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AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing

As an interdisciplinary, professional Society, AVS supports networking among academic, industrial, government, and consulting professionals involved in a variety of disciplines - chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, all engineering disciplines, business, sales, etc. through common interests related to the basic science, technology development, and commercialization of materials, interfaces, and processing area.

Recent Articles
Research Article
Xue-Li Tseng, Hsuan-Fan Chen et al.
in Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A
This study compares the quality of aluminum nitride (AlN) thin films deposited on Si substrates using 350 kHz pulsed DC and 13.56 MHz RF reactive sputtering techniques under identical process ...
Research Article
Rosanna A. Robert, Katie Lutker-Lee et al.
in Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A
This paper explores the use of a selective deposition process to selectively modify the thickness and/or the roughness of a metal-oxide extreme ultraviolet resist. It is shown that by controlling the ...
Research Article
Zhongyu Dou, Xiaomao Wang et al.
in Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A
With an aim to address the issue of poor corrosion resistance in magnesium alloys, we implemented ultrasonic rolling pretreatment on magnesium alloy AZ31, followed subsequently by N-ion implantation ...

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