Authority for the implementation of hearing conservation programs within the Department of the Army is established in Army Regulation 40‐5, “Preventive Medicine.” This regulation directs all Army installations to institute and administer active hearing conservation programs subject to frequent inspection and review. In addition, Department of the Army Circular 40‐2 places command emphasis on all phases of the program. Guidance and policies for the conduct of hearing conservation programs are set forth in Technical Bulletin (Medical) 251, “Noise and Conservation of Hearing.” TB MED 251 specifies (1) noise exposure criteria more stringent than those of OSHA, (2) noise hazard evaluation methodology, (3) engineering noise control techniques, (4) personnel protective measures, (5) administrative and clinical procedures for audiometric evaluations, (6) organization of health education program, and (7) the role of command, medical, and supervisory personnel in the conduct of the program. Although these policies are prescribed primarily for occupational noise exposure, there is overlap into nonoccupational activities of personnel. Additional Army documents provide noise emission standards for the procurement of Army equipment.

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