Innovations using Compressed Earth Block (CEB) have been developed and researched over the past few decades and recently the focus for a collaborative team of faculty and students at a The University of Oklahoma (OU) College of Architecture (CoA), OU's College of Engineering (CoE), and Norman, Oklahoma's Cleveland County Habitat for Humanity (CCHFH). The multidisciplinary research project resulted in the design and simultaneous construction of both a CEB residence and a conventionally wood-framed version of equal layout, area, volume, apertures, and roof structure on adjacent sites. Researchers sought to demonstrate the structural, thermal, economical, and acoustical value of CEB as a viable residential building material. This article defines field gathered ambient Noise Criteria (NC) levels, Noise Isolation Class (NIC) with charted frequency responses, and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) acoustical measurements of both residences prior to occupancy using Real Time Analyzing equipment, with plans to further explore these values, Outside-Indoor Transmission Class (OITC), and Field Sound Transmission Class (FSTC) compared to laboratory Sound Transmission Class (STC) and Transmission Loss (TL) values.

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