Urban man, immersed in everyday noise, receives little benefit from the science and technology of acoustics. He is low man in the noise source‐transmission path‐receiver system. Yet there is extensive know‐how for noise control in industry and aerospace. In contrast, urban man continues to suffer, unabated and magnified, the same disabling noises of two generations ago. Today in addition, his environment is blighted by the inadequately muffled noises of aviation. Uniform guidelines are needed. Faced with this indisputable evidence of neglect, urban man must become responsible for his own protection. Citizens for a Quieter City has been formed to create an awareness of the need for the control of city noises and of the means available for noise control. It has a formal structure and draws upon a wide spectrum of experience and support, including that of humanist scientists and technologists. It is concluded that a knowledgeable citizen's noise abatement organization is a necessity. CQC has already proven productive, and extensive planning for the future is underway. A quieter everyday environment is possible, reasonable—and long overdue.

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