The source level (SL) of an underwater sound source can be determined by measuring sound pressure level (SPL) at a known distance from the source, modelling propagation loss (PL) to that distance, and calculating SL as the sum of PL and SPL. For a surface vessel, while modelling PL in deep water has been standardized (ISO 17208-2:2019), the calculation of PL in shallow water is complicated by the occurrence of multiple reflections from the seabed. To address multipath propagation in shallow water, the method of images is considered, including fully coherent and semi-coherent sums. The fidelity of the coherent image sum is verified by comparison with wavenumber integral and parabolic equation solutions. The semi-coherent image sum is proposed for use in shallow water and is shown to simplify to the deep-water result in the limit of infinite water depth.
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20 June 2022
International Conference on Underwater Acoustics
20–23 June 2022
Southampton, UK
Underwater Acoustics
February 24 2023
Semi-coherent image method to estimate propagation loss in shallow water for measuring surface vessel source level
Michael A. Ainslie
Michael A. Ainslie
JASCO Applied Sciences (Deutschland) GmbH
, Lise-Meitner-Straße 9, Schwentinental, 24223, GERMANY
; [email protected]
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Michael A. Wood
Michael A. Wood
JASCO Applied Sciences (UK) Ltd, The Flint Barn
, St Clair’s Farm, Wickham Road, Droxford, Hampshire, SO32 3PW, UNITED KINGDOM
; [email protected]
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Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 47, 070024 (2022)
Article history
January 16 2023
January 23 2023
Michael A. Ainslie, Michael A. Wood; Semi-coherent image method to estimate propagation loss in shallow water for measuring surface vessel source level. Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 20 June 2022; 47 (1): 070024.
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