For any adsorption process where all binding sites eventually fill, there exists a coverage θc at which a filled cluster (defined by linking neighboring filled sites) first spans the substrate. Such percolation features have been studied extensively for random distributions of filled sites. Here θc =0.59 monolayers for ‘‘p(1×1) ordering’’ on an infinite square lattice. Cooperative island‐forming adsorption involves competition between nucleation, growth, and coalescence or linkage of individual islands. Here clusters of linked islands eventually span the substrate. We use correlated percolation theory to provide a quantitative description of corresponding θc behavior, and of the fractal structure of the clusters of linked islands and their perimeters. Modified grain growth models, which correspond to continuum percolation problems, are also useful here. We show how percolation theoretic ideas can be extended to analyze nonpercolating c(2×2) ordering. Even for the essentially random adsorption mechanisms of H2O on Fe(001), and oxygen on Pd(100), such nonequilibrium c(2×2) ordering is significant. We also discuss how island‐forming cooperativity here affects the c(2×2) ordering.
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May 1988
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May 01 1988
Percolative aspects of nonequilibrium adlayer structure
J. W. Evans;
J. W. Evans
Ames Laboratory and Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011
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D. E. Sanders
D. E. Sanders
Ames Laboratory and Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011
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J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 6, 726–729 (1988)
Article history
September 14 1987
December 21 1987
J. W. Evans, D. E. Sanders; Percolative aspects of nonequilibrium adlayer structure. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 1 May 1988; 6 (3): 726–729.
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