Perfectly diffuse sound fields play an important role in architectural acoustics and there are established theoretical characterizations of perfect diffuseness. Although sound fields in real rooms are diffuse to some extent, they are not perfectly diffuse, and therefore theories are required to describe pseudo-perfectly diffuse sound fields. Here, we aim to spatially characterize pseudo-perfect diffuseness via directional characterization of that, finite-degree spherical harmonic diffuseness. Our results show that finite-degree diffuse sound fields yield local spatial diffuseness, suggesting that spatial pseudo-perfect diffuseness is characterized using the effective radius of diffuseness.
1. Introduction
Perfectly diffuse sound fields are theoretically characterized by using their directional and spatial properties. For example, a random-wave model1,2 composed of an infinite number of isotropic and incoherent plane waves simulates perfectly diffuse sound fields based on the directionally random properties. The random-wave model can also be defined by using random coefficients of spherical wave functions.3,4 The random-wave model also enables spatial characterization of the perfect diffuseness. The spatial perfect diffuseness is defined by exploiting the correspondence of the two-point covariance of sound pressures at a pair of positions with the imaginary part of the Green's function of the field between the positions5 or with the sinc function2 (the imaginary part of the Green's function in a free sound field). The above models and characterizations establish perfect diffuseness theoretically and provide the foundations for architectural acoustics such as the measurements of absorption coefficients using reverberation rooms.6
In contrast, sound fields in real environments never achieve perfect diffuseness; therefore, previous studies in room acoustics have attempted to evaluate the extent of diffuseness in a room.7–10 Although they are not perfectly diffuse, real sound fields are assumed to be diffuse to some extent. This therefore requires another theory describing pseudo-perfect diffuseness.
We have recently characterized pseudo-perfect diffuseness by discretizing or truncating the directional properties of perfect diffuseness.11,12 In these studies, discrete random-wave models composed of a finite number of random plane waves simulate pseudo-perfectly diffuse sound fields, and finite-degree spherical harmonic diffuseness, which is defined using random coefficients of truncated spherical harmonics, characterizes pseudo-perfect diffuseness. Nonetheless, spatial characterization of pseudo-perfect diffuseness remain unclear.
Here, we show that pseudo-perfect diffuseness can be defined spatially as local diffuseness, spatial diffuseness valid for a restricted area, via finite-degree spherical harmonic diffuseness.
Section 2 preliminarily introduces models of perfectly diffuse sound fields, defines spatially characterized perfect diffuseness, and introduces finite-degree diffuseness, directionally characterized pseudo-perfect diffuseness. Section 3 then shows that spatial diffuseness is locally valid in sound fields with finite-degree diffuseness and suggests defining spatial pseudo-perfect diffuseness as local diffuseness with an effective radius.
2. Preliminaries
2.1 Models of perfectly diffuse sound fields
There are two established methods of modeling perfectly diffuse sound fields, as shown below.
2.2 Spatially characterized perfect diffuseness
2.3 Directionally characterized pseudo-perfect diffuseness: Its definition and sound field model
Finite-degree spherical harmonic diffuseness, directionally characterized pseudo-perfect diffuseness, is defined by simply truncating the infinite-degree spherical harmonic diffuseness.11,12 Namely, Gaussian random coefficients of and with the statistical properties in Eqs. (5a)–(5c) define the Lth-degree spherical harmonic diffuseness.
Note that the above models of diffuse sound fields simulate sound fields generated by multiple sound sources emitting Gaussian noise5 rather than room impulse responses.
3. Results and discussion: Spatially characterized pseudo-perfect diffuseness
This section shows that the statistical properties of sound pressure yielded using discrete random-wave models can characterize pseudo-perfect diffuseness spatially. First, we theoretically show that the expected value and the two-point pseudo covariance of sound pressures always result in zeros regardless of the diffuseness degree, L. Following the definition of spatial diffuseness suggested by Weaver and Lobkis,5 we then show numerically that the two-point covariance locally corresponds with the imaginary part of the Green's function between the two positions and suggest defining local diffuseness, which represents spatially characterized pseudo-perfect diffuseness, by exploiting such correspondence.
3.1 The expected value and the two-point pseudo covariance
These results show that only the zero statistical properties derived above cannot characterize spatial pseudo-perfect diffuseness because they hold for any pair of positions, and regardless of the diffuseness degree, L. In addition, these zero properties are identical to those in the (continuous) random-wave model [see Eqs. (6a) and (6b)].
3.2 The two-point covariance
The upper panel of Fig. 1 shows the real part of the two-point covariance computed using discrete random-wave models of select degrees, (a) , (b) , (c) , and (d) Colored lines denote the two-point covariance on randomly selected straight lines and circles denote the sinc function, . The two-point covariance was scaled by . The lower panel of Fig. 1 shows the absolute error between the sinc function and the two-point covariance above.
3.3 Supplementary remarks
Note that emerging the imaginary part of the Green's function from the two-point covariance of sound pressures in diffuse sound fields is different from reproducing a sound field based on theories such as higher-order ambisonics20 (HOA). For example, HOA usually deals only with interior problems (i.e., sound fields without sound sources or scatterers). Our results should therefore not be interpreted based on HOA.
4. Conclusion
Aiming to spatially characterize pseudo-perfect diffuseness, we presented locally diffuse sound fields with the effective radius, , via the Lth-degree spherical harmonic diffuseness. Our findings connect the directional and the spatial characterizations of pseudo-perfect diffuseness.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI (Grant Nos. JP19H04153, JP22H00523) and Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows (Grant No. 22KJ1941).
Author Declarations
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
Data Availability
The data are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.