Measurements have been made at 25 °C of the effect of pressure on sound absorption in Lyman and Fleming synthetic seawater from 30–300 kHz up to 307 atm. Similar measurements were made in solution and in a solution. The decrease with pressure of absorption per wavelenght (αλ) in seawater differs substantially from those reported by other investigators. The relaxation frequency, within experimental error, was found to be independent of pressure. For seawater, increasing pressure to 307 atm reduced absorption by 26.3%, very nearly the same (28.2%) as was observed previously for solutions. The addition of to the solution decreased the absorption by a factor of 4 and the effect of pressure was found to be independent of the concentration. The Eigen and Tamm multistate dissociation parameters which best describe the pressure dependence of sound absorption and electrical conductance in a 0.02M solution predict a 21.4% decrease in absorption at 307 atm compared to the observed 19.6% decrease. However, these parameters yield an equilibrium constant which differs from conductance derived value by a factor of 3.
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May 1983
August 12 2005
Effect of pressure on sound absorption in seawater and in aqueous solutions of
C. C. Hsu;
C. C. Hsu
Department of Electrical Engineering, Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, Ta‐hsi, Tao‐yuan, Taiwan 335, Republic of China
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F. H. Fisher
F. H. Fisher
University of California, San Diego Marine Physical Laboratory of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, CA 92152
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 73, S50 (1983)
C. C. Hsu, F. H. Fisher; Effect of pressure on sound absorption in seawater and in aqueous solutions of . J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 May 1983; 73 (S1): S50.
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