The Biot theory treats a porous, fluid‐filled material as a composite of two, interpenetrating elastic continua. In the theoretical description this composite nature is reflected by a set of two equations of motion which are coupled via a flow term. It can be shown that this formulation includes viscous relaxation due to a local flow of the pore fluid relative to the frame. This local flow is strongly frequency‐dependent because the geometry of the pores supports flow only for a certain wavelength range in which the fluid flow can follow the excitation by the elastic wave. Accordingly we derive a relaxation time τ which is partly determined by geometrical factors. τ is expressed in terms of permeability, porosity, viscosity, and effective modulus. The viscous relaxation in a porous material can result in a local minimum in the frequency dependence of the reflectivity and a corresponding step in the sound velocity. These and other unusual features predicted by the Biot theory are explained in terms of a viscous relaxation process.
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May 1984
August 12 2005
The effect of viscous relaxation on sound propagation in porous materials
M. v. Haumeder
M. v. Haumeder
SACLANT ASW Research Centre, La Spezia, APO New York, NY 09019
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 75, S34 (1984)
M. v. Haumeder; The effect of viscous relaxation on sound propagation in porous materials. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 May 1984; 75 (S1): S34.
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