It is possible to predict the moduli of advanced composites from the properties of the fiber and matrix by using micromechanics. It is not yet possible to do this with precision for damping values. Thus, laminate damping values are best predicted from values measured on unidirectional material. It is therefore crucially important that these measured values are reliable and that a suitable technique then be used for predicting the laminate damping. Methods will be described for measuring unidirectional properties in torsion and flexure together with the precautions necessary to ensure accuracy: results will be given. The theoretical technique for predicting laminate damping values will be described and these predictions will be compared with experimental results for the same laminae. Very good agreement has been achieved between theory and practice. [Work supported by Science Research Council, England.]
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April 1980
August 11 2005
Prediction and measurement of the damping properties of graphite‐epoxy composites
R. D. Adams
R. D. Adams
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 ITR, England
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 67, S48–S49 (1980)
R. D. Adams; Prediction and measurement of the damping properties of graphite‐epoxy composites. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 April 1980; 67 (S1): S48–S49.
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