ASTM standards are used to calculate a single number performance rating for floor-ceiling assembly impact noise. A higher number represents better performance, and a lower number represents poor performance. This number is calculated by placing a standard tapping machine on the floor and measuring the radiated sound pressure level (SPL) in the receiving room below. In theory, the performance of an assembly can be represented by just this calculated number. In practice, however, the same assembly tested in the same configuration can lead to a range of single-number ratings, instead of just one number. The authors are working on developing a new measurement method with an improved standard deviation. A simulation model was used in previous works and the guidelines were developed. This research uses the previously proposed guidelines to test three structures and shows that the measurement standard deviation can be as low as approximately 1 dB as compared to the 4 - 10 dB variation observed with the current method. Additionally, the proposed method was able to rank-order the assemblies better than the existing method when compared to the subjective response in the receiving spaces.
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8 May 2022
184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
8–12 May 2023
Chicago, Illinois
Architectural Acoustics: Paper 3aAA9
October 02 2023
Evaluating proposed low-frequency measurement guidelines for impact noise in buildings with ASTM ratings
Sunit Girdhar
Sunit Girdhar
Department of Mechanical Engineering - Engineering Mechanics, Michigan Technological University
, Houghton, MI, 49931, USA
; [email protected]
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Wayland Dong
Wayland Dong
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Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 51, 015005 (2023)
Article history
June 23 2023
June 27 2023
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This is a companion to:
A new measurement method for floor-ceiling assembly performance with improved reproducibility
Sunit Girdhar, Andrew R. Barnard, Jason R. Blough, John LoVerde, Wayland Dong; Evaluating proposed low-frequency measurement guidelines for impact noise in buildings with ASTM ratings. Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 8 May 2023; 51 (1): 015005.
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