This paper reports a study of the influence of surface S on the adsorption of water vapor and liquid on an 18% Cr, 8% Ni austenitic stainless steel at room temperature. X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements of the increase of O as a function of water exposure indicate that S inhibits water vapor uptake in direct relation to the amount of S on the surface, up to coverages ≊0.8 monolayer. Higher S coverages did not further inhibit water uptake. In contrast, one monolayer of S on the surface did not significantly alter the thickness or composition of films formed in pure liquid water at 25 °C. Exposure of the S‐dosed steel to H2 O water vapor or liquid produced no observable change in the S 2p photopeak.
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© 1991 American Vacuum Society.
American Vacuum Society
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