Window and wall acceleration measurements and interior noise measurements were made for two different building structures during excitation by noise from the WTS‐4 horizontal axis wind turbine generator operating in a normal power generation mode. Wind turbine noise input pulses resulted in acceleration pulses for the wall and window elements of the two test buildings. Response spectra suggest that natural vibration modes of the structures are excited. Responses of a house trailer were substantially greater than those for a building of sturdier construction. Peak acceleration values correlate well with similar data for houses excited by flyover noise from commercial and military airplanes and helicopters, and sonic booms from supersonic aircraft. Interior noise spectra have peaks at frequencies corresponding to structural vibration modes and roomstanding waves; the levels for particular frequencies and locations can be higher than the outside levels.
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April 1985
August 12 2005
Response measurements for two building structures excited by noise from a large horizontal axis wind turbine generator
Harvey H. Hubbard;
Harvey H. Hubbard
The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23185
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Kevin P. Shepherd
Kevin P. Shepherd
The Bionetics Corporation, 18 Research Drive, Hampton, VA 23665
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 77, S32 (1985)
Harvey H. Hubbard, Kevin P. Shepherd; Response measurements for two building structures excited by noise from a large horizontal axis wind turbine generator. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 April 1985; 77 (S1): S32.
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