Optimal synthesis for the general line array is defined here to mean the determination of element currents to minimize the sidelobe level for a specified beamwidth. Presently, available methods for the solution of this synthesis problem rely on either (1) a special set of positions (equispaced or symmetrically spaced) for which globally optimum currents can be computed or (2) some mathematical programming method (e.g., gradient descent) which can give only locally optimum results. In this paper, the author gives an algorithm which will yield globally optimum element currents for any given set of element positions. The first step of this algorithm maximizes the ratio of the power in the mainlobe region to the power in the sidelobe region and may be computed explicitly, since it can be expressed as an eigenproblem. Each additional step in the algorithm requires an iterative solution which may not be worth the effort, since the first step alone yields excellent results. The algorithm has the advantage of being applicable to broadband synthesis and the consequent suppression of grating lobes whenever the specified element positions make that possible. The primary drawback is that some sets of element positions result in numerically ill‐conditioned eigenproblems. An example is given to illustrate the algorithm. [This work was sponsored by the Naval Underwater Systems Center.]

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