A low‐noise “blowdown” water tunnel has been constructed for investigation of tones generated by multihole plates. Multihole orifices are mounted in the wall of a compact resonator chamber, simulating standing‐wave conditions. The test chamber, immersed in a 260‐gal open tank, is supplied by 4‐in. piping connected to a 55‐gal reservoir mounted on a 16‐ft tower. The system is able to supply up to 80 kg/s of mass flow at a speed of 10 m/s. Water level in the test tank is kept level by means of a weir near the top, which empties into a collection barrel. Flow rate is monitored by weighing the barrel over a measured time. Results of preliminary tests will be described. [Work supported by Naval Sea Systems Command General Hydromechanics Research Program, administered by the David W. Taylor Naval Ship R & D Center, Bethesda, MD.]

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