Criteria for low frequency and infrasound were developed under contract to Kern County, California, to allow assessment of potential public reaction to wind‐energy farm developments. Recent literature was reviewed regarding possible annoyance, physical discomfort, and perception of sound in the frequency range of 2–125 Hz. Criteria suggested by a number of authors were compared to determine commonality of recommended sound pressure levels versus frequency in one‐third octave bands. The suggested criteria were than evaluated as to whether they addressed the issue of annoyance, rather than perception. A set of criteria was then proposed which incorporated empirically derived criteria intended to minimize community reaction, incorporating a 5‐dB penalty for the impulsive components which are sometimes present in low frequency and infrasound produced by wind‐energy farm installations. The resulting criteria represent a balance between sound pressure levels which are perceptible and those which are expected to result in community annoyance.
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December 1986
August 13 2005
Criteria for low frequency and infrasound from wind‐energy farms
Jim Buntin;
Jim Buntin
Brown‐Buntin Associates, 5908 Fair Oaks Boulevard, Carmichael, CA 95608
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Robert E. Brown
Robert E. Brown
Brown‐Buntin Associates, 5908 Fair Oaks Boulevard, Carmichael, CA 95608
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 80, S29 (1986)
Jim Buntin, Robert E. Brown; Criteria for low frequency and infrasound from wind‐energy farms. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 December 1986; 80 (S1): S29.
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