Sparse Bayesian learning (SBL) offers a useful tool for wideband direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation, but its performance is limited in the presence of strong interferences. To solve this problem, this letter attempts to extend the SBL to estimate DOAs via the beamformer power outputs (BPO) because the beamformer can efficiently suppress the interferences. A Bayesian probabilistic model effective for the BPO is proposed. Based on this, a BPO-based SBL method is put forward by adopting the variational Bayesian inference to estimate the DOAs from the BPO. Simulation and experimental results confirm the good performance of the proposed method.
1. Introduction
Sparsity-based direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation has attracted considerable attention in underwater source localization because it can be applied under low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions compared with traditional high-resolution methods.1 This kind of method represents the DOA estimation as an underdetermined linear problem because only a few sources exist in ocean acoustics. The method can be roughly classified into two categories: the lp-norm minimization method1–3 and the sparse Bayesian learning (SBL) method.4,5 The lp-norm minimization method uses the lp-norm to enforce the sparsity on the solution and solves a regularized optimization problem with an appropriate regularization parameter to estimate the DOAs. However, it is difficult to tune the regularization parameter satisfactorily. In contrast, the SBL is a probabilistic parameter estimation approach that assigns the suitable prior for the signal and enforces the sparsity by automatically estimating the model parameters from the received data, thus avoiding tuning the regularization parameter.
Wideband processing plays a fundamental role in underwater source localization. Das et al. extended the SBL into the wideband condition and proposed a wideband SBL (WSBL) method.6 The WSBL makes full use of the common sparsity profile across the frequency bins by assigning the Gaussian priors to the signals in all frequency bins with the same precision. The DOAs are then estimated from raw array outputs in a Bayesian framework. The idea is also used in Ref. 7. The main difference between Refs. 6 and 7 is that the DOAs in Ref. 7 are estimated from the covariance matrix; thus, a higher array SNR than raw array outputs is obtained.8
However, the performances of the sparsity-based methods are undermined by the existence of the nearby interferences with strong power when the power of the target is weak.9,10 To solve DOA estimation problem in an interference environment, Ren et al.11 proposed an eigenanalysis-based adaptive interference suppression (EAAIS) method. They defined a power ratio to identify the eigenvectors dominated by the interferences adaptively. The interference subspace was then removed from the covariance matrix, and conventional beamforming (CBF)12 was used to estimate the DOAs. This method requires only a rough bearing range of the target but is affected by low resolution.
Different from the EAAIS-based CBF (EAAIS-CBF),11 Yang et al.10 used the matrix filter with nulling (MFN)13 as a preprocessor to suppress the interferences. The MFN is a spatial filter, which facilitates the passage of the signals while suppressing the interferences. To achieve high resolution, Yang et al. extended the sparse spectrum fitting (SpSF)2 to estimate the DOAs from the MFN outputs and introduced a method named MFN-based SpSF (SpSF-MFN).10 However, this method is afflicted by low computational efficiency because much time is needed to compute the MFN. The beamformer12,14 is another kind of spatial filter. References 15 and 16 adopted the CBF12 as a preprocessor. Operation in the beam domain offers several advantages over that in the element domain, including reduced computational complexity and low SNR resolution thresholds.17 In these methods, the beamformer power outputs (BPO) were expressed as a linear relation of the signal power vector, and the SpSF was used to estimate the DOAs from this relation. However, the CBF has limitations in interference suppression because of high sidelobes. If the interferences are not sufficiently suppressed, the residual interference after beamforming will affect the following DOA estimation. Moreover, these methods need to tune the regularization parameters.
This letter fuses the beamformer and the SBL, allowing the SBL method to be used in a strong interference environment. The minimum variance distortionless response with diagonal loading (MVDR-DL)14 is adopted because it produces deep nulls toward the directions of the interferences to sufficiently suppress them. The main contribution of this study lies in the establishment of the likelihood for the relation of the BPO based on the perturbation model for this relation. Inspired by Ref. 6, the Gaussian priors with the same precision are assigned to the signal power vectors in all frequency bins. Thus, a BPO-based SBL (SBL-BPO) method is provided by adopting the variational Bayesian inference (VBI)18 to estimate the DOAs via the BPO. The simulation and experimental results show that the SBL-BPO achieves high estimation precision and computational efficiency in a strong interference environment.
In this paper, , , and denote the transpose, the conjugate transpose, and the conjugate, respectively. represents the vectorization operator. and are the real and the imaginary parts of a complex variable, respectively. and are the vector with diagonal elements of X being its elements and the diagonal matrix with x being its diagonal elements, respectively. is an identity matrix. , , and denote the Kronecker, the Hadamard, and the Khatri-Rao products, respectively.
2. Signal model establishment
2.1 Array-received data model
Consider that an array with M elements receives the signals from KS targets and KD interferences at and , respectively. The array-received data are divided into N blocks, and an L-point discrete Fourier transformation (DFT) is used for each block. Thus, the array output at the lth frequency bin is modeled as follows:
where , , , and represent the DFT coefficients of the received data, the desired signals, the interfering signals, and the additive noise at the nth block, respectively. and , where is the steering vector pointing the direction .
Assume that the desired and the interfering signals are uncorrelated. Furthermore, assume that the noise is uniform white Gaussian noise of the power and uncorrelated with the signals. The covariance matrix is expressed as
where and , in which and contain the powers of the desired and the interfering signals, respectively. The sample covariance matrix is always used to approximate the true covariance matrix. The relation between and is formulated as
In this equation, is the error matrix that obeys the complex Gaussian distribution19
where .
2.2 Beamformer power outputs model
Assume that the targets lie in a sector , where and are the left and the right limitations of , respectively. The beamforming matrix in is recorded as
where represents the weight vector of a beamformer with a pointing angle , and contains the pointing angles, where . Thus, the BPO is given by
where , , , and is the perturbation vector for the BPO model.
The MVDR-DL beamformer14 is used in this letter because it produces deep nulls toward the directions of the interferences, and the corresponding beam responses decrease as the interference powers increase to suppress them sufficiently. The weight vector is14
where is a pointing angle and is the DL level. The value is chosen as ,14 where is the noise power estimate. It is worth mentioning that other adaptive beamformer options are also possible. After beamforming, the interference powers are largely reduced in the BPO and can be omitted. Hence, Eq. (7) is approximated as
With the sector divided into the discretized grid , Eq. (9) is rewritten as
where and is a zero-padded version of . For any , holds if , where and are the mth and the nth entries of and , respectively. Otherwise, .
3. Proposed method
3.1 Bayesian criteria
Likelihood: It is difficult to directly obtain the distribution of from the relation . Hence, the following transformation is performed:
where is a matrix whose the (m, n)th element if ; otherwise, . In this manner, the distribution of can be easily obtained based on Eq. (4), which is given by
where . Thus, the likelihood function for is
It is unnecessary to consider the distribution of because is defined in the real domain. Hence, only the distribution of is retained, that is,
where . is omitted for simplification.
Prior: A real Gaussian prior is assigned to ,
where , and is the precision vector that controls the sparsity of . Moreover, a real Gaussian prior is employed on , as given by
where is the variance of .
Based on Eqs. (15)–(17), the posterior distribution is expressed as follows:
where is the joint distribution of all unknown and observed quantities. The and are treated as the latent variables, whereas and are the parameters.
The VBI18 is used to approximate Eq. (18). The approximated posterior distribution of the latent variables is expressed as
where is the approximated posterior, and . The approximated posterior with respect to the individual variable is updated by18
where is the ith entry of , represents the expectation with respect to , and denotes the approximated posterior except . The entries in are updated alternately while fixing the rest. The mean of , recorded as , provides the estimate of . No information priors are assigned to and . They are updated by maximizing the expected log-likelihood function.
According to Eq. (20), the approximated posterior with respect to is obtained as
With the substitution of Eqs. (15) and (16) into Eq. (21), the approximated posterior distribution of is as follows:
In this equation,
where is the estimate of . Similarly, also follows a real Gaussian distribution, whose covariance and mean are
respectively, where is the estimate of .
The parameter is updated by maximizing the expected log-likelihood function, i.e.,
After differentiating Eq. (25) with respect to and setting it to zero, the estimate of is expressed as
Furthermore, the parameter is updated similarly as given by
A summary of the SBL-BPO is provided in Table 1. The initial values of the iteration are set to , , and . The iteration is terminated when for a small tolerance or a maximum number of iterations is reached, where the superscript (i) denotes the ith iteration. Once the iteration converges, the estimated spectrum is obtained as
Inputs: , , , , , and . |
Initialization: , , , and i = 0. |
While and |
Update i = i + 1. |
Update , , , and using Eqs. (23) and (24). |
Compute and using Eqs. (26) and (27), respectively. |
end while |
Output: . |
3.3 Complexity analysis
For the SBL-BPO, the updating workloads for the signal and the noise parameters in each iteration are and , respectively. The workload is then compared with that of the WSBL.6 Assume that the number of the grid points used in the WSBL is . The workload is determined by signal parameter updating with operation in each iteration. The SBL-BPO can achieve a lower computational workload than the WSBL mainly due to the following reasons. First, the SBL-BPO is defined in the beam domain whose computational workload decreases by setting a small . should be smaller than M to ensure that is nonsingular, i.e., . Second, the SBL-BPO can search for the DOAs only in the sector to decrease the computational workload because the MVDR-DL is used to suppress the signals outside of . For the WSBL, the bases of the out-of-sector signals should be included in the dictionary matrix. Otherwise, the powers of the out-of-sector signals will leak to , affecting the DOA estimation in . Hence, the searching area in the WSBL is larger than that in the SBL-BPO, i.e., .
4. Simulation and experimental results
4.1 Simulation results
The SBL-BPO is compared with the sparse reconstruction based on multiple beamspace measurements (MBM-SR),15 the SpSF-MFN,10 the EAAIS-CBF,11 and the WSBL.6 A uniform linear array (ULA) with 32 sensors spaced at 4 m is considered. The directions of two targets and one interference are –10°, –7°, and 10°. The frequency range is [90, 180] Hz. The received data sampled at 2 kHz are divided into N blocks with the lengths of 1000. A 1000-point DFT is applied in each block. The sector in the SBL-BPO and the MBM-SR is set to [ –16°, –2°] and divided with a step of 2° to obtain the beam pointing angles, i.e., . The passband and the stopband in the MFN are set to [−16°, −2°] and [−90°, −23°]∪[5°, 90°], respectively. The stopband attenuation is set to −15 dB. The rough bearing range in the EAAIS-CBF is set to [−16°, −2°]. The SBL-BPO, the MBM-SR, and the SpSF-MFN search for the DOAs in with a grid interval of 1°, i.e., , for a fair comparison. The WSBL estimates the DOAs in the entire space with a grid interval of 1° to ensure the inclusion of the bases of the signals in the dictionary matrix. The tolerance and the maximum number of iterations are set to and 3000, respectively. All simulations are performed in matlab on a PC with an Intel Core i7–6820HQ CPU and 32 GB RAM.
The methods are first compared from the perspective of estimation precision, examined by the root mean square error (RMSE),
where and are the estimated DOA in the wth simulation and the true DOA, respectively. W is the sum of the Monte Carlo runs, which is set to 200.
Figure 1 shows the RMSE versus the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) by fixing the SNR and the number of snapshots N to −10 dB and 30, respectively. The interference power increases with a decreased SIR. The performance of the SBL-BPO is hardly affected as the interference power increases due to the sufficient suppression of the interference by the MVDR-DL, decreasing its influence on the DOA estimation. By contrast, the performance of the WSBL degrades when . The performance of the SpSF-MFN is also unaffected by the interference because the MFN produces a deep null to suppress the interference sufficiently. For the MBM-SR, reconstructing the residual interference after beamforming on the corresponding basis is difficult due to the small entries of the basis outside of , leading to the leakage of its energy to . The DOA estimation is affected by this leakage seriously if the interference is not suppressed sufficiently. Hence, the performance of the MBM-SR degrades rapidly when due to the limitations of the CBF in interference suppression. The EAAIS-CBF cannot resolve two targets because of low resolution.
Figure 2 shows the RMSE versus the SNR by fixing the SIR and N to −30 dB and 30, respectively. The SBL-BPO and the SpSF-MFN employ the spatial filters to improve the signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio. Hence, their RMSEs are lower than those of other methods when . The performance of the WSBL is worse than that of the SBL-BPO due to the existence of the interference. The RMSE of the MBM-SR remains nearly unchanged because the estimation result is dominated by the leakage of the residual interference. Furthermore, the EAAIS-CBF fails due to the low resolution of the CBF.
Finally, the computational efficiency is compared considering the running time. The simulation settings are the same as those in Fig. 1, except that the SIR is fixed to −10 dB. The mean running time over 200 trials is shown in Table 2. The time usage of the proposed method is substantially smaller than that of the WSBL. The EAAIS-CBF achieves high computational efficiency because its workload mainly depends on eigen-decomposition, but its performance is affected by low resolution. The MBM-SR and the SpSF-MFN use the SpSF2 to estimate the DOAs, which need to solve convex optimization problems in each frequency bin. Furthermore, the SpSF-MFN needs to address the other convex optimization problem to design the MFN. Hence, they are afflicted by lower computational efficiency than other competitors.
4.2 Experimental results
Experimental data, which have also been used in Ref. 10, were processed in this subsection. The experiment was conducted in the South China Sea with a maximum depth of approximately 150 m in September 2016. A ULA, with 32 sensors spaced at 4 m, was towed behind an experimental vessel at the depth of 50 m under the sea surface. According to an automatic identification system, a few vessels located at approximately −18°, −25°, and −29° (Ref. 10) were regarded as targets and recorded as Target1, Target2, and Target3. The radiation noises from the experimental vessel and other surface sources were regarded as interferences. The received data sampled at 2048 Hz are divided into 146 frames with 10 s of data, and the overlap between the adjacent frames is 80%. The data in each frame are divided into 39 blocks with 50% overlap, i.e., N = 39. A 1024-point DFT is applied in each block. The analyzed frequency ranges from 90 Hz to 180 Hz. The in the SBL-BPO and the MBM-SR is set to [−30°, −12°]. The rough bearing range in the EAAIS-CBF is set to [−30°, −12°]. The passband and the stopband in the MFN are set to [−30°, −12°] and [−90°, −35°]∪[−7°, 90°], respectively. The SBL-BPO, the MBM-SR, the SpSF-MFN, and the EAAIS-CBF estimate the DOAs in with a step of 1°. The WSBL estimates the DOAs in the entire space to ensure that all bases of the signals are included. Other parameters are set the same as those in the simulations. All results are calculated in matlab on a PC with an Intel Core i7–6820HQ CPU and 32 GB RAM.
Figure 3 shows the result of each method. The SBL-BPO and the SpSF-MFN can resolve three targets because the influence of the interferences is alleviated by the spatial filters. The performance of the MBM-SR is affected by the residual interferences, and the directions of Target2 and Target3 cannot be estimated in Fig. 3(b). The EAAIS-CBF is afflicted by low resolution, thus failing to resolve Target2 and Target3. The WSBL also has some difficulties in resolving Target2 and Target3, particularly from 80 s to 120 s. It is worth mentioning that the array deformation always exists in practical signal processing. The robustness of the SBL-BPO to the array deformation mainly depends on the robustness of the beamformer. The MVDR-DL is robust to the sensor position errors,14 which increases the robustness of the SBL-BPO to such array deformation.
Table 3 lists the mean running time of each method over frames. Similar to Table 2, the SBL-BPO requires less time than other sparsity-based methods because of the low computational workload. The EAAIS-CBF is computationally efficient but leaves a low resolution. Moreover, the MBM-SR and the SpSF-MFN require more time than other competitors because they need to solve convex optimization problems in each frequency bin. Therefore, the experimental results confirm that the SBL-BPO achieves high resolution and computational efficiency in a strong interference environment.
5. Conclusions
This letter fuses the beamformer and the SBL method to increase the robustness of the SBL in a strong interference environment. The MVDR-DL is used to suppress the interferences, such that the interference power is much reduced in the BPO. The perturbation for the relation of the BPO is deduced in this letter, thus establishing the likelihood for this relation. Based on this, the SBL-BPO is put forward by using the VBI to the established Bayesian model, avoiding tuning the regularization parameter. The simulation and experimental results confirm that the proposed method improves the performance of the SBL method in a strong interference environment. Furthermore, the proposed method also achieves higher computational efficiency than other sparsity-based methods.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants Nos. 11974286 and 11904274).