The results reported by Kurtze and Tamm for sound absorption in solutions and the results reported by Eigen, Kurtze, and Tamm for sound absorption in solutions are discussed. The puzzle is that the ion‐pairing effects seem to be radically different from those exhibited by and other salts. exhibits significant sound absorption and displays a different concentration dependence below 0.1M than most salts exhibiting sound absorption. When NaCl is added to solutions, the reduction in absorption can be calculated from the equation given by Kurtze and Tamm: , where A0 is the absorption in pure aqueous solution, A is the absorption when NaCl is added, and the brackets denote concentration of the salt within the bracket. For mixtures Kurtze and Tamm found f = 0.21. For mixtures f was not independent of the ratios of salt concentrations. These puzzles are discussed in the framework of the differential sound‐absorption technique suggested by Fisher to measure ion pairing of unsymmetrical electrolytes. [Research supported by the National Science Foundation.]
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May 1978
August 11 2005
Puzzles about sound absorption and ion pairing in sulfuric acid and aqueous solutions
F. H. Fisher
F. H. Fisher
University of California, San Diego, Marine Physical Laboratory of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, CA 92152
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 63, S42 (1978)
F. H. Fisher; Puzzles about sound absorption and ion pairing in sulfuric acid and aqueous solutions. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 May 1978; 63 (S1): S42.
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