204.99 | 0.433 | 14070 | 1.17 | ··· | Nb |
01409-04 | Nb 3p3/2 | 360.35 | 2.181 | 38020 | 1.75 | ··· | Nb |
01409-04 | Nb 3p1/2 | 374.86 | 2.181 | 15410 | 0.88 | ··· | Nb |
01409-05 | Nb 4s | 56.00 | 4.7 | 1874 | 0.126 | ··· | Nb |
01409-05 | Nb 4p3/2 | 30.60 | 1.13 | 3907 | 0.254 | ··· | Nb |
01409-05 | Nb 4p1/2 | 32.45 | 1.16 | 1954 | 0.127 | ··· | Nb |
01409-06 | Nb 3s | 466.55 | 6.76 | 6250 | 0.393 | ··· | Nb |
01410-02 | Ta 4f7/2 | 21.56 | 0.39 | 22000 | 1.761 | ··· | Ta |
01410-02 | Ta 4f5/2 | 23.48 | 0.39 | 16500 | 1.321 | ··· | Ta |
01410-02 | Ta 4f7/2 | 23.06 | 1.06 | 2865 | 1.761 | ··· | Ta-O |
01410-02 | Ta 4f5/2 | 24.98 | 1.06 | 2150 | 1.321 | ··· | Ta-O |
01410-03 | Ta 4d5/2 | 226.33 | 5.69 | 46830 | 2.17 | ··· | Ta |
01410-03 | Ta 4d3/2 | 237.49 | 5.70 | 31380 | 1.08 | ··· | Ta |
01410-04 | Ta 4p3/2 | 401.02 | 6.9 | 26110 | 2.170 | ··· | Ta |
01410-04 | Ta 4p1/2 | 462.20 | 6.9 | 13055 | 1.085 | ··· | Ta |
01410-04 | Ta 4p3/2 | 420.82 | 16.16 | 13690 | 2.170 | ··· | Ta-O |
01410-04 | Ta 4p1/2 | 482.00 | 16.16 | 6820 | 1.085 | ··· | Ta-O |
01410-04 | O 1s | 530.80 | 1.55 | 1340 | 0.78 | ··· | O |
01410-05 | Ta 4s | 563.02 | 8.135 | 5605 | 0.244 | ··· | Ta |
01410-06 | Ta 5s | 68.75 | 8.88 | 2840 | 0.227 | ··· | Ta |
01410-06 | Ta 5p3/2 | 32.51 | 1.60 | ··· | 0.262 | ··· | Ta |
01410-06 | Ta 5p1/2 | 43.71 | 7.51 | 10700 | 0.131 | ··· | Ta |
Spectrum ID # . | Element/Transition . | Peak Energy (eV) . | Peak Width FWHM (eV) . | Peak Area (eV × cts/s) . | Sensitivity Factor . | Concentration (at. %) . | Peak Assignment . |
01408-02 | V 2p3/2 | 506.60 | 0.60 | 24570 | 1.41 | ··· | V |
01408-02 | V 2p1/2 | 514.15 | 0.63 | 11990 | 0.71 | ··· | V |
01408-02 | O 1s | 525.49 | 1.91 | 1970 | 0.78 | ··· | O |
01408-03 | V 3p | 31.43 | 0.917 | 3910 | 0.274 | ··· | V |
01408-04 | V 3s | 60.30 | 1.99 | 2150 | 0.131 | ··· | V |
01408-05 | V 2s | 620.58 | 6.11 | 8540 | 0.673 | ··· | V |
01409-02 | Nb 3d5/2 | 202.26 | 0.433 | 28130 | 1.75 | ··· | Nb |
01409-02 | Nb 3d3/2 | 204.99 | 0.433 | 14070 | 1.17 | ··· | Nb |
01409-04 | Nb 3p3/2 | 360.35 | 2.181 | 38020 | 1.75 | ··· | Nb |
01409-04 | Nb 3p1/2 | 374.86 | 2.181 | 15410 | 0.88 | ··· | Nb |
01409-05 | Nb 4s | 56.00 | 4.7 | 1874 | 0.126 | ··· | Nb |
01409-05 | Nb 4p3/2 | 30.60 | 1.13 | 3907 | 0.254 | ··· | Nb |
01409-05 | Nb 4p1/2 | 32.45 | 1.16 | 1954 | 0.127 | ··· | Nb |
01409-06 | Nb 3s | 466.55 | 6.76 | 6250 | 0.393 | ··· | Nb |
01410-02 | Ta 4f7/2 | 21.56 | 0.39 | 22000 | 1.761 | ··· | Ta |
01410-02 | Ta 4f5/2 | 23.48 | 0.39 | 16500 | 1.321 | ··· | Ta |
01410-02 | Ta 4f7/2 | 23.06 | 1.06 | 2865 | 1.761 | ··· | Ta-O |
01410-02 | Ta 4f5/2 | 24.98 | 1.06 | 2150 | 1.321 | ··· | Ta-O |
01410-03 | Ta 4d5/2 | 226.33 | 5.69 | 46830 | 2.17 | ··· | Ta |
01410-03 | Ta 4d3/2 | 237.49 | 5.70 | 31380 | 1.08 | ··· | Ta |
01410-04 | Ta 4p3/2 | 401.02 | 6.9 | 26110 | 2.170 | ··· | Ta |
01410-04 | Ta 4p1/2 | 462.20 | 6.9 | 13055 | 1.085 | ··· | Ta |
01410-04 | Ta 4p3/2 | 420.82 | 16.16 | 13690 | 2.170 | ··· | Ta-O |
01410-04 | Ta 4p1/2 | 482.00 | 16.16 | 6820 | 1.085 | ··· | Ta-O |
01410-04 | O 1s | 530.80 | 1.55 | 1340 | 0.78 | ··· | O |
01410-05 | Ta 4s | 563.02 | 8.135 | 5605 | 0.244 | ··· | Ta |
01410-06 | Ta 5s | 68.75 | 8.88 | 2840 | 0.227 | ··· | Ta |
01410-06 | Ta 5p3/2 | 32.51 | 1.60 | ··· | 0.262 | ··· | Ta |
01410-06 | Ta 5p1/2 | 43.71 | 7.51 | 10700 | 0.131 | ··· | Ta |
Spectrum ID # . | Element/Transition . | Peak Energy (eV) . | Peak Width FWHM (eV) . | Peak Area (eV × cts/s) . | Sensitivity Factor . | Concentration (at. %) . | Peak Assignment . |
1408-07 a | V Fermi edge | 0 | ··· | ··· | ··· | ··· | Fermi edge |
1409-08 b | Nb Fermi edge | 0 | ··· | ··· | ··· | ··· | ··· |
1410-08 c | Ta Fermi edge | 0 | ··· | ··· | ··· | ··· | ··· |
1411-01 d | Ag 3d5/2 | 368.24 | 0.52 | 129360 | ··· | ··· | 3d5/2 |
1411-02 e | Ag 3d5/2 | 367.69 | 2.00 | 10393 | ··· | ··· | 3d5/2 |
Spectrum ID # . | Element/Transition . | Peak Energy (eV) . | Peak Width FWHM (eV) . | Peak Area (eV × cts/s) . | Sensitivity Factor . | Concentration (at. %) . | Peak Assignment . |
1408-07 a | V Fermi edge | 0 | ··· | ··· | ··· | ··· | Fermi edge |
1409-08 b | Nb Fermi edge | 0 | ··· | ··· | ··· | ··· | ··· |
1410-08 c | Ta Fermi edge | 0 | ··· | ··· | ··· | ··· | ··· |
1411-01 d | Ag 3d5/2 | 368.24 | 0.52 | 129360 | ··· | ··· | 3d5/2 |
1411-02 e | Ag 3d5/2 | 367.69 | 2.00 | 10393 | ··· | ··· | 3d5/2 |
Fermi function fit gives position of the Fermi level at E = 0.056 (0.005) eV, and broadening that includes thermal and instrumental broadening T = 0.094 (0.004) eV, which includes thermal broadening and instrument resolution.
Fermi function fit gives position of the Fermi level at E = 0.073 (0.004) eV, and broadening that includes thermal and instrumental broadening T = 0.093 (0.004) eV, which includes thermal broadening and instrument resolution.
Fermi function fit gives position of the Fermi level at E = 0.023 (0.003) eV, and broadening that includes thermal and instrumental broadening T = 0.094 (0.003) eV, which includes thermal broadening and instrument resolution.
Ag 3d5/2 calibration peak with passing energy of 10 eV.
Ag 3d5/2 calibration peak with passing energy of 160 eV.
Spectrum (Accession) # . | Spectral Region . | Voltage Shifta . | Multiplier . | Baseline . | Comment # . |
1408-01 | survey | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1408-02 | O 1s, V 2p 1/2, V 2p 3/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1408-03 | V 3p | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1408-04 | V 3s | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1408-05 | V 2s | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1408-06 | V LMM | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1408-07 | V valence band | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1408-07 | V valence band, fit | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1409-01 | survey | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
1409-02 | Nb 3d3/2, Nb 3d5/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
1409-03 | Nb 3d5/2, Nb 3d3/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
1409-04 | Nb 3p1/2, Nb 3p3/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
1409-05 | Nb 4s, Nb 4p1/2, Nb 4p3/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
1409-06 | Nb 3s | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
1409-07 | Nb MNN | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
1409-08 | Nb valence band | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
1409-08 | Nb valence band, fit | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
1410-01 | survey | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
1410-02 | Ta 4f5/2, Ta 4f7/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
1410-03 | Ta 4d3/2, Ta 4d5/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
1410-04 | O 1s, Ta 4p1/2, Ta 4p3/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
1410-05 | Ta 4s | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
1410-06 | Ta 5s, Ta 5p1/2, Ta 5p3/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
1410-07 | Ta NNN | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
1410-08 | Ta valence band | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
1410-08 | Ta valence band, fit | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
1411-01 [NP]b | Ag 3d5/2, Ag 3d3/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 4 |
1411-02 [NP] | Ag 3d5/2, Ag 3d3/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 4 |
Spectrum (Accession) # . | Spectral Region . | Voltage Shifta . | Multiplier . | Baseline . | Comment # . |
1408-01 | survey | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1408-02 | O 1s, V 2p 1/2, V 2p 3/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1408-03 | V 3p | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1408-04 | V 3s | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1408-05 | V 2s | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1408-06 | V LMM | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1408-07 | V valence band | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1408-07 | V valence band, fit | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1409-01 | survey | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
1409-02 | Nb 3d3/2, Nb 3d5/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
1409-03 | Nb 3d5/2, Nb 3d3/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
1409-04 | Nb 3p1/2, Nb 3p3/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
1409-05 | Nb 4s, Nb 4p1/2, Nb 4p3/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
1409-06 | Nb 3s | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
1409-07 | Nb MNN | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
1409-08 | Nb valence band | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
1409-08 | Nb valence band, fit | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
1410-01 | survey | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
1410-02 | Ta 4f5/2, Ta 4f7/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
1410-03 | Ta 4d3/2, Ta 4d5/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
1410-04 | O 1s, Ta 4p1/2, Ta 4p3/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
1410-05 | Ta 4s | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
1410-06 | Ta 5s, Ta 5p1/2, Ta 5p3/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
1410-07 | Ta NNN | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
1410-08 | Ta valence band | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
1410-08 | Ta valence band, fit | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
1411-01 [NP]b | Ag 3d5/2, Ag 3d3/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 4 |
1411-02 [NP] | Ag 3d5/2, Ag 3d3/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 4 |
Voltage shift of the archived (as-measured) spectrum relative to the printed figure. The figure reflects the recommended energy scale correction due to a calibration correction, sample charging, flood gun, or other phenomenon.
[NP] signifies not published; digital spectra are archived in SSS database but not reproduced in the printed journal.
1. Vanadium foil
2. Niobium slug
3. Tantalum foil
4. Ag pellet
Accession # . | 01408–01 . |
Host Material | vanadium |
Technique | XPS |
Spectral Region | survey |
Instrument | Kratos Analytical Axis Nova |
Excitation Source | Al Kα monochromatic |
Source Energy | 1486.6 eV |
Source Strength | 150 W |
Source Size | not specified |
Analyzer Type | Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA) |
Incident Angle | not specified |
Emission Angle | not specified |
Analyzer Pass Energy: | 160 eV |
Analyzer Resolution | 2.0 eV |
Total Signal Accumulation Time | 3616.5 s |
Total Elapsed Time | not specified |
Number of Scans | 3 |
Accession # . | 01408–01 . |
Host Material | vanadium |
Technique | XPS |
Spectral Region | survey |
Instrument | Kratos Analytical Axis Nova |
Excitation Source | Al Kα monochromatic |
Source Energy | 1486.6 eV |
Source Strength | 150 W |
Source Size | not specified |
Analyzer Type | Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA) |
Incident Angle | not specified |
Emission Angle | not specified |
Analyzer Pass Energy: | 160 eV |
Analyzer Resolution | 2.0 eV |
Total Signal Accumulation Time | 3616.5 s |
Total Elapsed Time | not specified |
Number of Scans | 3 |
Accession # . | 01408–01 . |
Host Material | vanadium |
Technique | XPS |
Spectral Region | survey |
Instrument | Kratos Analytical Axis Nova |
Excitation Source | Al Kα monochromatic |
Source Energy | 1486.6 eV |
Source Strength | 150 W |
Source Size | not specified |
Analyzer Type | Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA) |
Incident Angle | not specified |
Emission Angle | not specified |
Analyzer Pass Energy: | 160 eV |
Analyzer Resolution | 2.0 eV |
Total Signal Accumulation Time | 3616.5 s |
Total Elapsed Time | not specified |
Number of Scans | 3 |
Accession # . | 01408–01 . |
Host Material | vanadium |
Technique | XPS |
Spectral Region | survey |
Instrument | Kratos Analytical Axis Nova |
Excitation Source | Al Kα monochromatic |
Source Energy | 1486.6 eV |
Source Strength | 150 W |
Source Size | not specified |
Analyzer Type | Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA) |
Incident Angle | not specified |
Emission Angle | not specified |
Analyzer Pass Energy: | 160 eV |
Analyzer Resolution | 2.0 eV |
Total Signal Accumulation Time | 3616.5 s |
Total Elapsed Time | not specified |
Number of Scans | 3 |
Accession #: 01408–02
Host Material: vanadium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: O 1s; V 2p1/2; V 2p3/2
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 1746 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 4
Accession #: 01408–02
Host Material: vanadium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: O 1s; V 2p1/2; V 2p3/2
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 1746 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 4
Accession #: 01408–03
Host Material: vanadium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: V 3p
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 2692.2 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 14
Accession #: 01408–03
Host Material: vanadium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: V 3p
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 2692.2 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 14
Accession #: 01408–04
Host Material: vanadium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: V 3s
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 2766 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 20
Accession #: 01408–04
Host Material: vanadium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: V 3s
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 2766 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 20
Accession #: 01408–05
Host Material: vanadium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: V 2s
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 6404 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 20
Accession #: 01408–05
Host Material: vanadium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: V 2s
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 6404 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 20
Accession #: 01408–06
Host Material: vanadium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: V LMM
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 14404 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 20
Accession #: 01408–06
Host Material: vanadium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: V LMM
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 14404 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 20
Accession #: 01408–07
Host Material: vanadium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: V valence band
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 4815 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 50
Comment: Following figure shows Fermi function fit calibration reference. See Analyzer Calibration Table entry for V Fermi edge.
Accession #: 01408–07
Host Material: vanadium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: V valence band
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 4815 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 50
Comment: Following figure shows Fermi function fit calibration reference. See Analyzer Calibration Table entry for V Fermi edge.
Accession # . | 01409–01 . |
Host Material | niobium |
Technique | XPS |
Spectral Region | survey |
Instrument | Kratos Analytical Axis Nova |
Excitation Source | Al Kα monochromatic |
Source Energy | 1486.6 eV |
Source Strength | 150 W |
Source Size | not specified |
Analyzer Type | Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA) |
Incident Angle | not specified |
Emission Angle | not specified |
Analyzer Pass Energy: | 160 eV |
Analyzer Resolution | 2.0 eV |
Total Signal Accumulation Time | 542 s |
Total Elapsed Time | not specified |
Number of Scans | 2 |
Accession # . | 01409–01 . |
Host Material | niobium |
Technique | XPS |
Spectral Region | survey |
Instrument | Kratos Analytical Axis Nova |
Excitation Source | Al Kα monochromatic |
Source Energy | 1486.6 eV |
Source Strength | 150 W |
Source Size | not specified |
Analyzer Type | Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA) |
Incident Angle | not specified |
Emission Angle | not specified |
Analyzer Pass Energy: | 160 eV |
Analyzer Resolution | 2.0 eV |
Total Signal Accumulation Time | 542 s |
Total Elapsed Time | not specified |
Number of Scans | 2 |
Accession # . | 01409–01 . |
Host Material | niobium |
Technique | XPS |
Spectral Region | survey |
Instrument | Kratos Analytical Axis Nova |
Excitation Source | Al Kα monochromatic |
Source Energy | 1486.6 eV |
Source Strength | 150 W |
Source Size | not specified |
Analyzer Type | Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA) |
Incident Angle | not specified |
Emission Angle | not specified |
Analyzer Pass Energy: | 160 eV |
Analyzer Resolution | 2.0 eV |
Total Signal Accumulation Time | 542 s |
Total Elapsed Time | not specified |
Number of Scans | 2 |
Accession # . | 01409–01 . |
Host Material | niobium |
Technique | XPS |
Spectral Region | survey |
Instrument | Kratos Analytical Axis Nova |
Excitation Source | Al Kα monochromatic |
Source Energy | 1486.6 eV |
Source Strength | 150 W |
Source Size | not specified |
Analyzer Type | Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA) |
Incident Angle | not specified |
Emission Angle | not specified |
Analyzer Pass Energy: | 160 eV |
Analyzer Resolution | 2.0 eV |
Total Signal Accumulation Time | 542 s |
Total Elapsed Time | not specified |
Number of Scans | 2 |
Accession #: 01409–02
Host Material: niobium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Nb 3d3/2; Nb 3d5/2
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 587 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 2
Accession #: 01409–02
Host Material: niobium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Nb 3d3/2; Nb 3d5/2
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 587 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 2
Accession #: 01409–03
Host Material: niobium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Nb 3d5/2; Nb 3d3/2
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 1467 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 4
Accession #: 01409–03
Host Material: niobium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Nb 3d5/2; Nb 3d3/2
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 1467 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 4
Accession #: 01409–04
Host Material: niobium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Nb 3p1/2; Nb 3p3/2
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 4690 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 20
Accession #: 01409–04
Host Material: niobium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Nb 3p1/2; Nb 3p3/2
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 4690 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 20
Accession #: 01409–05
Host Material: niobium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Nb 4s; Nb 4p1/2; Nb 4p3/2
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 6004 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 20
Accession #: 01409–05
Host Material: niobium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Nb 4s; Nb 4p1/2; Nb 4p3/2
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 6004 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 20
Accession #: 01409–06
Host Material: niobium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Nb 3s
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 2408 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 80
Accession #: 01409–06
Host Material: niobium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Nb 3s
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 2408 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 80
Accession #: 01409–07
Host Material: niobium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Nb MNN
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 4004 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 20
Accession #: 01409–07
Host Material: niobium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Nb MNN
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 4004 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 20
Accession #: 01409–08
Host Material: niobium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Nb valence band
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 2046 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 30
Accession #: 01409–08
Host Material: niobium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Nb valence band
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 2046 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 30
Accession #: 01409–08
Host Material: niobium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Nb valence band
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 2046 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 30
Comment: Following figure shows Fermi function fit calibration reference. See Analyzer Calibration Table entry for Nb Fermi edge.
Accession #: 01409–08
Host Material: niobium
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Nb valence band
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 2046 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 30
Comment: Following figure shows Fermi function fit calibration reference. See Analyzer Calibration Table entry for Nb Fermi edge.
Accession # . | 01410–01 . |
Host Material | tantalum |
Technique | XPS |
Spectral Region | survey |
Instrument | Kratos Analytical Axis Nova |
Excitation Source | Al Kα monochromatic |
Source Energy | 1486.6 eV |
Source Strength | 150 W |
Source Size | not specified |
Analyzer Type | Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA) |
Incident Angle | not specified |
Emission Angle | not specified |
Analyzer Pass Energy: | 160 eV |
Analyzer Resolution | 2.0 eV |
Total Signal Accumulation Time | 271 s |
Total Elapsed Time | not specified |
Number of Scans | 1 |
Accession # . | 01410–01 . |
Host Material | tantalum |
Technique | XPS |
Spectral Region | survey |
Instrument | Kratos Analytical Axis Nova |
Excitation Source | Al Kα monochromatic |
Source Energy | 1486.6 eV |
Source Strength | 150 W |
Source Size | not specified |
Analyzer Type | Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA) |
Incident Angle | not specified |
Emission Angle | not specified |
Analyzer Pass Energy: | 160 eV |
Analyzer Resolution | 2.0 eV |
Total Signal Accumulation Time | 271 s |
Total Elapsed Time | not specified |
Number of Scans | 1 |
Accession # . | 01410–01 . |
Host Material | tantalum |
Technique | XPS |
Spectral Region | survey |
Instrument | Kratos Analytical Axis Nova |
Excitation Source | Al Kα monochromatic |
Source Energy | 1486.6 eV |
Source Strength | 150 W |
Source Size | not specified |
Analyzer Type | Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA) |
Incident Angle | not specified |
Emission Angle | not specified |
Analyzer Pass Energy: | 160 eV |
Analyzer Resolution | 2.0 eV |
Total Signal Accumulation Time | 271 s |
Total Elapsed Time | not specified |
Number of Scans | 1 |
Accession # . | 01410–01 . |
Host Material | tantalum |
Technique | XPS |
Spectral Region | survey |
Instrument | Kratos Analytical Axis Nova |
Excitation Source | Al Kα monochromatic |
Source Energy | 1486.6 eV |
Source Strength | 150 W |
Source Size | not specified |
Analyzer Type | Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA) |
Incident Angle | not specified |
Emission Angle | not specified |
Analyzer Pass Energy: | 160 eV |
Analyzer Resolution | 2.0 eV |
Total Signal Accumulation Time | 271 s |
Total Elapsed Time | not specified |
Number of Scans | 1 |
Accession #: 01410–02
Host Material: tantalum
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Ta 4f5/2; Ta 4f7/2
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 551 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 2
Accession #: 01410–02
Host Material: tantalum
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Ta 4f5/2; Ta 4f7/2
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 551 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 2
Accession #: 01410–03
Host Material: tantalum
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Ta 4d3/2; Ta 4d5/2
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 2635 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 16
Accession #: 01410–03
Host Material: tantalum
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Ta 4d3/2; Ta 4d5/2
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 2635 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 16
Accession #: 01410–04
Host Material: tantalum
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: O 1s; Ta 4p1/2; Ta 4p3/2
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 3226 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 26
Accession #: 01410–04
Host Material: tantalum
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: O 1s; Ta 4p1/2; Ta 4p3/2
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 3226 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 26
Accession #: 01410–05
Host Material: tantalum
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Ta 4s
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 10217 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 64
Accession #: 01410–05
Host Material: tantalum
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Ta 4s
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 10217 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 64
Accession #: 01410–06
Host Material: tantalum
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Ta 5s; Ta 5p1/2; Ta 5p3/2
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 17156 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 18
Accession #: 01410–06
Host Material: tantalum
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Ta 5s; Ta 5p1/2; Ta 5p3/2
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 17156 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 18
Accession #: 01410–07
Host Material: tantalum
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Ta NNN
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 4142 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 18
Accession #: 01410–07
Host Material: tantalum
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Ta NNN
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 4142 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 18
Accession #: 01410–08
Host Material: tantalum
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Ta valence band
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 1364 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 20
Comment: Following figure shows Fermi function fit calibration reference. See Analyzer Calibration Table entry for Ta Fermi edge.
Accession #: 01410–08
Host Material: tantalum
Technique: XPS
Spectral Region: Ta valence band
Instrument: Kratos Analytical Axis Nova
Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic
Source Energy: 1486.6 eV
Source Strength: 150 W
Source Size: not specified
Analyzer Type: Combined hemispherical analyzer (HSA) and spherical mirror analyzer (SMA)
Incident Angle: not specified
Emission Angle: not specified
Analyzer Pass Energy: 10 eV
Analyzer Resolution: 0.53 eV
Total Signal Accumulation Time: 1364 s
Total Elapsed Time: not specified
Number of Scans: 20
Comment: Following figure shows Fermi function fit calibration reference. See Analyzer Calibration Table entry for Ta Fermi edge.
This material is based upon work performed by the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis, a DOE Energy Innova:on Hub, supported through the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Award Number DE-SC0004993.