As indicated by the ITRS roadmap, obtaining accurate information on the electrically active dopant profile for sub-30-nm structures is a key issue. Presently, however, there is no conventional, probe-based (destructive) technique available satisfying the ITRS targeted depth and carrier level reproducibility and accuracy. In this work, the authors explore the promising capabilities of nondestructive photomodulated optical reflectance (PMOR) techniques, based on the localized (micrometer beam size) detection of variations in the reflectivity of the sample, due to thermal and plasma (excess carrier) effects as can be generated by a modulated pump laser such as the Therma-Probe® (TP) system. Earlier and more recent work using low modulation (1 kHz) frequencies has shown that it is possible, but rather tedious, to extract the electric junction depth (at about ) and carrier concentration of chemical vapor deposition grown (CVD) (boxlike) structures based on so-called power curves (where the reflected power of the probe laser is plotted versus the power of the pump laser). In this work the authors focus on high-frequency (1 MHz) PMOR, which gives two (instead of one) independent signals, i.e., the amplitude and phase angle of the reflected probe beam. It has been proposed earlier and is confirmed in this work that a single simple measurement allows for the direct and easy extraction of the junction depth and carrier concentration of boxlike profiles. Furthermore, the shape of the so-called three-dimensional PMOR offset curves ( and versus offset), where the distance of the pump relative to the probe beam is varied over several micrometers, might help to obtain information on more complex profiles. The principles allowing for the extraction of arbitrary carrier profiles, with nanometer depth resolution and carrier concentrations between and , from offset curves will be discussed and evidence for the proposed ideas will be given for homogeneously doped material and CVD boxlike structures based on FSEM device simulations.
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January 2008
This content was originally published in
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena
International Workshop on Insight in Semiconductor Device Fabrication, Metrology and Modeling (Insight 2007)
6-9 May 2007
Napa, California
Research Article|
January 31 2008
Advances in optical carrier profiling through high-frequency modulated optical reflectance
Janusz Bogdanowicz;
Janusz Bogdanowicz
Electrical Engineering Department, INSYS,
KU Leuven
, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, and IMEC
, Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
Search for other works by this author on:
Fabian Dortu;
Fabian Dortu
Electrical Engineering Department, INSYS,
KU Leuven
, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, and IMEC
, Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
Search for other works by this author on:
Trudo Clarysse;
Trudo Clarysse
, Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
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Wilfried Vandervorst;
Wilfried Vandervorst
Electrical Engineering Department, INSYS,
KU Leuven
, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, and IMEC
, Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
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Derrick Shaughnessy;
Derrick Shaughnessy
KLA-Tencor Corp.
, 1250 Reliance Way, Fremont, California 94539
Search for other works by this author on:
Alex Salnik;
Alex Salnik
KLA-Tencor Corp.
, 1250 Reliance Way, Fremont, California 94539
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Lena Nicolaides;
Lena Nicolaides
KLA-Tencor Corp.
, 1250 Reliance Way, Fremont, California 94539
Search for other works by this author on:
Jon Opsal
Jon Opsal
KLA-Tencor Corp.
, 1250 Reliance Way, Fremont, California 94539
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Electronic mail: [email protected]
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 26, 310–316 (2008)
Article history
May 31 2007
November 05 2007
Janusz Bogdanowicz, Fabian Dortu, Trudo Clarysse, Wilfried Vandervorst, Derrick Shaughnessy, Alex Salnik, Lena Nicolaides, Jon Opsal; Advances in optical carrier profiling through high-frequency modulated optical reflectance. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 1 January 2008; 26 (1): 310–316.
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