Non-localized impulsive sources are ubiquitous in underwater acoustic applications. However, analytical expressions of their acoustic field are usually not available. In this work, far-field analytical solutions of the non-homogeneous scalar Helmholtz and wave equations are developed for a class of spatially extended impulsive sources. The derived expressions can serve as benchmarks to verify the accuracy of numerical solvers.

Analytical solutions of partial differential equations (PDEs) are employed in many scientific disciplines, as they provide a basic understanding of physical phenomena. Furthermore, in the last few decades, with the rapid development of computational physics,1,2 they have become an essential tool for evaluating the accuracy of numerical methods. In acoustic propagation models, explicit analytical solutions are commonly derived for PDEs with point sources3 that are formally defined as Dirac distributions. However, real sources in physical applications have a natural spatial extent and, consequently, exhibit specific directivity patterns. In addition, unlike computational approaches based on the integral formulation of a PDE, such as finite elements,2 numerical methods based on a direct discretization of a PDE, for instance, finite-difference (FD) algorithms,1 are intrinsically unable to handle point sources arbitrarily located within a grid.4–6 When using an FD method, a point source is replaced by a regularized approximant of the Dirac distribution (a kernel function), and the numerical solution is then sought for the modified PDE. However, approximating a point source with a continuous function unavoidably introduces a regularization error that limits the accuracy of the numerical scheme irrespectively of the formal convergence order of the computational algorithm.5 To cope with this issue, spatially extended sources that do not require any regularization may be employed.1 

This study focuses on far-field analytical solutions to the non-homogeneous scalar Helmholtz and wave equations for sources with a finite aperture. Spatially extended forcing terms can be used to model realistic sources, and the analytical expressions derived in this work can be utilized in problems originally solved with point sources. As an illustration, the classical problem of acoustic scattering from elastic objects7 can be revisited with incident waves generated by sources with specific spatial apertures and directivity patterns. In addition, spatially extended sources can be implemented in FD codes without any regularization, and the subsequent numerical error is only due to the discretization and the properties of the chosen FD scheme. The remainder of the manuscript is organized as follows. The Helmholtz and wave equations are briefly presented in Sec. 2. The far-field analytical solution to the Helmholtz equation for spatially extended sources is described in Sec. 3. The solution to the wave equation is then derived for a particular kind of non-localized source in Sec. 4. The effects of the source spatial aperture on the acoustic far field and on the accuracy of numerical methods based on FD schemes are discussed in Sec. 5. Concluding remarks are finally drawn in Sec. 6.

The wave equation for the acoustic pressure p(r, t) due to a source s(r,t) is3 


where rd is the position vector in d{1,2,3} spatial dimensions, t denotes time, and c>0 is the speed of sound. Herein, we consider fixed sources and we assume that the function s is separable in space and time,


where b(r) describes the spatial aperture with support Asd centered around the reference location rcAs, and q(t) is the temporal envelope or transmitted waveform. The function b(r) is a non-negative integrable function normalized so as


As a consequence, when the support As is reduced to the point rc, the aperture b(r) tends, in the distributional sense, to the Dirac generalized function δ(rrc) (Ref. 8, Sec. 3.3). After applying the temporal Fourier transform, the acoustic pressure in the frequency domain f, P(r,f), satisfies the Helmholtz equation


where k=2πf/c is the wave number.

The solution to the Helmholtz Eq. (4) is provided by the integral3 


where GdD(r|rs,f) denotes the d-dimensional Green's function, i.e., the solution to the Helmholtz Eq. (4) for b(r)=δ(rrs). In the far-field, i.e., for krrs21, using the Fraunhofer approximation,3 the Green's function can be approximated as


where k=kr̂ is the wavenumber vector in the direction of r̂=(rrc)/rrc2 and rs=rsrc. The expressions of the Green's function term GdD(r|rc,f) for d{1,2,3} are found in Table 1. Therefore, for far-field propagation, Eq. (5) can be approximated as

Table 1.

Green's function term GdD(r|rc,f) for far field-propagation in a one-, two-, or three-dimensional space.

Space dimensionGdD(r|rc,f)
d = 1 jejkrrc22k 
d = 2 +j4H0(1)(|k|rrc2),k>0 
d = 3 ejkrrc24πrrc2 
Space dimensionGdD(r|rc,f)
d = 1 jejkrrc22k 
d = 2 +j4H0(1)(|k|rrc2),k>0 
d = 3 ejkrrc24πrrc2 

In Eq. (7), the integral is the spatial Fourier transform of the aperture in the direction of k, i.e., the transmitter beampattern


while the product GdD(r|rc,f)Q(f) is the sound field induced by a point source with temporal envelope q(t) located at the center rc of the aperture. Indeed, when the support As is shrunk to rc, the aperture is described by the Dirac distribution b(rs)=δ(rs), so that B(k)=1. Concisely, the far-field pressure P(r,f) at r due to a source centered at rc, with a waveform spectrum Q(f) and a beampattern B(k), is given by the product


Sections 3.1 and 3.2 describe the waveform spectra Q(f) and beampatterns B(k) for specific source functions typically employed in underwater acoustics.

We consider two waveforms, namely the linear frequency modulated pulse (LFMP) and the Gaussian-weighted polynomial pulse (GWPP), which include the continuous wave and the Ricker wavelet, respectively, as special cases. Hereafter, we denote the pulse center as tc and the central frequency as fc.

3.1.1 LFMP

An LMFP is here defined as the waveform


where τq is the pulse duration and Δf the frequency bandwidth. A continuous wave is a special case of an LFMP with Δf=0. The spectrum of the LFMP (10) can be written explicitly as (Ref. 9, integral 3.462.2, p. 365)


where σ1=1/τq2jπΔf/τq and σ2=σ1* with the asterisk denoting complex conjugation.

3.1.2 GWPP

A GWPP is here defined by the expression


where n0 is the degree of the polynomial with coefficients βi. Note that the GWPP in Eq. (12) can be interpreted as a weighted truncated Taylor series and can therefore approximate an infinitely differentiable waveform.

The spectrum of the GWPP is (Ref. 9, integral 3.462.4, p. 365)


where Hi denotes the Hermite polynomial of order i. The Ricker wavelet q(t) is a special case of GWPP with parameters n = 2, β0=1,β1=0, and β2=(2πfc)2/2, resulting in the frequency spectrum


Table 2 summarizes the waveforms considered in this work and the corresponding spectra.

Table 2.

Pulse waveforms q(t) and corresponding spectra Q(f).

LFMP e(ttc)2/τq2cos(2πfc(ttc)+πΔfτq(ttc)2) i=12π4σie[(1)i2π2fc/σi+j2πtc]fπ2(f2+fc2)/σi 
GWPP eπ2fc2(ttc)2i=0nβi(ttc)i 2πej2πftc(f/fc)2i=0njiβi(2πfc)(i+1)Hi(ffc) 
LFMP e(ttc)2/τq2cos(2πfc(ttc)+πΔfτq(ttc)2) i=12π4σie[(1)i2π2fc/σi+j2πtc]fπ2(f2+fc2)/σi 
GWPP eπ2fc2(ttc)2i=0nβi(ttc)i 2πej2πftc(f/fc)2i=0njiβi(2πfc)(i+1)Hi(ffc) 

We focus on typical aperture shapes encountered in underwater acoustic applications, i.e., the rectangular and the elliptical aperture, which are generalized in 3D as the parallelepipedal and the ellipsoidal or cylindrical sources, respectively. We include also the theoretically interesting case of a Gaussian aperture function.

3.2.1 Parallelepipedal aperture

The aperture of a parallelepipedal source is defined as


where αl+,l=1,,d are the sides and “rect” is the rectangular function. Its beampattern is given by the expression


with sinc the unnormalized sine cardinal function.

3.2.2 Ellipsoidal and elliptic cylindrical apertures

The aperture of an ellipsoidal source is defined as


where αl+,l=1,,d are the semiaxes and Γ is the Gamma function. Its beampattern is provided by the integral


where z is a scaled position vector with components rsl/αl,l=1,,d. The term rect(z22/2) is radial and, according to Ref. 10 (Sec. B.5), the beampattern (18) is given by the expression


where the term kα is the element-wise product between k and α=(α1,,αd)d, and Jν is the vth-order Bessel function of the first kind. The aperture of an elliptic cylindrical source is defined as


where αl+,l=1,,2 are the semiaxes and α3+ is the cylinder's height. Its beampattern is given by


3.2.3 Gaussian aperture

The beampattern of the Gaussian aperture


where αl+,l=1,,d are the standard deviations, is finally given by the expression (Ref. 9, integral 3.462.2, p. 365)


Table 3 summarizes the aperture/beampattern pairs.

Table 3.

Source aperture functions b(rs) and corresponding beampatterns B(k). The term kα is the element-wise product between k and α=(α1,,αd)d.

Parallelepipedal l=1d1αlrect(rslαl) l=1dsinc(klαl2) 
Ellipsoidal Γ(1+d2)(l=1d1π1/2αl)rect(12l=1drsl2αl2) 2d/2Γ(1+d2)Jd/2(kα2)kα2d/2 
Cylindrical 1π(l=131αl)rect(12l=12rsl2αl2)rect(rs3α3) 2J1(kα2)kα2sinc(k3α32) 
Gaussian 1(2π)dl=1d1αlersl2/(2αl2) l=1de(klαl)2/2 
Parallelepipedal l=1d1αlrect(rslαl) l=1dsinc(klαl2) 
Ellipsoidal Γ(1+d2)(l=1d1π1/2αl)rect(12l=1drsl2αl2) 2d/2Γ(1+d2)Jd/2(kα2)kα2d/2 
Cylindrical 1π(l=131αl)rect(12l=12rsl2αl2)rect(rs3α3) 2J1(kα2)kα2sinc(k3α32) 
Gaussian 1(2π)dl=1d1αlersl2/(2αl2) l=1de(klαl)2/2 

The far-field sound pressure in the frequency domain P(r,f) is given by Eq. (9). Depending on the application of interest, the corresponding terms for the Green's function term GdD(r|rc,f), the waveform Q(f) and the beampattern B(k) can be inserted from the Tables 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

The pressure signal p(r,t) induced in the far-field of a spatially extended source is obtained through the inverse temporal Fourier transform of Eq. (9),


While closed-form expressions for the wavefield induced by realistic sources are generally unavailable, an explicit formula for the sound pressure in the time domain can be derived for the theoretical case of a Gaussian aperture with a Ricker waveform. Introduce the retarded time tr,

and the characteristic frequency f̃c,

where r̂l is the lth component of the unit vector r̂.

For d = 1, inserting G1D, Q, and B from Tables 1, 2, and 3 into Eq. (24) yields (Ref. 9, integral 3.462.2, p. 365)


For d = 2, the sound pressure in the time domain is (Ref. 9, integral 3.462.1, p. 365)


where indicates the real part and


with Kν(e) the vth-order exponentially scaled modified Bessel function of the second kind. Finally, for d = 3, the sound pressure in the time domain is (Ref. 9, integral 3.462.2, p. 365)


By virtue of Eq. (3), the beampattern B(k) tends to 1 in the limit f0. Furthermore, since b(r) is a non-negative integrable function, B(k) goes to 0 as |f| according to the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma (Ref. 10, proposition 2.2.17). Therefore, since P(r,f)=Prc(r,f)B(k), the beampattern B(k) behaves as a low-pass frequency filter of the ponctual response Prc(r,f)=GdD(r|rc,f)Q(f). In particular, as a result of the scaling property of the Fourier transform, the broader is the source aperture, the narrower is the beampattern, and consequently the wider is the range of suppressed frequencies. This low-pass filtering effect is exemplified in Fig. 1 for a 1D Gaussian aperture with standard deviation α1.

Fig. 1.

Beampattern of a 1D source with Gaussian aperture (a) as a function of k1α1 and (b) as a function of frequency for different aperture sizes in dB re max.

Fig. 1.

Beampattern of a 1D source with Gaussian aperture (a) as a function of k1α1 and (b) as a function of frequency for different aperture sizes in dB re max.

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The analytical expressions for the far-field acoustic pressure due to spatially extended sources, as derived in this study, can serve as benchmarks for evaluating the accuracy of numerical algorithms. As an illustration, we consider a one-dimensional problem with a point source located at rc=0.11 mm, and transmitting a Ricker temporal waveform with parameters c=1500 m/s, tc=0.2 ms, and fc=15 kHz. The analytical solution p(r, t) is given by Eq. (25) with α1=0. The numerical solution pΔ(r,t) is calculated as follows: the wave equation is first reformulated as a first-order hyperbolic system and is discretized on an N-node grid with uniform spacing Δ: for i=1,,N,ri[rmin,rmax),ri=rmin+(i1)Δ,N=1+(rmaxrmin)/Δ; then, the spatial derivative is computed by the standard fourth-order FD scheme and time integration is performed via the classical fourth-order Runge-Kutta method; the point source is finally implemented via the continuous approximant4 


which does not vanish only at the end-nodes of the cell containing rc. The L1-norm error E1(t) at instant t is used to quantify the accuracy of the algorithm


In Fig. 2(a), the numerical waveform calculated at t=tmax=2.5 ms with Δ=c/(20fc) is compared to the analytical solution. Spurious oscillations clearly contaminate the numerical result. Figure 2(b) illustrates the behaviour of E1(tmax) for different values of c/(fcΔ). The blue curve is obtained by including all the computational nodes in the sum in Eq. (30), whereas only points ri in the range ri(3,4) m are employed for the red curve. In this second case, the error due to the spurious oscillations is not accounted for in E1(tmax). Nevertheless, although the algorithm is formally fourth-order accurate in both space and time, E1 goes to zero as Δ2 at best. This result can be explained by noting that δΔ(rrc) is only a second-order accurate approximation of δ(rrc). More specifically, as highlighted by6 


for any infinitely differentiable compactly supported test function ϕ. As a consequence, the main contribution to E1 is not due to the FD discretization but instead to the approximation δΔ of the Dirac distribution δ. To solve this issue, higher-order discretizations of δ have been proposed,4–6 with the works on particle methods leading the research field.11 The present work provides an alternative approach for validating numerical schemes. Spatially extended Gaussian sources can indeed be implemented in FD-based methods without any regularization. To clarify this point, the one-dimensional wave equation is reconsidered with an extended source centered at rc and with Gaussian aperture of width α1=c/(5fc). The analytical expression of p(r, t) is given by Eq. (25). Two numerical solutions are computed: in both simulations, the classical fourth-order Runge-Kutta method is again employed for time integration; the spatial derivative is now calculated with the standard second- and fourth-order centered FD schemes. Figure 3 depicts the error E1 for different values of Δ and clearly demonstrates that E1 behaves as desired according to the formal order of the FD scheme.

Fig. 2.

One-dimensional wave equation with a point source with Ricker waveform: (a) comparison between numerical and analytical solutions; (b) L1-norm error E1(tmax) (blue squares) and L1-norm error E1(tmax) calculated by including only computational nodes ri in the range ri(3,4) m (red diamonds).

Fig. 2.

One-dimensional wave equation with a point source with Ricker waveform: (a) comparison between numerical and analytical solutions; (b) L1-norm error E1(tmax) (blue squares) and L1-norm error E1(tmax) calculated by including only computational nodes ri in the range ri(3,4) m (red diamonds).

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Fig. 3.

One-dimensional wave equation with an extended Gaussian source with Ricker waveform: L1-norm error E1 for different FD schemes.

Fig. 3.

One-dimensional wave equation with an extended Gaussian source with Ricker waveform: L1-norm error E1 for different FD schemes.

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Explicit analytical expressions for the acoustic far-field induced by spatially extended sources have been derived. In particular, a general far-field solution to the non-homogeneous Helmholtz equation has been developed; far field solutions to the wave equation have been provided for the theoretical case of sources with Gaussian spatial aperture and Ricker temporal envelope. These formulas can be useful in numerous acoustic applications as well as in computational physics, especially for evaluating the accuracy of numerical methods based on a direct discretization of the Helmholtz and wave equations.

This work was performed under Project SAC000C04 of the STO-CMRE Programme of Work, funded by the NATO Allied Command Transformation.

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