Bismuth selenide (Bi2Se3), a two-dimensional topological insulator material purchased from Alfa Aesar, was analyzed using in situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The XPS spectra obtained from a fresh surface exfoliated in ultrahigh vacuum include a survey scan, high resolution spectra of O 1s, Bi 5d, Se 3d, Bi 4f, Se 3p, Se LMM, C 1s, and the valence band. Quantitative analysis indicates a Se deficient surface composition of Bi2Se2.8, which is consistent with the Fermi level position in the conduction band detected in this work.

  • Accession #: 01613

  • Technique: XPS, XAES

  • Host Material: Bi2Se3 single crystal

  • Instrument: Scienta Omicron Custom Design 035008 Wafer Analysis Module

  • Major Elements in Spectra: Bi, Se

  • Minor Elements in Spectra: C

  • Published Spectra: 7

  • Spectra in Electronic Record: 7

  • Spectral Category: Comparison

Topological insulators (TIs), such as Bi2Se3, exhibit topologically protected surface/edge states, making TIs attractive, defect-tolerant materials for applications in spintronics and quantum computing (Ref. 1). Bi2Se3 is characterized by a layered structure, in which each layer includes five layers of Se and Bi atoms that are stacked alternately with Se atoms on the top and bottom (Ref. 2). Neighboring Bi2Se3 layers are bound by the weak van der Waals force. In this study, a bulk Bi2Se3 single crystal purchased from Alfa Aesar was exfoliated under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions and subsequently characterized in situ in a UHV cluster tool using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) (Ref. 3).

Host Material: Bi2Se3 single crystal

CAS Registry #: 12068-69-8

Host Material Characteristics: Homogeneous; solid; single crystal; semiconductor; inorganic compound; other

Chemical Name: Bismuth selenide; dibismuth triselenide

Source: Alfa Aesar

Host Composition: Bi2Se3

Form: Single crystal

Structure: Rhombohedral

History and Significance: Bi2Se3 crystal is fixed to a sample holder by carbon tape. UltraTape® polyethylene low adhesion cleanroom tape is used for in situ exfoliation under UHV conditions.

As Received Condition: Lateral size of ∼0.1–0.8 cm, metallic in appearance

Analyzed Region:In situ exfoliated host material

Ex Situ Preparation/Mounting: The host was mounted on carbon tape affixed to a clean molybdenum holder.

In Situ Preparation:In situ exfoliation under UHV conditions

Charge Control: None

Temp. During Analysis: 300 K

Pressure During Analysis: 1 × 10−7 Pa

Preanalysis Beam Exposure: ∼200 s

Manufacturer and Model: Scienta Omicron Custom Design 035008 Wafer Analysis Module

Analyzer Type: Spherical sector

Detector: Channeltron

Number of Detector Elements: 7

Analyzer Mode: Constant pass energy

Throughput (T = EN): N = −1

Excitation Source Window: Not specified

Excitation Source: Al Kα monochromatic

Source Energy: 1486.7 eV

Source Strength: 500 W

Source Beam Size: 1400 × 1400 μm2

Signal Mode: Multichannel direct

Incident Angle: 45°

Source-to-Analyzer Angle: 90°

Emission Angle: 45°

Specimen Azimuthal Angle:

Acceptance Angle from Analyzer Axis:

Analyzer Angular Acceptance Width: 8° × 8°

Manufacturer and Model: ULVAC-PHI FIG-5CE

Energy: 1000 eV

Current: 0.001 mA

Current Measurement Method: Biased stage

Sputtering Species: Ar+

Spot Size (unrastered): 150 μm

Raster Size: 10 000 × 10 000 μm2

Incident Angle: 50°

Polar Angle: 37°

Azimuthal Angle: 135°

Comment: Sputtering was performed using a differentially pumped ion gun to obtain the energy calibration spectra only.

Energy Scale Correction: The energy scale was calibrated using sputter-cleaned Au, Ag, and Cu foils, as is described in ASTM E2108 (Ref. 4).

Recommended Energy Scale Shift: 0

Peak Shape and Background Method: Peak shape: All the peaks are fitted using a Gaussian-Lorentzian product formula. Background: A hybrid Shirley-Sherwood/Slope/Shirley-Vegh-Salvi-Castle background embedded in AAnalyzer® was used on the Bi 5d and Se 3d regions. A hybrid Shirley-Sherwood/Shirley-Vegh-Salvi-Castle background was used on the Bi 4f and Se 3p regions (Ref. 5). Peak fit residuals are shown in Spectra 3b, 4b, and 5b.

Quantitation Method: The sensitivity factors employed to calculate relevant atomic ratios are supplied by Physical Electronics.

This work was supported in part by NEWLIMITS, a center in nCORE, a Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) program sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) through Award Number 70NANB17H041. This work was also supported by PSU Two-Dimensional Crystal Consortium for the materials under National Science Foundation (NSF) Cooperative Agreement No. DMR-1539916.

, and
Nat. Phys.
R. M.
ECS Trans.
ASTM International
ASTM E2108-16 Standard Practice for Calibration of the Electron Binding-Energy Scale of an X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer
ASTM International
West Conshohocken, PA
, “The active background method in XPS data peak-fitting,” Internal Report. Cinvestav-Querétaro, 2011, see:∼aherrera/reportesInternos/activeBackground.pdf.

Supplementary Material