Acoustic Black Holes (ABHs) make use of modifications to a structure to effectively decrease the structural wavespeed, thus increasing the effect of damping material applied in the ABH taper region, resulting in greater vibration attenuation. The most common way in which this is implemented is by gradually reducing the thickness of the structure over a finite interval, to a very thin tip. The focusing effect of the ABH results in high amplitude vibrations occurring in the thin part of the structure, resulting in high stresses and raising significant concerns about fatigue life. This paper presents an experimental assessment of stress in the taper section of an ABH used to terminate a uniform beam, using laser doppler vibrometer measurements to avoid the mass loading associated with accelerometers or strain gauges. A calculation of stress using Euler-Bernoulli beam theory is then presented, and the validity of this approach is assessed for a thick damping layer applied to a thin structure. A comparison is then made to predictions from a numerical model, in order to validate the results from the experimental measurements.

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